Basic Structure and Handling of Content Fragment Models in the Console
You can use the far left panel of the Content Fragments console to select Content Fragment Models as the resource type to view, browse and manage:
This will open the view for Content Fragment Models:
Here you can see that there are three main areas:
The top toolbar
- Provides standard AEM functionality
- Also shows your IMS organization
- Provides various actions
The left panel
- Shows all configurations listed as folders
- Here you can hide, or reveal, the folder tree
- You can select a specific folder of the tree
- This can be resized to show nested folders (sub-configurations)
- As well as Content Fragment Models, you can view Content Fragments or Assets; you can also compress, or expand, links to the panels
The main/right panel - from here you can:
See the list of all Content Fragment Models held under the selected folder:
Content Fragment Models from the selected folder, and all sub-folders will be shown:
- The location is indicated by the breadcrumbs; these can also be used to change the location:
Various fields of information about a Content Fragment Model provide links; depending on the field, these can:
- Open the appropriate model in the editor
- Show information about the configuration
- Show information about the status of the model
Certain other fields of information about a Content Fragment Model can be used for Fast Filtering:
- Select a value in the column and it is immediately applied as a filter
- Fast filtering is supported for the Modified By, Published By and Status column.s
By using mouse-over on the column headers a drop-down action selector, and width sliders, will be shown. These allow you to:
- Sort - select the appropriate action for either ascending or descending
This will sort the entire table according to that column. Sorting is only available on appropriate columns. - Resize the column - using either the action, or width sliders
- Sort - select the appropriate action for either ascending or descending
Select one, or more, models for further action
Open the Filter panel
A selection of keyboard shortcuts are available for use in this console
The Information provided about your Content Fragment Models
The main/right panel (table view) of the console provides a range of information about your Content Fragment Models. Some items also provide direct links to further actions and/or information:
- Provides a link to open the model in the editor.
- When the model is locked, this is indicated with a padlock icon.
- Provides a link to open the configuration in the console.
Hovering over the folder name will show the JCR path.
- Provides a link to open the configuration in the console.
- Information only.
- Can be used for Fast Filtering
- Information only.
Modified By
- Information only.
- Can be used for Fast Filtering.
- Information only.
- Shows all tags related to the model.
- Can be used for Fast Filtering.
Published At
- Information only.
Published By
- Information only.
- Can be used for Fast Filtering.
Model Properties
When you select a specific model, the properties of that model are shown (as defined when creating the model). If the model is not Locked, then some items can be updated. You can also use the information icon (next to the model Title) to open and close this information panel.
Preview URL pattern
Content Fragment Models allow authors to Preview their content in an external frontend application. Once the Preview Service is configured, add the URL for the frontend application.
The preview URL should follow this pattern:
Available expressions are:
Once you have selected a folder (in the left panel) there is a range of actions that you can use, either directly, or after selecting a specific model:
- Various actions are directly available from the console
- You can select one, or more, Content Fragment Models to show appropriate actions
Actions (unselected)
Certain actions are available from the console - after selecting a folder, but without selecting a specific Content Fragment Model:
- Create a new (empty) model
Actions for a Content Fragment Model in the Content Fragments Console
Selecting a specific model opens a toolbar focused on the actions available for that model. You can also select multiple models - the actions available will be adjusted accordingly.
Selecting a single model also shows the model properties in the right panel.
Select columns shown in the console
As with other consoles you can configure the columns that are visible, and available for action:
This will present a list of columns that you can hide or show:
Filter Content Fragment Models
The Filter panel offers:
a selection of predicates;
- including status fields, tags, users, among others
- one, or more, predicates can be selected and combined to create the filter
Once selected, the Filtering by options are shown (at the top of the main panel). They can be deselected from there. For example:
Fast Filtering
You can also select a predicate by clicking on a specific column value in the list. You can select one, or more, values to combine predicates.
For example, select Enabled in the Status column. Once selected, this will be shown as a filter predicate, and the list will be filtered accordingly.
Creating a Content Fragment Model
Navigate to the folder appropriate to your configuration, or subconfiguration.
Use Create to open the dialog.
The Create option will only be available:- If the use of Content Fragment Models has been enabled
- when you have selected the folder where you want to create the model.
Select the Configuration and specify the Name.
The configuration will be auto-filled with the current configuration (the folder you are currently in).You can also change the configuration, by clicking on the folder icon.You can also define various properties:
- Title
If you enter the Title first, the Name will be generated from that. - a Description
- Enable model to enable the model
See Content Fragment Model - Properties for full details. - Title
Use Create to save the empty model, or Create and open.
Enabling a Content Fragment Model
Once a model has been created it must be enabled so that it:
- Is available for selection when creating a Content Fragment.
