Add a custom domain name adding-cdn

Learn how to add a custom domain name using Domain Settings in Cloud Manager.

Requirements requirements

Fulfill these requirements before adding a custom domain name in Cloud Manager.

  • You must have added a domain SSL certificate for the domain you want to add before adding a custom domain name as described in the document Add an SSL certificate.
  • You must have the Business Owner or Deployment Manager role to add a custom domain name in Cloud Manager.
  • Use the Fastly or other CDN (Content Delivery Network).
If you use an Adobe managed CDN, you still need to add your domain to Cloud Manager.

Where to add custom domain names where-to-add-cdn

You can add a custom domain name from the Domain Settings page in Cloud Manager.

When adding a custom domain name, the domain is served using the most specific, valid certificate. If multiple certificates have the same domain, then the most recently updated is chosen. Adobe recommends that you manage certificates such that there are no overlapping domains.

The steps for either method described in this document are based on Fastly. If you used a different CDN (Content Delivery Network), configure your domain with the CDN you have chosen to use.

Add a custom domain name adding-cdn-settings

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization.

  2. On the My Programs console, select the program.

  3. In the side menu, under Services, click Settings icon Domain Settings.

    The Domain Settings window

  4. Near the upper-right corner of the Domain Settings page, click Add Domain.

  5. In the Add domain dialog box, in the Domain Name field, enter the custom domain name you are using.
    When entering the domain name, do not include http://, https://, or spaces.

  6. Click Create.

  7. In the Verify domain dialog box, in the What certificate type do you plan on using with this domain? drop-down list, select one of the following options:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
    Certificate type option Description
    Adobe managed (DV) SSL certificate Select this certificate type if you want to use a DV (Domain Validation) certificate. This option is ideal for most cases, providing basic domain validation. Adobe manages and renews the certificate automatically.
    Customer managed (OV/EV) SSL certificate Select this certificate type if you intend to use an EV/OV SSL certificate to secure the domain. This option offers enhanced security with OV (Organization Validation) or EV (Extended Validation). Use if stricter verification, higher trust levels, or custom control over the certificates is required.
  8. In the Verify domain dialog box, based on the certificate type you selected, do one of the following:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
    If you selected the certificate type Description
    Adobe managed certificate

    a. Complete the Adobe managed certificate steps below. When you complete the steps, in the Verify domain dialog box, click Verify.

    • DNS verification can take a few hours to process because of DNS propagation delays.
    • Cloud Manager eventually verifies domain name ownership and updates the status in the Domain Settings table. See Check custom domain name status for more details. Verify domain status

    b. You are now ready to add an Adobe managed (DV) SSL certificate.

    Customer managed certificate a. Click OK.
    b. You are now ready to add a customer managed (OV/EV) SSL certificate.
    After you add the certificate, your domain name is marked as verified in the Domain Settings table. See Check custom domain name status for more details.
    Verify domain for a customer managed EV/OV certificate
    note note
    If you use a customer managed (OV/EV) SSL certificate and a customer managed CDN provider, you can skip adding an SSL certificate and go directly to Add a CDN configuration when ready.

Adobe managed certificate steps adobe-managed-cert-steps

If you selected the certificate type Adobe managed certificate, complete the following step in the Verify domain dialog box.

Adobe managed certificate steps

To verify the domain in use, you are required to add and verify a CNAME.

A CNAME or A record, once provisioned, routes all Internet traffic for the domain to wherever it is pointing. If that location is not provisioned to serve the traffic, there is an outage. If it has not been tested, there may be errors in the content. This reason is why this step is always done after testing is complete and you are ready to go live.

To configure these settings, determine if a CNAME or apex record must be configured to point your custom domain name to the Cloud Manager domain name. The following sections of this document can help you determine which type of record is appropriate for your DNS configuration.

For Adobe-managed CDNs, when using DV (Domain Validation) certificates, only sites with ACME validation are permitted.

Requirements adobe-managed-cert-dv-requirements

Fulfill these requirements before configuring your DNS records.

  • Identify your domain host or registrar if you do not know it already.
  • Be able to edit the DNS records for your organization’s domain, or contact the appropriate person who can.
  • You must have already verified your configured custom domain name as described in the document Checking Domain Name Status.

CNAME record adobe-managed-cert-cname-record

A canonical name or CNAME record is a type of DNS record that maps an alias name to a true or canonical domain name. CNAME records are typically used to map a subdomain such as to the domain hosting that subdomain’s content.

Log in to your DNS service provider and create a CNAME record to point your custom domain name to the target such as in the following table.

Custom domain dame point to target

APEX record adobe-managed-cert-apex-record

An apex domain is a custom domain that does not contain a subdomain, such as An apex domain is configured with an A, ALIAS, or ANAME record through your DNS provider. Apex domains must point to specific IP addresses.

Add the following A records to your domain’s DNS settings by way of your domain provider.


  • A record for domain @ pointing to IP

  • A record for domain @ pointing to IP

  • A record for domain @ pointing to IP

  • A record for domain @ pointing to IP

The CNAME or A Record can be set on the governing DNS server to save you time.