IMS Configuration

The integration of AEM with Adobe Target via the Target Standard API requires the configuration of Adobe IMS (Identity Management System). The Target IMS configuration must be created (after Target is provisioned). See Setting Up IMS Integrations for AEM as a Cloud Service and the video Integrating Experience Platform Launch and AEM to learn how to create the Target IMS configuration.

When configuring the project, the product profiles displayed with depend on whether you have:
  • Adobe Target Standard - only Default Workspace is available
  • Adobe Target Premium - all available workspaces are listed, as shown below

Adobe Target Tenant ID and Adobe Target Client Code

When configuring the Adobe Target Tenant ID and Adobe Target Client Code fields, be aware of the following:

  1. For most customers, the Tenant ID and the Client Code are the same. That is, both fields contain the same information and are identical. Make sure you enter the Tenant ID in both fields.
  2. For legacy purposes, you can also enter different values in the Tenant ID and the Client Code fields.

In both cases:

  • By default, the Client Code (if added first) is also automatically copied into the Tenant ID field.
  • If necessary, you can change the default Tenant ID set.
  • Backend calls to Target are based on the Tenant ID and the client side calls to Target are based on the Client Code.

As stated previously, the first case is the most common for AEM as a Cloud Service. Either way, make sure that both fields contain the correct information depending on your requirements.

If you want to change an existing Target Configuration:
  1. Reenter the Tenant ID.
  2. Reconnect to Target.
  3. Save the configuration.