Introduction to Custom Domain Names introduction

Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service is provisioned with a default domain name, ending in * Using Cloud Manager’s UI you can add a custom domain to identify your site with a unique, branded name in a self-service manner. The default * domain name remains, even after you associate custom domain names to your website.

What are Custom Domain Names? what-are-custom-domain-names

Each website has a unique, machine-readable, numerical address associated with it such as The Domain Name System (DNS) is what lets you have custom, branded domains attached to websites by translating numerical addresses into memorable addresses such as

It is good practice to have a domain name for your site that is memorable for your customers and reflects your brand.

You can buy a domain name from a domain name registrar, a company or organization managing and selling domain names. Domain name registrars manage domain names on DNS servers.

Cloud Manager is not a domain name registrar and does not provide DNS services.

Custom Domain Names and BYO CDNs byo-cdn

AEM as a Cloud Service offers a built-in content delivery network (CDN) service, but also lets you bring-your-own (BYO) CDN to use with AEM. Custom domains can be installed either in the AEM-managed CDN or a CDN you manage.

  • Custom domain names (and certificates) that are installed in the AEM-managed CDN are managed via Cloud Manager.
  • Custom domain names (and certificates) that are installed in your own CDN are managed in that specific CDN.

Domains managed in your own CDN do not need to be installed by way of Cloud Manager. They are made available to AEM by way of X-Forwarded-Host and match the vhosts defined in the Dispatcher. See the CDN documentation.

In one environment you can have both domains installed in the AEM-managed CDN and installed in your own CDN.

Workflow workflow

Adding a custom domain name requires interaction between the DNS service and Cloud Manager. Because of this there are several steps required to install, configure, and verify custom domain names. The following table gives an overview of the steps required, including links to documentation resources to complete those steps.

Add SSL certificate to Cloud Manager
Adding an SSL Certificate
Add custom domain to Cloud Manager
Adding a Custom Domain Name
Add TXT record to verify domain
Adding a TXT Record
Review domain verification status
Checking Domain Name Status
Configure DNS settings by adding DNS CNAME or APEX records that point to AEM as a Cloud Service
Configuring DNS Settings
Check DNS record status
Checking DNS Record Status
Setting up custom domain names with AEM as a Cloud service is typically a simple process. However, on occasion domain domain delegation issues can occur which can take 1-2 business days to resolve. For this reason, it is highly recommended to install the domains well before their go live date. See the document Checking Domain Name Status for more information.

Limitations limitations

There are several limitations to using custom domain names with AEMaaCS.

  • Custom domain names are supported in Cloud Manager only for publish and preview services for Sites programs.
    • Custom domains for author services are not supported.
  • Each Cloud Manager environment can host up to a maximum of 500 custom domains per environment.
  • Domain names can not be added to environments while there is a current running pipeline attached to those environments.
  • The same domain name can not be used on more than one environment.
  • Only one domain name can be added at a time.
  • AEM as a Cloud Service does not support wildcard domains such as *
  • Before adding a custom domain name, a valid SSL certificate that contains the custom domain name (wildcard certificates are valid) must be installed for your program.

Get Started! get-started
