Configure search filters for Inbox configure-search-filters-inbox

You can configure search filters for Inbox items. Base your search criteria on a specific Inbox column to filter the results.

For example, to filter the Inbox items based on a Date of Birth Inbox column range, you can use the Date Range predicate to define the date range.

The following are the available predicate types for Inbox:

  • Range Predicate

  • Text Predicate

  • Date Range Predicate

  • Options Property Predicate

Ensure that you are a member of the workflow-administrators group to configure search filters for Inbox.

Create or open a customized configuration creating-opening-customized-configuration

  1. Navigate to Tools, General, Search Forms.

  2. Select the Inbox Search Rail configuration and select Edit.

  3. Incorporate the predicate configuration changes using Edit Search Forms.

  4. Select Done to save the configuration.

Delete a customized configuration delete-customized-configuration

To delete a customized configuration:

  1. Navigate to Tools, General, Search Forms.

  2. Select the Inbox Search Rail configuration and select Delete.

Configure Range Predicate range-predicate

You can filter Inbox items to search for a number range within an Inbox column using the Range Predicate. You can also choose to include decimal values for numbers.

To configure a Range Predicate:

  1. Open the form for configuration.
  2. Select the Select Predicate tab and drag Range Predicate to the form.
  3. In the Settings tab, select the Inbox column name to base your search on, from Column Name field.
  4. Specify the label for the filter in the Filter Label field. Select the Enable Decimal Values checkbox to accept decimal values for numbers while defining the range.
  5. Specify an optional description for the configuration and select Done to save it.

The configuration changes reflect when you open the Filters page. The filter label that you specified in step 4 displays as the label with an option to define the maximum and minimum values. When you press the Enter key, Experience Manager applies the search criteria on the column name specified in step 3 and returns the Inbox items.

The article lists the latest user interface options. The option names are updated on the user interface in the upcoming release.

Configure Text Predicate text-predicate

Filter Inbox items to search for a text string within an Inbox column using the Text Predicate.

To configure a Text Predicate:

  1. Open the form for configuration.
  2. Select the Select Predicate tab and drag Text Predicate to the form.
  3. In the Settings tab, select the Inbox column name to base your search on, from Column Name field.
  4. Specify the text that displays in the Search text box as a placeholder text in the Search Text Box Placeholder field.
  5. Specify an optional description for the configuration and select Done to save it.

The configuration changes reflect when you open the Filters page. When you press the Enter key, Experience Manager applies the search text specified in step 4 on the column name specified in step 3 and returns the Inbox items.

Configure Date Range Predicate date-range-predicate

You can filter Inbox items to search for a date range within an Inbox column using the Date Range Predicate.

To configure a Date Range Predicate:

  1. Open the form for configuration.
  2. Select the Select Predicate tab and drag Date Range Predicate to the form.
  3. In the Settings tab, select the Inbox column name to base your search on, from Column Name field.
  4. Specify the label for the date range filter in the Filter Label field.
  5. Specify the start date and end date labels for the filter.
  6. Specify an optional description for the configuration and select Done to save it.

The configuration changes reflect when you open the Filters page. The filter label that you specified in step 4 displays as the label for the date range filter along with the start date and end date labels specified in step 5. Experience Manager applies the search criteria on the column name specified in step 3 and returns the Inbox items.

Configure Custom Column Options Predicate custom-column-options-predicate

You can filter Inbox items to search for a custom option within an Inbox column using the Custom Column Options Predicate.

To configure a Custom Column Options Predicate:

  1. Open the form for configuration.

  2. Select the Select Predicate tab and drag Custom Column Options Predicate to the form.

  3. In the Settings tab, select the Inbox column name to base your search on, from Column Name field.

  4. Specify the label for the custom column options filter in the Filter Label field.

  5. Select the Single Select checkbox to enable the selection of just one option while applying filter on an Inbox column.

  6. In the Add Options section:

    1. Select Manual to define the filter search options manually. Select Add Filter Options to define the first option. Specify the label for the column option and the option value text to search for. For example, if you want to search for Female as a value in an Inbox column, you can specify F as label for the column option and add Female as the option value text. Similarly, you can add more filter options.

    2. Select JSON Path to define options using a JSON file path. The following is a sample JSON file to define filter options:

      code language-json
    3. Select CRX Options Path to define options using the CRX repository paths. Select Add Option Paths to add multiple paths. The following is a sample to define Male and Female filter options:

      code language-json
         <gender jcr:primaryType="sling:OrderedFolder">
  7. Specify an optional description for the configuration and select Done to save it.

The configuration changes reflect when you open the Filters page. The filter label that you specified in step 4 displays as the label for the Custom Column Option Predicate. Experience Manager applies the search criteria defined in step 6 on the column name specified in step 3 and returns the Inbox items.

The following video illustrates the steps to filter a column based on the true and false option values.

View search filters based on predicates view-search-filters-for-predicates

You can view search filters based on predicates. Select Filter on the Inbox page. The filters display in the left pane. You can then specify the search criteria to filter Inbox items.

Filters page

For more information on managing predicate configurations, see Configuring Search Forms.
