Experience Manager Documentation: Recent Documentation Updates aem-documentation-recent-documentation-updates

This page lists important documentation changes and updates for Adobe Experience Manager since the start of the new year.

You can also view previous documentation updates.

Experience Manager as a Cloud Service aem-as-a-cloud-service

This page lists important documentation changes and updates for Adobe Experience Manager.

You can also view previous documentation updates.

Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service aem-cloud-service

Experience Manager as a Cloud Service is released monthly.
See the Release Notes for documentation related to the individual releases (current and prior versions).
November 25, 2021
AEM with Dynamic Media configuration
You can now configure General Settings and Publish Setup directly from within Dynamic Media on AEM instead of having to use the Dynamic Media Desktop application.
See Configure Dynamic Media General Settings and Configure Dynamic Media Publish Setup for Image Server.
See also Configure Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode
November 04, 2021
AEM with Dynamic Media - Smart Crop
Improved Smart Crop and smart swatch of image assets using the latest Adobe Sensei services. Documentation updates include the following:
• New Preserve crop content across target resolutions option in the Crop Options dialog box in Image Profiles.
• It enhances web and mobile experiences for enterprise forms and documents. This functionality lets organizations complete complex digital interactions, improve user experiences, and extend their business reach. However, if you edit the width, height, or both in the Responsive Image Crop area of the Image Profile, then those assets are subject to reprocessing.
• New table of supported image file formats for Smart Crop and Color Swatches.
See Image Profiles for these updates.
November 03, 2021
Smart Crop Video Viewer API
New Smart Crop Video Viewer API documentation is now available in the Dynamic Media Viewers Reference Guide.
December 02, 2020
Batch Set Presets
Learn how to automate image set and spin set creation using batch set presets in Dynamic Media. See Batch Set Presets.
December 02, 2020
Accessibility in Dynamic Media
Dynamic Media and Dynamic Media Viewers support keyboard control and assistive technologies, such as JAWS and NVDA screen readers, across the authoring user interface. See Accessibility in Dynamic Media.
October 29, 2020
Core Components
Core Components release 2.12.0 introduces a new POST form handler; the ability to include custom CSS, JavaScript, and metadata tags via context aware configuration; and a DataLayerBuilderutility to simplify data layer integration in custom components. The release is available along with authoring documentation and developer details and project download are available on GitHub.
September 24, 2020
Inbox notification following a new Dynamic Media configuration
When a new Dynamic Media configuration finishes its setup, you receive a status notification within Experience Manager’s Inbox. This notification informs you if the configuration was successful. If the configuration fails, the notification gives you an error code. Use this error code when you contact Adobe Care.
See Troubleshooting a new Dynamic Media configuration.
September 24, 2020
Password reset within Dynamic Media Configuration.
Allow a first-time temporary password and subsequent password reset within Dynamic Media rather than by way of Dynamic Media Classic. See Creating a Dynamic Media Configuration in Cloud Services, steps 6 and 7, and also Changing the password to Dynamic Media.
September 24, 2020
Working with Selective Publish in Dynamic Media
You can choose to publish or unpublish assets to or from Experience Manager or Dynamic Media at the folder level. You can accomplish this task by using either Manage Publication or Quick Publish. This approach avoids relying solely on the Dynamic Media Configuration, which applies settings globally to all folders across your Dynamic Media instance.
See Working with Selective Publish in Dynamic Media.
September 11, 2020
Single Page Applications
The Single Page Application (SPA) Editor JavaScript SDK is now open source.
August 27, 2020
CDN Invalidation in Dynamic Media
You can now send a request from within Dynamic Media to have the CDN cache expire within minutes. This feature is useful when you make updates to assets and you want those changes to take effect immediately on your website.
See Invalidating the CDN cache by way of Dynamic Media.
August 11, 2020
On and Off Times for Publishing Pages
When publishing pages using On and Off Times, see the Basic tab of Page Properties, you can now pre-configure Auto-Replication.
July 23, 2020
Core Components
Core Components release 2.11.0 introduces support for AMP and is now available along with authoring documentation and developer details and project download available on GitHub.
July 15, 2020
Sling Cheatsheet
The Sling Cheatsheet has been updated to reference HTL.
June 24, 2020
Content Fragments
Updates have been made to the documentation as Models are now standard.
June 19, 2020
Experience Manager
Adobe aims to use equitable terminology throughout their code, documentation, and experiences.
For this reason, updates were made to this documentation set.
June 19, 2020
Core Components
Core Components release 2.10.0 introduces the PDF Viewer Component and is now available along with authoring documentation and developer details and project download available on GitHub.
June 04, 2020
Configure Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service with Brand Portal
Adobe Developer Console has a new user interface and workflow, and new branding. The documentation is updated based on the latest Adobe Developer Console workflow to configure Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service with Brand Portal.
June 01, 2020
Rich Text Editor (RTE)
The following articles for Rich Text Editor (RTE) are available for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service:
- Configure RTE
- Configure each plug-in
- Configure RTE to create accessible pages
- Author content using RTE
May 29, 2020
Core Components
Core Components release 2.9.0 introduces integration with the Adobe Client Data Layer and a new Progress Bar Component and is now available along with authoring documentation and developer details and project download available on GitHub.
May 19, 2020
Accessibility and the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines
Updates in relation to the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines:
- Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service and the Web Accessibility Guidelines
- A Quick Guide to WCAG 2.1
- Creating Accessible Content (WCAG 2.1 Conformance
May 04, 2020
Unsupported image formats in Dynamic Media
Information about the subtypes of raster image file formats that are not supported in Dynamic Media.
See Unsupported raster image formats in Dynamic Media.
April 20, 2020
Content Fragments
Information about Content Fragments Support in Experience Manager Assets HTTP API, together with Customizing and Extending Content Fragments, and Content Fragments Configuring Components for Rendering.
April 09, 2020
Configure Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service with Brand Portal
Brand Portal is now supported with Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service. You can configure a Brand Portal tenant with Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service on Adobe Developer:
- Configure Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service with Brand Portal
- Publish assets to Brand Portal
April 09, 2020
Adobe Asset Link v2.0 released
Adobe Asset Link 2.0 supports working with multiple Adobe Experience Manager environments and supports Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. Experience Manager supports marketers who want to configure auto-execution of asset processing workflow when assets are uploaded to a folder using AAL.
See Adobe Asset Link.
March 24, 2020
Configuration of Dynamic Media Cloud Service
A new option is available when you configure Dynamic Media Cloud Service:
Selective Publish - When you select this option it means that assets are auto published for secure preview only. They can be explicitly published to Experience Manager without publishing to DMS7 for delivery in the public domain.
See Configuring Dynamic Media Cloud Service.
March 02, 2020
Dynamic Media - Smart Crop
A new option is available when you work with Smart Crop in the Dynamic Media component:
Enable Aspect Ratio match - Select this option so you can let Dynamic Media pick a Smart Crop rendition that best matches the aspect ratio of the original image.
See When working with Smart Crop.
February 25, 2020
Role-Based Permissions
Cloud Manager has pre-configured roles with appropriate permissions. Each role has specific permissions, preconfigured tasks, or permissions, associated with each role. Role-Based Permissions page lists the functions available and the roles who can execute the function.
February 15, 2020
Dispatcher in the Cloud
The Dispatcher and CDN and Explicit Dispatcher cache invalidation sections were updated to clarify the options available and how they work.

