IMS Configuration

The integration of AEM with Adobe Target via the Target Standard API requires the configuration of Adobe IMS (Identity Management System). The Target IMS configuration must be created (after Target is provisioned). See Setting Up IMS Integrations for AEM as a Cloud Service and the video Integrating Experience Platform Launch and AEM to learn how to create the Target IMS configuration.

When configuring the project, the product profiles displayed with depend on whether you have:
  • Adobe Target Standard - only Default Workspace is available
  • Adobe Target Premium - all available workspaces are listed, as shown below

Adobe Target Tenant ID and Adobe Target Client Code

When configuring the Adobe Target Tenant ID and Adobe Target Client Code fields, be aware of the following:

  1. For most customers, the Tenant ID and the Client Code are the same. That is, both fields contain the same information and are identical. Make sure you enter the Tenant ID in both fields.
  2. For legacy purposes, you can also enter different values in the Tenant ID and the Client Code fields.

In both cases:

  • By default, the Client Code (if added first) is also automatically copied into the Tenant ID field.
  • If necessary, you can change the default Tenant ID set.
  • Backend calls to Target are based on the Tenant ID and the client side calls to Target are based on the Client Code.

As stated previously, the first case is the most common for AEM as a Cloud Service. Either way, make sure that both fields contain the correct information depending on your requirements.

If you want to change an existing Target Configuration:
  1. Reenter the Tenant ID.
  2. Reconnect to Target.
  3. Save the configuration.

Editing the Target Configuration

To edit the Target configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Select an existing configuration and click Properties.
  2. Edit the properties.
  3. Select Re-connect to Adobe Target.
  4. Select Save and Close.

Adding a configuration to a site

To apply a Touch UI configuration to a site, go to: Sites > Select any site page > Properties > Advanced > Configuration > Select the configuration tenant.

Integrating Adobe Target on AEM sites by using Adobe Launch

AEM offers an out of the box integration with Experience Platform Launch. By adding the Adobe Target extension to Experience Platform Launch, you can use the features of Adobe Target on AEM web pages. Target libraries are only rendered by using Launch.

Existing (legacy) frameworks still work, but cannot be configured in the Touch UI. Adobe recommends you rebuild the variable mapping configurations in Launch.

As a general overview, the integration steps are:

  1. Create a Launch Property
  2. Add the required extensions
  3. Create a Data Element(to capture context hub parameters)
  4. Create a Page Rule
  5. Build and Publish

Creating a Launch Property

A property is a container that is filled with extensions, rules, data elements.

  1. Select the New Property button.
  2. Provide a name for your property.
  3. As domain, enter the IP/host on which you want to load the launch library.
  4. Select the Save button.

Adding the required extensions

Extensions are the container that manages the core library settings. The Adobe Target extension supports client-side implementations by using Target JavaScript SDK for the modern web, at.js. Add both the Adobe Target and Adobe ContextHub extensions.

  1. Select the Extension Catalog option, and search for Target in the filter.
  2. Select Adobe Target at.js and click on the Install option.
    Target Search
  3. Select the Configure button. Notice the configuration window with the Target account credentials imported, and the at.js version for this extension.
  4. Select Save to add the Target extension to your Launch property. You should be able to see the Target extension listed under the Installed Extensions list.
    Save Extension
  5. Repeat the steps above to search for the Adobe ContextHub extension and install it (this extension is required for the integration with contexthub parameters, based on which targeting is done).

Creating a Data Element

Data elements are the placeholders to which you can map context hub parameters.

  1. Select Data Elements.
  2. Select Add Data Element.
  3. Provide the name of data element and map it to a context hub parameter.
  4. Select Save.
    Data Element

Creating a Page Rule

In Rule, it defines and orders a sequence of actions, which are run on site, to achieve targeting.

  1. Add a set of actions as exemplified in the screenshot.
  2. In Add Params to All Mboxes, add the data element configured earlier (see data element above), to the parameter which is sent in the mbox call.

Build and Publish

To learn how to build and publish, see page.

Changes in content structure between Classic and Touch UI configurations

ChangeClassic UI ConfigurationTouch UI ConfigurationConsequences
Location of the Target Configuration./etc/cloudservices/testandtarget//conf/tenant/settings/cloudconfigs/target/Earlier multiple configurations were present under /etc/cloudservices/testandtarget but now a single configuration is present under a tenant.
Legacy configurations are still supported for existing customers (without the option to edit or create). Legacy configurations are part of content-packages uploaded by customers using VSTS.

Experience Manager Sites