Manage custom domain names managing-custom-domain-names

Cloud Manager lets you view, update, replace, and delete custom domain names.

View and update a custom domain name view-and-update

Use the View and Update menu to view the details of any of your custom domain names.

To view and update a custom domain name:

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization.

  2. On the My Programs console, select the program.

  3. Navigate to the Environments screen from the Overview page.

  4. Identify the row of the custom domain name that you want to view or update.

  5. Click the ellipsis button at the far right end of the row.

  6. Select the View & Update option.

Update a custom domain name’s SSL certificate update-cert

You can follow the same steps to view and update a custom domain name to update a custom domain name’s SSL certificate.

The SSL certificate must be valid, already configured, and contain the custom domain name you are updating.

Delete a custom domain name deleting

A user with the Business Owner or Deployment Manager role can use Cloud Manager to delete a custom domain name.

Delete a custom domain name from all associated environments delete-cdn-all

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization and program.

  2. Navigate to the Domain Settings page from the Overview screen.

  3. Identify the row of the custom domain name that you want to delete.

  4. Click the ellipsis button at the far right end of the row.

  5. Select Delete.

  6. Confirm your submission.

Delete a custom domain name from a specific environment delete-cdn-specific

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization and program.
  2. Navigate to the Environments screen from the Overview page.
  3. From the Environments page, navigate to a details screen of the environment of interest.
  4. From the domain names table, identify the row of the custom domain name you want to delete.
  5. Click the ellipsis button at the far right end of the row.
  6. Select Delete.
  7. Confirm your submission.