Release Notes for Generate Variations release-notes-generate-variations

This page documents the release notes for Generate Variations, accessible from AEM as a Cloud Service and the Sidekick of Edge Delivery Services.

See this page for the current release notes for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

Release Highlights release-highlights

The current release is version 2.2.0.

2.2.0 release-notes-2-2-0

  • Implemented support for Content Fragments
  • Introduced the ability to download results as CSV files from Favorites
  • Enhanced the Recents list with time groupings
  • Localization support has been added for multiple languages

2.0.0 release-notes-2-0-0

  • Introduced universal persistent storage for Prompt Templates.

  • New functionality for Audiences

    • Audiences can be read directly from Adobe Target
    • Updated methods of adding CSV files
  • Dialog with options for Save Prompt

  • When generating images, the prompt in Adobe Express is pre-populated

  • Prompt cards (on home page) show extra information, and can be deleted

Known Issues known-issues

Previous Releases previous-releases

1.0.5 release-notes-1-0-5

  • Integration with Adobe Express
  • Move Edit prompt to side rail

1.0.4 release-notes-1-0-4

  • Internal improvements

1.0.3 release-notes-1-0-3

  • Expand, or hide the left navigation panel
  • Small improvements

1.0.0 - 1.0.2 release-notes-1-0-0-1-0-2

  • Internal improvements