Issue while publishing forms form-creation-fails

After users update to AEM Forms as a Cloud Service version 2024.5.16461:

Some users may face issue while creating forms, the issue is such that when a user creates a form, the following error message pops up in the creation dialog box:

A server error occurred. Try again after sometime.

Cause cause-form-creation-fails

The issue occurs because the author publishes the form without first publishing the template used in it. This results in the addition of the jcr:uuid and other protected and system-generated properties to the <template-path>/initial/jcr:content node, causing failures in subsequent form creation.

Workaround resolution-form-creation-fails

To resolve the issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the template you use in your form does not have the jcr:uuid and other system generated protected properties at the path <template-path>/initial/jcr:content node.
  2. Publish the template explicitly using the template console.
  3. Now, when your template is published, try creating new forms using the template.
  4. If the template you used updates in the future releases, Publish the template again (as given in the step 2) to prevent form creation failure issues.