Footnote Component footnotecomponent

Adobe recommends using the modern and extensible data capture Core Componentsfor creating new Adaptive Formsor adding Adaptive Forms to AEM Sites pages. These components represent a significant advancement in Adaptive Forms creation, ensuring impressive user experiences. This article describes older approach to author Adaptive Forms using foundation components.

Footnote is the extra bit of information or notes which appear at the end of the page. Footnote comprises the notes that are indicated in your text with numbers as a superscript.

Footnotes are numbered sequentially in the order that they appear on the page. Each footnote has a unique number as a superscript which corresponds to the number which is placed at the bottom of the page. Next to the number appears the supplementary information as a footnote description.

Footnote Description

Usage of Footnote usesoffootnotes

  • Helps in providing citations.
  • Provides extra information that can interrupt the normal flow of the main information.
  • Provides parenthetical information or copyright permissions.

In Adaptive Forms, footnote is used to display the information on how to complete or use the form. For information on how to create an Adaptive Forms, see Creating an Adaptive Form.

Footnote in Adaptive Forms using-footnote-adaptiveforms

To add footnote in Adaptive Forms, perform the following steps:

  1. Open an Adaptive Form in Edit mode.

  2. From the component browser, drag-drop the Text component onto the Adaptive Form.

  3. Select the Text component that you added and select cmppr to edit its properties.

    Footnote in Adaptive Forms

  4. Select the text for which you want to add a footnote description and click star button to style the Footnote component.

  5. Click check to save the changes and styles.

    note note
    • Footnotes are numbered automatically and appear in a manner they are created on the Adaptive Form.
    • If there are duplicate footnotes, then numeration is same for all the duplicate footnotes.
  6. From the component browser, drag-drop the Footnote Placeholder component onto the Adaptive Form.

    note note
    • At the publish instance, footnotes are displayed at the position where Footnote Placeholder component is placed onto the Adaptive Form.
    • When you navigate between different panels, only visible footnotes appear in the Footnote Placeholder that are present within the navigated panel.
  7. Save the properties.

At runtime, number appears on the text as a superscript and its corresponding description appears in the Footnote component at the position where Footnote Placeholder is placed on the Adaptive Form. You can directly navigate to the footnote description by clicking its corresponding number on the Footnote.

See Also see-also
