Current Release Notes for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service release-notes

The following section outlines the general Release Notes for the current (latest) version of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

From here, you can navigate to release notes of previous versions. For example, for those in 2020 and 2021.
See Recent Documentation Updates for details of documentation updates not directly related to a release.

Release Date release-date

The release date of Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service current release (2021.8.0) is August 26, 2021.
The following release (2021.9.0) is on October 6, 2021.

Release Video release-video

Have a look at the August 2021 Release Overview video for a summary of the features added.

Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service assets

New features in Assets assets-features

  • When sharing digital assets as a link, the user can copy the URL to the clipboard right away. The enhancement lets you share assets in a faster and more convenient way. This functionality allows for faster and convenient asset sharing.

    Copy URL option when sharing an asset as a link
    Figure: When sharing an asset as a link, you can now copy the URL to share it separately.

  • When you upload TXT files, the asset microservices automatically generate a thumbnail. The PNG thumbnail is a rendition of a TXT file that helps users identity the contents or the files to some extent, without opening the files. This functionality does not require any configuration and works by default.

    A rendition of a TXT file is automatically generated by Assets in a PNG format
    Figure: A rendition of a TXT file is automatically generated to help you identify the file without opening.

New feature in the Assets prerelease channel assets-prerelease-features

  • Users can now sort the assets displayed in the search results in Column and Card views. The sorting works on Name, Created, Modified, or None columns.

    Sort the search results in Assets in Column and Card views
    Figure: Sort the search results in Assets in Column and Card views.

Bugs fixed in Assets assets-bugs-fixed

  • When a member of the contributor group navigates to the Assets Console, an extra POST request is generated to create a Collection. This request is not required; it fails due to permissions issues, and creates many errors in the logs. (CQ-4328856)
  • When users view an asset and select the Timeline from the pop-up menu in the left panel, an error is displayed. In the logs, many warnings are logged due to a bad query. (CQ-4328919)

Experience Manager Forms as a Cloud Service forms

What is new in Forms what-is-new-forms

New features available in Forms prerelease channel prerelease-features-forms

  • Use Adobe Sign roles in an Adaptive Form – Adobe Sign for business and enterprise service levels can optionally expand the roles for Agreement recipients, beyond just the Signer, to better match their workflow requirements. You can now enable each recipient of the agreement to configure their role in an Adaptive Form, with Signer being the default role.

  • Analytics for Adaptive Forms – You can now capture and track end-user behavior via Adobe Analytics for Adaptive Forms to gather end-user insights. It helps make informed decisions based on data to improve the end-user experience.

  • Easily connect AEM Forms with Microsoft® Dynamics and – The service provides out of the box data source configuration and data models for Microsoft® Dynamics and This makes it faster and easier for developers to configure Microsoft® Dynamics and as data sources for an adaptive form.

CIF Add-on cloud-services-cif

What is New what-is-new-cif

  • New Category Picker UI for improved user experience, increased efficiency, and better support for complex product catalog

    New Category Picker

  • Better A11Y support for CIF Core Components

Cloud Manager cloud-manager

This section outlines the Release Notes for Cloud Manager in AEM as a Cloud Service 2021.8.0 and 2021.7.0.

Release Date release-date-cm-aug

The Release Date for Cloud Manager in AEM as a Cloud Service 2021.8.0 is August 12, 2021.
The next release is planned for September 09, 2021.

What’s New what-is-new-aug

  • Cloud Service customers can now view Service Level Agreement (SLA) reports in Cloud Manager. This is going to be made available progressively over the next few months.
    See SLA Reporting.

  • The type and severity of the IndexType and IndexDamAssetLucene quality rules has been changed. These are now both Bugs of Blocker severity.

  • New Oak index quality rules have been introduced to cover asynchronous and Tika configurations.

  • Increase max SSL certs per program to 50.

  • Self-service capability to allow users to create and manage multiple repositories by way of the Cloud Manager UI.

  • SonarQube was unnecessarily reading Git history data. On large code bases, this could lead to an unnecessary build performance penalty.

  • There is now an API available to invalidate the Maven dependency cache per pipeline.

  • The version of the AEM Project Archetype used by Cloud Manager has been updated to version 29.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes-aug

  • Update Available status should not appear when the latest release is less than the current release.

  • Initial onboarding was failing for new organizations with long names.

  • Occasionally, when a pipeline is triggered twice for some reason, it results in one of the executions failing with a cannot update pipeline execution status error.

Content Transfer Tool content-transfer-tool

Release Date release-date-ctt-latest

The Release Date for Content Transfer Tool v1.5.6 is August 11, 2021.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes-ctt

  • Sometimes, not all users were migrated to the target instance. To get this fix, CTT v1.5.6 is required along with aem-ethos-tools 1.2.354 or later version on the target AEM as a Cloud Service instance.

  • The Stop Ingestion button was being disabled during ingestion to the Publish instance. This is not necessary because there is no mongo restore step during Publish ingestion.

  • CTT did not clean up the /tmp directory after a successful extraction. This sometimes led to disk space issues.
