Viewing and Managing Assets in the Content Fragments Console viewing-managing-assets-content-fragments-console
By default, the Content Fragments console of Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service presents your Content Fragments.
However, you can also view, and manage, all other sorts of Assets in this Content Fragments Console.
Viewing Assets viewing-assets
You can use the far left panel of the Content Fragments console to select Assets as the resource type to view, browse and manage:
Managing Assets managing-assets
From the Assets view of the Content Fragments console you can:
- Navigate the structure and browse your Assets; similar to the functionality in the Assets console
- Create a folder
- Upload Assets
- Configure the view type (List, Grid, Gallery, Waterfall); and when appropriate the columns visible
You can also take actions on one, or more, selected Assets:
See Manage Assets for further details on:
- Details
- Download
- Share Link
- Delete
- Copy
- Move
- Rename