Manage asset properties in Content Hub asset-properties

Metadata banner image

The Content Hub allows you to view information about the asset which is critical for efficient asset distribution. It is the collection of all the data available for an asset.

Viewing asset properties help you further categorize assets and is helpful as the amount of digital information grows. It is possible to manage a few hundred files based on just the filenames, thumbnails, and memory. However, this approach is not scalable when the number of people involved, and the number of managed assets increase. In addition, the value of a digital asset grows, as the asset becomes:

  • More accessible - systems and users can find it easily.
  • Easier to manage - you can find assets with the same set of properties easily and apply changes to them.
  • Complete - asset carries more information and context.

Prerequisites prerequisites

Content Hub users can perform actions mentioned in this article.

View properties of an asset properties-ui

Before you use, share, or download an asset, you can view it more closely. The preview feature lets you view not just the images but a few other supported asset types as well. You can not only view the asset but also view its detailed information and take other actions. To view information of an asset, navigate to the asset or search the asset and then click the asset to open its properties. The following figure demonstrates the fields available on an asset properties page:

Properties of an asset UI

  • A: Title of an asset
  • B: Percentage of zoom or preview asset more closely by zooming in or out
  • C: Undo zoom to the previously selected percentage
  • D: Proceed to previous or next asset
  • E: Assets count
  • F: Download the asset
  • G: Edit asset using Adobe Express
  • H: Collapse or preview information of an asset
  • I: Share the asset
  • J: Add asset to Collection
  • K: Close preview screen
  • L: Information of an asset which includes title, format, size, resolution, tags, color tags, and smart tags.

Supported formats supported-formats

The following table demonstrates the supported file formats in the Content Hub:

File type
Supported formats
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • SVG
  • Quicktime
  • MP4
  • txt (Plain)
  • Doc/Docx
  • XML
Print media
  • PDF

Derived properties after uploading an asset derived-properties

Once you upload an asset, the Content Hub derives some properties that are generated automatically. The following is a list of some of them:

  • Size: Size demonstrates the logical value of an asset as per its dimensions. It clarifies the space that an asset is taking in a repository. The Content Hub supports assets up to 2GB.
  • Smart Tags: The Content Hub uses Adobe Sensei’s smart content services to train assets using recognition algorithm on the tags-based structure. This content intelligence is then used to apply relevant tags on a different set of assets. Smart Tags increase the content velocity of your projects by helping that you find relevant assets quickly. The smart tags are an example of asset information that is not contained in the image. The Content Hub automatically applies smart tags to assets, by default.

  • Color Tags: Color tags help you recognize an asset using colors that are automatically identified in an asset using Adobe’s Sensei AI capabilities.

  • Upload date

  • Uploaded by

  • Last modified

  • Last modified by

There are also properties that are specified while adding assets to Content Hub. For more information, see Add brand approved assets to Content Hub. Those properties are also displayed on the asset properties page.

Administrators can also configure the properties that display for each asset. For more information, see Configure Content Hub user interface.
