Release Notes for Cloud Manager in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service 2020.10.0 release-notes
This page outlines the Release Notes for Cloud Manager in AEM as a Cloud Service 2020.10.0.
Release date release-date
The Release date for Cloud Manager in AEM as a Cloud Service 2020.10.0 is October 01, 2020.
Cloud Manager cloud-manager
What’s new what-is-new
The Environments page has been redesigned.
Hibernated environments now show a discrete status in Cloud Manager when they are hibernated.
Cloud Manager’s build container now supports compiling projects using either Java 8 or Java 11. Support for Java 11 is provided by the Maven toolchains system.
The number of environment variables per environment has been increased to 200.
The Environment card on the Overview page now lists up to three environments. Users can select the Show All button to navigate to the Environment summary page to view a table with a complete list of environments.
See Viewing Environment for more details.
Bug fixes bug-fixes-cloud-manager
The link from Cloud Manager to the Developer Console was incorrectly active before environments were fully created.
The link to the Developer Console directly from Cloud Manager did not display the option to de-hibernate/hibernate a Sandbox Program’s environment.
The Cancel and Save buttons on the Non-Production Pipeline Edit page were not always visible.
Certain failures in the code quality process could result in the log file not being generated correctly.
When creating a program, the suggested name would sometimes return a duplicate of an existing program name.
Some large pipeline step logs could not be consistently downloaded through the user interface.
The validation of environment names had an off-by-one error.
The Environments page would sometimes show publish and Dispatcher segments when none was present.