Experience Manager 6.5 aem-65

November 25, 2021
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 11
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 11 is available.
November 03, 2021
Smart Crop Video Viewer API
New Smart Crop Video Viewer API documentation is now available in the Dynamic Media Viewers Reference Guide.
August 26, 2021
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 10
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 10 is available.
May 27, 2021
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 9
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 9 is available.
March 11, 2021
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 8
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 8 is available.
November 25, 2020
Accessibility in Dynamic Media
Dynamic Media and Dynamic Media Viewers support keyboard control and assistive technologies, such as JAWS and NVDA screen readers, across the authoring user interface. See Accessibility in Dynamic Media.
November 26, 2020
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 7
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 7 is available.
September 03, 2020
CDN Invalidation in Dynamic Media
You can now send a request from within Dynamic Media to have the CDN cache expire within minutes. This feature is useful when you make updates to assets and you want those changes to take effect immediately on your website.
See Invalidating the CDN cache by way of Dynamic Media.
September 03, 2020
Working with Selective Publish in Dynamic Media
You can choose to publish or unpublish assets to or from Experience Manager or Dynamic Media at the folder level. You can accomplish this task by using either Manage Publication or Quick Publish. This approach avoids relying solely on the Dynamic Media Configuration, which applies settings globally to all folders across your Dynamic Media instance.
See Working with Selective Publish in Dynamic Media.
September 03, 2020
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 6
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 6 is available.
July 29, 2020
Multi-Site Manager
Updates have been made to the procedures Creating a Synchronization Action and Creating a Rollout Configuration.
July 15, 2020
Sling Cheatsheet
The Sling Cheatsheet has been updated to reference HTL.
June 19, 2020
Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe aims to use equitable terminology throughout their code, documentation, and experiences.
For this reason, updates were made to this documentation set that reflects this equity.
June 04, 2020
Configure Experience Manager Assets with Brand Portal
Adobe Developer Console has a new user interface and workflow, and new branding. The documentation is updated based on the latest Adobe Developer Console workflow to configure Experience Manager Assets with Brand Portal:
- Configure Experience Manager Assets with Brand Portal
- Upgrade legacy configurations to Adobe Developer Console
June 04, 2020
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 5
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 5 is available.
May 25, 2020
Accessibility and the WCAG 2.1. guidelines
Updates in relation to the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines:
- Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service and the Web Accessibility Guidelines
- A Quick Guide to WCAG 2.1
- Creating Accessible Content (WCAG 2.1 Conformance
April 13, 2020
Asset versioning
Updated content and video on how to create, preview, and revert to versions of assets in Experience Manager.
April 13, 2020
Asset processing
A new overview is added about how workflows are used for processing assets. Also, a new article describes how to auto-trigger the workflow to process assets.
March 30, 2020
Dynamic Media - Smart Imaging
The entire Smart Imaging Help topic was updated with new information, including image asset examples that depict the added Smart Imaging optimization.
See Smart Imaging.
March 05, 2020
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 4
Experience Manager 6.5 Service Pack 4 is available.
March 04, 2020
Configuring Dynamic Media - Scene7 mode
A new “Sync all content” option is now available on the Dynamic Media Configuration page found in Tools > Cloud Services.
See Creating a Dynamic Media Configuration.