Release Notes for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service release-notes

The following section outlines the general Release Notes for Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service 2021.2.0 is February 25, 2021.
The following release (2021.3.0) will be on March 25, 2021.

Adobe Experience Manager Sites as a Cloud Service sites

Headless Content Management headless

  • GraphQL API for Content Fragment Delivery: Ability to query Content Fragments using GraphQL syntax, and schemas based on Content Fragment models, for output in JSON format.

  • Authentication Support for GraphQL API Requests: Ability to authenticate GraphQL API requests with access tokens for server-side APIs.

  • The RemotePage Component: Added support for viewing and editing external SPAs within AEM using.

  • Editing an External SPA within AEM: Added ability to upload a standalone single-page application to an AEM instance, add editable sections of content, and enable authoring.

  • Enhanced JSON output from GraphQL API, including ability to output rich text in JSON format and locales.

  • Support for nesting Content Fragment models to allow creating nested Content Fragment structures, via dedicated Content Fragment Reference data types or Content Fragment references inline in multiline text fields.

  • Additional validation rules available in Content Fragment model data types, including “unique”, “required” and “translatable”.

  • Ability tag Content Fragment models, and to allow Content Fragment creation in a folder with policies by tags or paths.

  • Usability enhancements in Content Fragment editor, including publish action and display of model a fragment is based on.

  • Ability to preview JSON output directly in Content Fragment editor.

Adobe Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service assets

What is new in Assets what-is-new-assets

  • Assets can be sourced using Experience Manager Assets Brand Portal. It helps to source assets from the agency users for new marketing campaigns, photoshoots, and projects.

  • Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service is entitled to have a pre-configured Brand Portal instance. The Cloud Manager user can activate Brand Portal on Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service. See activate Brand Portal.

  • Businesses can now source assets using Brand Portal. Asset sourcing feature uses Brand Portal to help customers engage with agency users to source assets for new marketing campaigns, photoshoots and projects. See asset sourcing in Brand Portal.

  • The Brand Portal usage report now displays only the active users. The inactive users are not displayed now. Active users are the ones whose account is assigned to a product profile in the Admin Console. See Brand Portal reports.

  • In Brand Portal, a new download setting is introduced, that lets you create separate folder for each asset when downloading folders, collection, and so on. See download settings.

Bug fixes in Assets bug-fixes-assets

  • When multiple assets are selected to update the properties, sometimes either an error occurs or properties of a deselected asset get updated. (CQ-4316532)
  • When attempting to open Assets Admin Search Rail, the page remains blank and clicking on Edit > Settings generates an error. (CQ-4315079)
  • When a new version of an existing asset is created after resolving the naming conflict, the metadata of original asset is overwritten. (CQ-4313594)
  • When an asset with long annotation text is printed, the annotation text is trimmed, even if space is available. (CQ-4314101)

Adobe Experience Manager Commerce as a Cloud Service cloud-services-commerce

What is New what-is-new-commerce

  • Product Experience Management: Enrich product catalog pages individually with Experience Fragments.

  • Extended product console properties to show linked Assets and Experience Fragments, including action to quickly navigaet to the associated content.

  • Released CIF Venia Reference Site - 2021.02.24 that includes the latest CIF Core Components version v1.8.0. See CIF Venia Reference Site for more details.

  • Released CIF Core Components v1.8.0. See CIF Core Components for more details.

Cloud Manager cloud-manager

Release Date release-date-cm

The Release Date for Cloud Manager in AEM as a Cloud Service 2021.2.0 is February 11, 2021.

What is New what-is-new-cloud-manager

  • Assets customers will now be able to choose when and where to deploy their Brand Portal instance in a self-service way via Cloud Manager UI. For a regular (non-sandbox) program with Assets solution, Brand Portal can now be provisioned on the Production environment. The provisioning can be done only once on Production environment.

  • The AEM Project Archetype used in Project and Sandbox Creation has been updated to version 25.

  • The list of deprecated APIs identified during code scanning has been refined to include additional classes and methods deprecated in the latest Cloud Service SDK releases.

  • SonarQube profile for Cloud Manager updated to remove Sonar rule squid:S2142. This will no longer conflict with Thread Interruption checks.

  • Cloud Manager UI will inform the user who may not temporarily not be able to add/update domain name because the associated environment either has a running pipeline attached to it or currently in the waiting for the approval step.

  • Properties set in customer pom.xml files prefixed with sonar are now dynamically removed to avoid build and quality scanning failures.

  • Cloud Manager UI will inform the user who may not temporarily not be able to select an SSL certificate if it is in use by a Domain name that’s currently being deployed.

  • Additional Code Quality Rules have been added to cover Cloud Service Compatibility issues.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes-cloud-manager

  • Matching SSL certificate against a domain name is no longer case sensitive.

  • Cloud Manager UI will now inform a user if the certificate private keys does not meet the 2048 bit limit with an appropriate error message.

  • Cloud Manager UI will inform the user who may not temporarily not be able to select an SSL certificate if it is in use by a Domain name that is currently being deployed.

  • In some cases, an internal issue may cause environment deletion to be stuck.

  • Some pipeline failures were incorrectly reported as pipeline errors.

Content Transfer Tool content-transfer-tool

Release Date release-date-ctt

The Release Date for Content Transfer Tool v1.2.4 is February 10, 2021.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes-ctt

  • When mapping multiple users, some users’ IMS IDs were being mapped incorrectly. This has been fixed.

Release Date release-date-ctt-feb

The Release Date for Content Transfer Tool v1.2.2 is February 01, 2021.

What is new in Content Transfer Tool what-is-new-ctt

  • New capability and UI added to Content Transfer Tool – User Mapping Tool. This features automatically maps existing user and groups to their Adobe Identity Management System IDs as part of the content migration activity.
    See Using User Mapping Tool for more details.
  • Content Transfer Tool now migrates all groups and users referenced in the migration set including children.
  • Users are allowed to select certain paths under /etc when creating migration sets.

Best Practices Analyzer best-practices-analyzer

Release Date release-date-bpa

The Release Date for Best Practices Analyzer v2.1.2 is February 18, 2021.

What is new in Best Practices Analyzer what-is-new-bpa

  • Ability to detect the use of AEM Forms and AEM Forms implementation and indicate areas that are relevant to migrating to AEM Forms as a Cloud Service.
  • Ability to detect and report on usage and count of custom components and templates.
  • Ability to detect the type of node store and data store used.
  • Ability to detect the usage of Dynamic Media.
  • Ability to detect the Java version used.

Code Refactoring Tools code-refactoring-tools

What is new in Code Refactoring Tools what-is-new-crt

  • New version of AIO-CLI plugin released. Latest version of this plugin includes several bug fixes for the Repository Modernizer.
    See Unified Experience to learn more about this plugin.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes-crt
