Publish assets using Quick Publish

Quick publish lets you immediately publish content to the selected destination. From the Experience Manager Assets console, navigate to the parent folder and select all the assets or folders that you want to publish. Click Quick Publish option from the toolbar and select destination from the drop-down list where you want to publish the assets.

Quick Publish

Publish assets using Manage Publication

Manage publication lets you publish or unpublish content to and from the selected destination, add content to the publishing list from across the DAM repository, include folder settings to publish content of the selected folders and apply filters, and schedule publishing to a later date or time.

From the Experience Manager Assets console, navigate to the parent folder and select all the assets or folders that you want to publish. Click Manage Publication option from the toolbar. If you do not have Dynamic Media and Brand Portal configured in your Experience Manager Assets instance, you can publish assets and folders only to Experience Manager Assets.

Manage Publication

The following options are available in the Manage Publication interface:

  • Actions

    • Publish: Publish assets and folders to the selected destination
    • Unpublish: Unpublish assets and folders from the destination
  • Destination

    • Publish: Publish assets and folders to Experience Manager Assets (AEM)
    • Dynamic Media: Publish assets to Dynamic Media
    • Brand Portal: Publish assets and folders to Brand Portal
  • Scheduling

    • Now: Publish assets immediately
    • Later: Publish assets based on the Activation date or time

To continue, click Next. Based on the selection, the Scope tab reflects different options. The options to Add Content and Include Folder Settings are available only for publishing the assets and folders to Experience Manager Assets (Destination: Publish).

Manage Publication Scope

Add Content

Publishing to Experience Manager Assets lets you further add more content (assets and folders) to the publishing list. You can add more assets or folders to the list across the dam-repositories. Click Add Content button to add more content.

You can add multiple assets from a folder or add multiple folders at a time. But you cannot add assets from multiple folders at a time.

Add Content

Include Folder Settings

By default, publishing a folder to Experience Manager Assets publishes all the assets, subfolders, and their references.

To filter the folder content that you want to publish, click Include Folder Settings:

  • Include folder contents

    • Enabled: All the assets of the selected folder, subfolders (including all the assets of the subfolders), and references are published.
    • Disabled: Only the selected folder (empty) and references are published. The assets of the selected folder are not published.
  • Include folder contents and Include only immediate folder contents

    If both the options are selected, all the assets of the selected folder, subfolders (empty), and references are published. The assets of the subfolders are not published.

Include Folder Settings

After applying the filters, click OK, and then click Publish. On clicking the publish button, a confirmation message Resource(s) have been scheduled for publication appears. And the selected assets and (or) folders are published to the defined destination based on the scheduler (Now or Later). Log in to your publish instance to verify that the assets and (or) folders are successfully published.

Publish to AEM

In the above Illustration, you can see different values for the Publish Target attribute. Let us recollect the fact that you have opted for publishing to Experience Manager Assets (Destination: Publish). Then, why is it showing that only a folder and an asset are published to AEM, and the other two assets are published to both AEM and Dynamic Media?

Here, you must understand the role of folder properties. A folder’s Dynamic Media Publishing mode property plays an important role in publication. To view a folder’s properties, select a folder and click Properties from the toolbar. For an asset, see the properties of its parent folder.

The following table explains how the publication occurs depending on the defined Destination and Dynamic Media Publish mode:

DestinationDynamic Media Publish modePublish TargetAllowed content
PublishSelective PublishAEMAssets and(or) folders
PublishImmediateAEM and Dynamic MediaAssets and(or) folders
PublishUpon ActivationAEM and Dynamic MediaAssets and(or) folders
Dynamic MediaSelective PublishDynamic MediaAssets
Dynamic MediaImmediateNoneCannot publish the assets
Dynamic MediaUpon ActivationNoneCannot publish the assets
Only assets are published to Dynamic Media.
Publishing a folder to Dynamic Media is not supported.
If you select a folder (Selective Publish) and choose the Dynamic Media destination, the Publish Target attribute reflects None.

Let us now change the Destination in the above use case to Dynamic Media and verify the results. By doing so, only the asset of Selective Publish folder is published to Dynamic Media. The assets of Immediate and Upon Activation folders are not published, and reflects None.

Publish to Dynamic Media

If Dynamic Media is not configured on your Experience Manager Assets instance and the Destination is Publish, the assets and folders are always published to AEM.
Publishing to Brand Portal is independent of the folder properties. All the assets, folders, and collections can be published to Brand Portal. See publish assets to Brand Portal.
If you have customized the Manage Publication wizard, your customization continues to work with the existing functionalities.
However, you can remove the existing customization to use the new Manager Publication features.

Publish assets later

To schedule the publish workflow of assets to a later date or time:

  1. From the Experience Manager Assets console, navigate to the parent folder and select all the assets or folders that you want to schedule for publishing.

  2. Click Manage Publication option from the toolbar.

  3. Click Publish from Action, and then select the Destination where you want to publish the content.

  4. Select Later from Scheduling.

  5. Select an Activation date and specify the date and time. Click Next.

    Manage Publication workflow

  6. In the Scope tab, Add Content (if necessary). Click Next.

  7. In the Workflows tab, specify a Workflow title. Click Publish Later.

    Workflow title

    Log in to the destination instance to verify the published assets (depending upon the scheduled date or time).

Publish assets to Dynamic Media

Only assets are published to Dynamic Media. However, the publishing behavior differs based on the folder properties. A folder can have Dynamic Media Publish mode configured for selective publishing which can be any of the following:

  • Selective Publish
  • Immediate
  • Upon Activation

The publishing process for Immediate and Upon Activation mode is consistent, however, different for Selective Publish. See configure selective publish at folder level in Dynamic Media. After you configure selective publishing in a folder, you can do any of the following:

Publish assets to Brand Portal

You can publish assets, folders, and collections to the Experience Manager Assets Brand Portal instance.

Request Publication

The Request Publication option helps in authenticating workflow of Assets before getting them published on AEM Assets environment. AEM provides different level of permissions to various users. You can be a contributor who is uploading assets but cannot publish them until the uploads are verified. Also, being an Admin you can manage to read and write workflows of the Assets.

Request publication option is available to the following users:

  • Contributor: If you are a user who can contribute to AEM Assets, then you have limited access to the AEM Assets workflow. Manage publication button is hidden for you. As a contributor, you can only contribute by adding Assets but you cannot publish them or have read access to the workflow.

  • Workflow User: This user cannot publish assets but has read access to the workflow. Being a workflow user, you can:

    • request publication
    • view Manage publication button
    • schedule the workflow and see the options schedule now and schedule later
  • Admin: As an admin type of user, you can manage overall workflow steps for the Assets. Manage publication button is visible to you. If the destination publish is selected, you can schedule an Asset later for the workflow step.

If Dynamic Media is selected as a destination, then workflow step is disabled for workflow user and admin users.

Limitations and tips

  • Manage publication is available to the users who have atleast Read permissions to the workflow.
  • Empty folders are not published.
  • If you publish an asset that is being processed, only the original content is published. The renditions are missing. Either wait for the processing to complete and then publish or republish the asset once the processing completes.
  • While unpublishing a complex asset, unpublish the asset only. Avoid unpublishing the references because they may be referred by other published assets.

Experience Manager