Release Notes for Cloud Manager 2023.11.0 in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service release-notes

This page documents the release notes for Cloud Manager release 2023.11.0 in AEM as a Cloud Service.

See this page for the current release notes for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

Release Date release-date

The release date for Cloud Manager release 2023.11.0 in AEM as a Cloud Service is 14 November 2023. The next release is planned for 7 December 2023.

What’s New what-is-new

  • Web Application Firewall-DDOS protection (WAF-DDOS) is now available for purchase as part of your AEM as a Cloud Service entitlement and can be configured in a self-service manner.
  • Specialized config pipelines are now available to configure and deploy traffic filter rules, including WAF rules, within minutes.
  • When copying content from a higher environment to a development environment, a message is now shown advising caution when copying large content sets since development environments are capacity-limited.
  • The pipeline execution details page now shows all the steps in a pipeline execution with the ones not yet started grayed out.
  • On both Activity and Pipelines pages, a summary of the pipeline execution is now available when selecting a pipeline with a running status.
  • A new Duration section has been added to the pipeline details page that includes the average duration for the pipeline step based on the historical trend for that program.
  • On the pipeline execution page, the finished steps now display duration.
  • Executions that reuse build artifacts now show the link to the execution that initially built those artifacts.
  • The option to select Important Metric Failures can now be configured for code quality pipelines as well.

Early Adoption Program early-adoption

For a chance to test some upcoming features, be a part of Adobe’s early adoption program.

Bring your own GitHub byo-github

If you use GitHub to manage your repositories, you can now validate code directly within your GitHub repositories through Cloud Manager. This integration eliminates the need to consistently sync code with the Adobe repository and allows you to verify pull requests before merging them into the main branches.

If you are interested in testing this new feature and sharing your feedback, send an email to from your email address associated with your Adobe ID.

Custom Permissions custom-permissions

Cloud Manager custom permissions let you create custom permission profiles with configurable permissions to restrict access to programs, pipelines, and environments for Cloud Manager users.

If you are interested in testing this new feature and sharing your feedback, send an email to from your email address associated with your Adobe ID.

Self-Service Content Restore content-restore

A new self-service content restore feature now provides backup restoration for up to seven days and is available to early adopters for evaluation purposes featuring:

  • Point-in-time backup restoration for the previous 24 hours
  • Fixed time restorations for up to seven days

If you are interested in testing this new feature and sharing your feedback, send an email to from your email associated with your Adobe ID.

  • The early adopter program is limited to development environments only.
  • Availability of the early adopter program of this feature is limited.
  • This feature is for recovering accidentally deleted content and is not intended for disaster recovery.

Experience Audit Dashboard experience-audit-dashboard

The Cloud Manager Experience Audit dashboard includes a trended view of your page performance scores along with insights and recommendations to help you improve them. Experience Audit is included as a step in the Cloud Manager production pipeline.

The dashboard uses Google Lighthouse, an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of your web apps. You can run it against any web page, public, or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.

Interested in test-driving the new dashboard? To get started, send an email to from your email associated with your Adobe ID.

Known Issues known-issues

There is a known bug that prevents config pipelines from being pushed to production.

If the Pause before deploying to Production option is required for a config pipeline, the following is the suggested workaround until the bug is resolved.

  1. Run the pipeline.
  2. Test the code in the staging environment.
  3. When deploying and approval becomes available, click Reject.
  4. Edit the pipeline so you can disable the Pause before deploying to Production option.
  5. Run the pipeline again so it can run again on staging, then on production.