Extracting Content from Source extracting-content

Extraction Process in Content Transfer Tool extraction-process

Follow the steps below to extract your migration set from the Content Transfer Tool:

If Amazon S3, Azure Data Store, or File Data Store is used as the type of data store, you can run the optional pre-copy step to increase the speed of the extraction phase. The pre-copy step is most effective for the first full extraction and ingestion. See Handling Large Content Repositories for more details.
  1. Select a migration set from the Content Transfer wizard and click Extract to start extraction.


    note tip
    An ingestion can now be scheduled to start automatically immediately after an extraction succeeds. See Ingesting Content into Target for more information.
    note important
    Make sure that the Extraction key is valid and is not near its expiration. If it is close to its expiration date, you can renew the Extraction key by selecting the migration set and clicking Properties. Click Renew. This takes you to the Cloud Acceleration Manager where you can click Copy Extraction Key. Every time you click Copy Extraction Key, a new Extraction key is generated which is valid for 14 days from the time of creation.
  2. This brings up the Extraction dialog. Click Extract to start the extraction phase.


    note note
    You can optionally overwrite the staging container during the extraction phase. If Overwrite staging container is disabled, it can speed up extractions for subsequent migrations where the content paths or include versions settings have not changed. However, if the content paths or include versions settings have changed, then Overwrite staging container should be enabled.
  3. The Extraction field now displays the RUNNING status to indicate that the extraction is in-progress.


    You can click View Progress to get a granular view of the on-going extraction.


    You can also monitor the Extraction phase progress from Cloud Acceleration Manager by visiting the Content Transfer page, and see it in more detail by clicking > View details.


  4. When Extraction is completed, review the other columns like Source and Paths for details of the migration set that you populated. Clicking > View details to see details, including the duration of each step of the extraction. View this dialog box during the extraction so you can see how the steps are progressing.


Top-Up Extraction top-up-extraction-process

The Content Transfer Tool has a feature that supports differential content top-up where it is possible to transfer only changes made since the previous content transfer activity.

After the initial content transfer, it is recommended to do frequent differential content top-ups to shorten the content freeze period for the final differential content transfer before going live on Cloud Service. If you have used the pre-copy step for the first full extraction, you can skip pre-copy for subsequent top-up extractions (if the top-up migration set size is less than 200 GB). The reason is because it may add time to the entire process.
Also, it is essential that the content structure of existing content is not changed from the time the initial extraction is taken to when the top-up extraction is run. Top-ups cannot be run on content whose structure has been changed since the initial extraction. Ensure that you restrict this during the migration process.
Once content paths are migrated to the staging container, those paths or any subpaths within them cannot be removed or excluded from subsequent top-up migrations.
Example: Initial Migration: content/dam/weRetail,
Next Top-up Exclusion Attempt: content/dam/weRetail/ab.
In this scenario, excluding content/dam/weRetail/ab is not possible because the data has already been migrated to the staging container.

Once the extraction process is complete, you can transfer delta content, by using the top-up extraction method.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Content Transfer wizard and select the migration set for which you want to perform the top-up extraction. Click Extract to start the top-up extraction.


  2. The Migration Set extraction dialog box displays. Click Extract.

    note important
    You should disable the Overwrite staging container during extraction option.

What’s Next whats-next

After you have learned Extracting Content from Source in Content Transfer Tool, you are now ready to learn the Ingestion Process in Content Transfer Tool. See Ingesting Content into Target where you can learn how to ingest your migration set from the Content Transfer Tool.