- Can be referenced from within a Content Fragment Model.
- Is available to GraphQL; so the schema is generated.
You can Enable a model:
- When creating a new model
- An option is presented in the dialog.
- When a model has been specifically Disabled
- When the required Model is selected, the Enable action is available in the top toolbar.
Disabling a Content Fragment Model
A model can also be disabled so that:
The model is no longer available as a basis for creating new Content Fragments.
- The GraphQL schema keeps being generated and is still queryable (to avoid impacting JSON API).
- Any Content Fragments based of the model can still be queried and returned from the GraphQL endpoint.
The model cannot be referenced anymore, but existing references are kept untouched, and can still be queried and returned from the GraphQL endpoint.
To disable a Model that is flagged as Enabled, you use the Disable option from:
- The top toolbar, when the required Model is selected.
Allowing Content Fragment Models on your Assets Folder
To implement content governance, you can configure Policies on Assets folder to control which Content Fragment Models are allowed for Fragment creation in that folder.
To configure the Policies for Allowed Content Fragment Models:
Navigate and open Properties for the required Assets folder.
Open the Policies tab, where you can configure:
Inherited from
Policies are automatically inherited when creating new child folders; the policy can be reconfigured (and the inheritance broken) if subfolders need to allow models different to the parent folder.
Allowed Content Fragment Models by Path
Multiple models can be allowed.
Allowed Content Fragment Models by Tag
Multiple models can be allowed.
Save any changes.
The Content Fragment Models allowed for a folder are resolved as follows:
- The Policies for Allowed Content Fragment Models.
- If empty, then try to determine the policy using the inheritance rules.
- If the inheritance chain does not deliver a result, then look at the Cloud Services configuration for that folder (also first directly and then via inheritance).
- If none of the above deliver any results, then there are no allowed models for that folder.
Publishing a Content Fragment Model
Content Fragment Models need to be published when/before any dependent Content Fragments are published.
To publish a Content Fragment Model:
Navigate to, and select your Content Fragment Model. You can select multiple models.
Select Publish from the toolbar.
In the Publish dialog select the Destination:
- Publish service
- Preview service
The workflow to publish the selected models and their references will be started. The published status is then shown in the console.
Locked Content Fragment Models
This feature allows you to control whether a model can be updated, but it also provides governance for Content Fragment Models that have been published.
The Challenge
Content Fragment Models determine the schema for GraphQL queries in AEM.
AEM GraphQL schemas are created as soon as a Content Fragment Model is created, and they can exist on both author and publish environments.
Schemas on publish are the most critical as they provide the foundation for live delivery of Content Fragment content in JSON format.
Problems can occur when Content Fragment Models are modified, or in other words edited. This means that the schema changes, which in turn may affect existing GraphQL queries.
Adding new fields to a Content Fragment Model should (typically) not have any detrimental effects. However, modifying existing data fields (for example, their name) or deleting field definitions, will break existing GraphQL queries when they are requesting these fields.
The Requirements
To make users aware of the risks when editing models that are already used for live content delivery - in other words, models that have been published).
Also, to avoid unintended changes.
Either of these criteria might break queries if the modified models are republished.
The Solution
To address these issues, Content Fragment Models are locked into a READ-ONLY mode on author - as soon as they have been published. This status is indicated by Locked.
When the model is Locked (in READ-ONLY mode), you can see the contents and structure of models but you cannot edit them.
You can manage Locked models from either the console, or the model editor:
From the console, you can manage the READ-ONLY mode with the Unlock and Lock actions in the toolbar.
You can Unlock a model to enable edits.
If you select Unlock a warning is shown, and you must confirm the Unlock action.
You can then open the model for editing.
You can also Lock the model afterwards.
Republishing the model immediately returns it to Locked (READ-ONLY) mode.
Model Editor
When you open a model that is locked you will be warned, and presented with three actions: Cancel, View Read Only, Edit.
If you select View Read Only, you can see the content and structure of the model.
If you select Edit, you can edit and save your updates:
There may still a warning at the top, but that is when the model is already in use by existing Content Fragments. -
Cancel returns you to the console.
The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront
Adobe Customer Success Webinars
Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC
Explore how Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront integrate to help teams move from ideation to delivery without the usual bottlenecks, ensuring content is organized, on-brand, and ready to go live faster.
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- Rapid Feature Releases with AEM Cloud: Telegraph Media Group’s RDE Strategy (attend online)
- How EY Enhanced Regulatory Knowledge Management with Adobe Solutions (attend online)
- Driving Marketing Agility and Scale: Transforming your Content Supply Chain with AI (attend online)
- The True Cost of a Failed Implementation (attend online)
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