Update Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector update-enhanced-connector-for-workfront

Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service enables you to update the Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector from a previous version to the latest version.

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To update the Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector to the latest version:

  1. Download the latest version of the enhanced connector from Adobe Software Distribution.

  2. Access and clone your AEM as a Cloud Service repository from Cloud Manager.

  3. Open the cloned Experience Manager as a Cloud Service repository using an IDE of your choice.

  4. Place the enhanced connector zip file downloaded in Step 1 at the following path:

    code language-txt
       /ui.apps/src/main/resources/<zip file>
    note note
    If the resources folder does not exist, create the folder.
  5. Update the enhanced connector version in parent pom.xml.

    code language-xml
          <version> updated enhanced connector version number</version>
  6. Update the dependency in all module pom.xml.

    code language-xml
    note note
    Ensure that you add <scope> and <systemPath> to the dependencies in step 5 and step 6.
  7. Update pom.xml embeds. Add the Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector packages to embeddeds section of the pom.xml of all your subproject. Incorporate the updates in all module pom.xml.

    code language-xml
    <!-- Workfront Tools -->

    The target of the embedded section is set to /apps/<path-to-project-install-folder>/install. This JCR path /apps/<path-to-project-install-folder> must be included in the filter rules in the all/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml file. The filter rules for the repository are usually derived from the program name. Use the name of the folder as the target in the existing rules.

  8. Remove the dependencies on Hoodoo distribution points, if any.

  9. Push the changes to the repository.

  10. Run the pipeline to deploy the changes to Cloud Manager.
