Search expired assets

To search for an expired asset, including expired subassets, follow these steps:

  1. In the Assets console, click Search in the toolbar and press Enter.

  2. Click the GlobalNav icon and select the Expiry Status option.

  3. Select Expired. The search results display the expired assets.

When you choose the Expired option, the Assets console only displays the expired assets and subassets that are referenced by compound assets. The compound assets that reference expired subassets are not displayed immediately after the subassets expire. Instead, they are displayed after Experience Manager detects that they reference expired subassets the next time the scheduler executes.

It is possible to modify the expiration date of a published asset to a date earlier than the current scheduler cycle. However, the schedule still detects such an asset as an expired asset when it executes the next time and Experience Manager reflects the status in its report. The expiration date of an asset is displayed differently for users in different time zones.

In addition, if an error prevents the scheduler from detecting expired assets in the current cycle, the scheduler re-examines these assets in the next cycle and detects their expired status.

To enable the Assets console to display the referencing compound assets along with the expired subassets, configure Adobe CQ DAM Expiry Notification workflow in Experience Manager. The time-based scheduler schedules a job to check at a specific time whether an asset has expired subassets. After the job completes, assets that have expired subassets and referenced assets are displayed as expired in search results.

  1. Access the Cloud Manager Git repository associated with your environment.

  2. Commit a file named in the repository with the following contents.

       "send_email":"false", "asset_expired_limit":"100", "prior_notification_seconds":"86400", "cq.dam.expiry.notification.url.protocol":"http", "cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.istimebased":"true", "cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.period.rule":"10", "cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.timebased.rule":"0 0 0 * * ?"
  3. Follow the instructions of how to do OSGi configuration in Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

You can configure the scheduler using the following properties:

  • A true value of the property cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.istimebased initiates the scheduler. * The value of the property cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.timebased.rule is the regular expression to define the time. The example above initiates the scheduler job at 00 hours.
  • If send_email is set to true, the asset creator (the person who uploads a particular asset to Assets) receives an email when the asset expires.
  • The maximum number of assets expired in one iteration of the scheduler is the value of the property asset_expired_limit.
  • To run the job periodically, set the value of the property cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.istimebased as false and set the value of the property cq.dam.expiry.notification.scheduler.period.rule with time in seconds.

Asset states

The Assets console can display various states for assets. Depending on the current state of a particular asset, its card view displays a label that describes its state, for example, Expired, Published, Approved, Rejected, and so on.

  1. In the Assets user interface, select an asset.

  2. Select Publish from the toolbar. If you do not see Publish option in the toolbar, click More on the toolbar and locate Publish option.

  3. Choose Publish from the menu, and then close the confirmation dialog.

  4. Exit the selection mode. The publication status for the asset appears at the bottom of the asset thumbnail in the card view. In the list view, the Published column displays the time when the asset was published.

  5. To display its asset details page, in the Assets interface, select an asset and click Properties.

  6. In the Advanced tab, set an expiration date for the asset from the Expires field.

  7. Click Save and then click Close to display the Asset console.

  8. The publication status for the asset indicates an expired status at the bottom of the asset thumbnail in the card view. In the list view, the status of the asset is displayed as Expired.

  9. In the Assets console, select a folder and create a review task on the folder.

  10. Review and approve/reject the assets in the review task and click Complete.

  11. Navigate to the folder for which you created the review task. The status for the assets that you approved/reject is displayed at the bottom in the card view. In the list view, the approval and expiry statuses are displayed in appropriate columns.

  12. To search for assets based on their status, click Search to display the search bar.

  13. Select Return and click Experience Manager.

  14. In the search panel, click Publish Status and select Published to search for published assets in Assets.

  15. To search for approved or rejected assets, select Approval Status and select the appropriate option.

  16. To search for assets based on their expiration status, select Expiry Status in the search panel and select the appropriate option.

  17. You can also search for assets based on a combination of statuses under various search facets. For example, you can search for published assets that are approved in a review task and are not expired. To search such assets, select the appropriate options in the search facets.

Digital Rights Management in Assets

DRM functionality enforces the acceptance of the license agreement before you can download a licensed asset from Assets.

If you select a protected asset and click Download, you are redirected to a license page to accept the license agreement. If you do not accept the license agreement, the Download option is not available.

If the selection contains multiple protected assets, select one asset at a time, accept the license agreement, and proceed to download the asset.

An asset is considered protected if either of these conditions are fulfilled:

  • The asset metadata property xmpRights:WebStatement points to the path of the page that contains the license agreement for the asset.
  • The value of the asset metadata property adobe_dam:restrictions is a raw HTML that specifies the license agreement.
The location /etc/dam/drm/licences was used to store licenses in the earlier releases of Experience Manager. The location is deprecated now. If you create or modify license pages, or port the pages from previous Experience Manager releases, Adobe recommends that you store such assets at /apps/settings/dam/drm/licenses or /conf/*/settings/dam/drm/licenses locations.

Download DRM-protected assets

  1. In the card view, select the assets you want to download and select Download.

  2. In the Copyright Management page, select the asset you want to download from the list.

  3. In the License pane, choose Agree. A check mark appears next to the asset. Select the Download option.

    The Download option is enabled only when you choose to agree to the license agreement for a protected asset. However, if your selection comprises both protected and unprotected assets, only the protected assets are listed in the pane and the Download option is available to download the unprotected assets. To simultaneously accept license agreements for multiple protected assets, select the assets from the list and then choose Agree.
  4. To download the asset or its renditions, select Download in the dialog.

See also

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