Creating and Managing a Project in Screens as a Cloud Service creating-project-screens-cloud

The first step in implementing a new project in Screens as a Cloud Service is to create a project.

Objective objective

This document helps you understand how to create a AEM Screens project in Screens Content Provider. After reading, you should be able to create your AEM Screens project, in terms of scope.

Creating a New Project create-new-project

Follow the steps below to create a project in Screens as a Cloud Service:

  1. Navigate to Screens Content Provider.

    note note
    See Using Screens Content Provider to learn how to access Screens Content Provider for creating your project.
  2. Near the upper-right corner of the action bar, click Create Screens Project.


  3. Enter the Title of your project in Create Screens Project dialog box. For example, FirstDigitalExperience.


    note note
    The Name field is populated automatically in the Create Screens project dialog box based on the title you choose.
  4. Click Save. You see your Screens project, titled as FirstDigitalExperience in Screens Content Provider. You also see your project in Screens Content Provider, with two folders titled, Locations and Channels.


    Now that you have set up an AEM Screens project in place, you can start adding channels and locations to your project.

Deleting an Existing Project deleting-project

Existing projects in Screens as a Cloud Service can be deleted.

  1. Navigate to Screens Content Provider.

  2. Select the project that you want to delete.

  3. On the action bar, click Delete.


  4. Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the project.

    note note
    You can select multiple projects and therefore can delete multiple projects in a single step.

What’s Next whats-next

Now that you have set up an AEM Screens project, you can create a channel and add content to the channels. See Creating and Managing a Channel so you can learn how to create and manage content in Channels.
