Adding a Custom Domain Name adding-cdn

You can add a custom domain name from two locations in Cloud Manager:

A user must have the Business Owner or Deployment Manager role to add a custom domain name in Cloud Manager, and you must be using the Fastly CDN.

Adding a Custom Domain Name from the Domain Settings Page adding-cdn-settings

When adding a custom domain name, the domain will be served using the most specific, valid certificate. If multiple certificates have the same domain, then the most recently updated is chosen. Adobe recommends that you manage certificates such that there are no overlapping domains.

Follow these steps to add a custom domain name from the Domain Settings page. These steps are based on Fastly. If you use a different CDN, you must configure your domain with the CDN you have chosen to use.

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization.

  2. On the My Programs console, select the program.

  3. Navigate to the select the Domain Settings tab in the left navigation panel.

    The Domain Settings window

  4. Click the Add Domain button at the top-right to open the Add Domain Name dialog.

    Add Domain dialog

  5. Enter the custom domain name in the Domain Name field.

    note note
    Do not include http://, https://, or spaces when entering in your domain.
  6. Select the Environment whose service is associated with the domain name.

  7. Select either the Publish or Preview service.

  8. Select the Domain SSL Certificate associated with the domain name from the drop-down and select Continue.

  9. The Add Domain Name dialog box appears and will take you to the domain name verification process. Follow the instructions provided to prove domain ownership for your environment. Click Create.

    Domain name verification

CDN deployment requires a valid SSL certificate and successful TXT verification. This is indicated by status Verified and Deployed.

See Checking Custom Domain Name Status to learn more about various statuses and how to address potential issues.

Review the following article about the need to Add a CNAME or A Record next to avoid doubling effort when adding DNS-records to your custom-domain. The TXT entry and the CNAME or A Record can be set simultaneously on the governing DNS Server.
See Adding a TXT Record to learn more about TXT records.
DNS verification can take a few hours to process because of DNS propagation delays.
Cloud Manager will verify ownership and update the status which can be seen in the Domain Settings Table. See Checking Custom Domain Name Status for more details.

Adding a Custom Domain Name from the Environments Page adding-cdn-environments

Follow these steps to add a custom domain name from the Environments page.

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization and program.

  2. Navigate to Environments Detail page for the environment of interest.

    Entering domain name on the Environment Details page

  3. Use the Domain Names table to submit the custom domain name.

    1. Enter the custom domain name.
    2. Select the SSL certificate associated with this name from the drop-down list.
    3. Click +Add.

    Add Custom Domain Name

  4. Check the values selected in the Add Domain Name dialog box and click Continue.

    Domain Name Window

    note note
    Do not include http://, https://, or spaces when entering in the domain name.
  5. The Add Domain Name dialog box appears and will take you to the domain name verification process. Follow the instructions provided to prove domain ownership for your environment. Click Create.

    Domain name verification

CDN deployment requires a valid SSL certificate and successful TXT verification. This is indicated by status Verified and Deployed.

See Checking Custom Domain Name Status to learn more about various statuses and how to address potential issues.

DNS verification can take a few hours to process because of DNS propagation delays.
Cloud Manager will verify ownership and update the status which can be seen in the Domain Settings Table. See Checking Custom Domain Name Status for more details.
See Adding a TXT Record to learn more about TXT records.