Viewing and Managing Assets in the Content Fragments Console viewing-managing-assets-content-fragments-console

By default, the Content Fragments console of Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service presents your Content Fragments.

However, you can also view, and manage, all other sorts of Assets in this Content Fragments Console.

Content Fragments can also be accessed from the Assets console.

Viewing Assets viewing-assets

You can use the far left panel of the Content Fragments console to select Assets as the resource type to view, browse and manage:

Content Fragments console - navigation

Although Content Fragments are stored as Assets, they are not listed in this view.

Managing Assets managing-assets

From the Assets view of the Content Fragments console you can:

Content Fragments console - browse Asset

You can also take actions on one, or more, selected Assets:

Content Fragments console - actions for selected Asset

See Manage Assets for further details on:

  • Details
  • Download
  • Share Link
  • Delete
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Rename