Maintenance Release Notes maintenance-release-notes

The following section outlines the technical release notes for the maintenance releases of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service associated with 2023.9.0 feature activation.

Release 13420 release-13420

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 13420, which was publicly released on September 12, 2023. This maintenance release replaces release 13323.

2023.9.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-13420

  • ASSETS-19544: Assets last modified by property is now set to the user requesting processing.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-13420

  • ASSETS-27628: Erroneous “channels” node getting created when customizing Assets search panel.
  • ASSETS-27539: Upload restrictions regular expression matching.
  • ASSETS-26530: Unified Shell does not bring users back to original page.
  • ASSETS-22719: Brackets in Smart Crop Breakpoint Naming break the Smart Crop editing feature.
  • ASSETS-27726: linkshare.html should not be indexed by Google.
  • ASSETS-27791: Metadata schema validation occurs for only the first field.
  • ASSETS-25544: Fixed disabled CDN cache invalidation button.
  • ASSETS-26575: Fixed name truncation when creating image sets.
  • ASSETS-26705: Fixed unnecessary processing on non-DM folder assets and content fragments.
  • ASSETS-25740: Fixed screen readers not narrating Name and role for Edit/Crop controls on ‘Edit Smart Crops’ page using down arrow keys.
  • CQ-4354266: Unable to open inbox items.
  • CQ-4354347: Updated AEM Translations.
  • DISP-1009: User-Agent as non-first header trims X-Forwarded-Host.
  • Various accessibility and security-related fixes.

Known Issues known-issues-13420


Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-13420

Oak API 1.54.0 API
Version 2.27.2
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.2
AEM WCM Core Components

Release 13323 release-13323

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 13323, which was publicly released on September 1, 2023. This maintenance release replaces release 13239.

2023.9.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-13323

  • GRANITE-46784: Add option to disable BearerAuthenticationHandler.
  • GRANITE-36205: Update internal Oak release version to latest.
  • ASSETS-26713: Touch UI External Link to New Experience UI Dashboard - unified-shell-integration and ui-touch-optimized upgraded.
  • SKYOPS-63302: Upgrade com.adobe.granite:com.adobe.granite.auth.saml to v1.0.54.
  • GRANITE-46634: Upgrade to eventing client 1.4.0.
  • GRANITE-46788: Update libraries to Apache Commons IO 2.13.0, Commons Lang 3.13.0, Commons Code 1.16.0, and Commons Compress 1.23.0.
  • GRANITE-46705: Update to Apache Felix Http Jetty 4.1.14.
  • GRANITE-46631: Update Jackrabbit version to 2.20.11.
  • SKYOPS-61895: Update to Jackrabbit Filevault 3.7.0.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-13323

  • ASSETS-28461: Doc cloud viewer not working for PDFs, fixed from 13239.
  • SKYOPS-63290: Fixed incorrect evolution of buckets.
  • SKYOPS-54607: Ratelimiter serverload computation not correct for request that failed.
  • ASSETS-27648: ContentModelIT fails to read exclusion files from other bundles.
  • GRANITE-43744: Sling Authenticator does not work properly if there is a misconfiguration with authentication-requirement and vanity path.
  • GRANITE-46419: AEM integration issue with Auth0 Idp.
  • GRANITE-46292: Okta SAML configuration not working after AEM Cloud update.
  • GRANITE-47059: Remove Granite Jetty SSL Bundle.

Known Issues known-issues-13323

  • SITES-15622: GraphQL - Issue with persisted queries with number & boolean parameters.
  • SITES-15654: GraphQL - Issues with unions and properties of the same name.
  • FORMS-10652: Variables are not populated to variable selection drop-down. So, the user is unable to map variables in a workflow step.
  • CQ-4353233: When you retry a workflow and the operation fails, an incorrect error message is displayed.
  • GRANITE-45567: When you delete an AEM Experience, an incorrect error message is displayed.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-13323

Oak API 1.54.0 API
Version 2.27.2
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.2
AEM WCM Core Components