Maintenance Release Notes maintenance-release-notes

The following section outlines the technical release notes for the maintenance releases of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service associated with 2023.11.0 feature activation.

Release 14227 release-14227

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 14227, which was publicly released on November 9, 2023. This maintenance release is an update from previous maintenance release 14029. Maintenance release 14227 replaces 14157 to rectify one issue.

2023.11.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-14227

  • ASSETS-29631: Assets Cloud: Use dam:roles for secure delivery/search.
  • CQ-4354515: Translations: Option to Suppress translation of referenced resources.
  • FORMS-9993: Define Steps to move Forms Core Components into Skyline.
  • FORMS-10570: Onboard EC APIs to API - First Router.
  • GRANITE-48143: Upgrade Sling ResourceMerger to 1.4.4.
  • SITES-14874: Eventing: Expand the CFM tree for model events to include metadata changes.
  • SITES-2719: Content Fragments: Tagging support for Content Fragment Variations (re-enabled).
  • SITES-3619: Content Fragments: GraphQL CF variation tags output in JSON and filtering by variation tag (re-enabled).
  • SITES-13750: Content Fragments: Delete tags for a Content Fragment Model.
  • SITES-13920: Content Fragments: Support for minItems config for multiple fields (pre-release).
  • SITES-14080: Content Fragments: Delete tag of a Content Fragment Variation.
  • SITES-14770: Content Fragments: Fragment variation should include fieldTags property.
  • SITES-15356: Content Fragments: Returning etag as response header when a resource is created.
  • SITES-15357: Content Fragments: Allow publishing of fragments without their references.
  • SITES-15938: Content Fragments: Missing content reference metadata.
  • SITES-16078: Content Fragments: Fill in the validation result property of the variation when a fragment is fetched.
  • SITES-16545: Content Fragments: Add endpoint for retrieving the references of a content fragment’s variation.
  • SITES-16853: Content Fragments: Remove /adobe/sites/cf/fragments/{fragmentId}/variation/{name}/tags endpoint.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-14227

  • Various accessibility issues fixed
  • ASSETS-31015: Unable to upload files to Assets with unknown file extensions.
  • ASSETS-24739: Disable Custom Action Endpoint on Publish.
  • CMGR-49845: Content Backflow: Issue with identifying the correct root path for given checkpoint.
  • CMGR-49709: Content Backflow: Update the property filter to ignore additional properties.
  • CQ-4354503: Adobe IMS Configuration getting randomly removed.
  • CQ-4354414: ConfigurationReplicationEventHandler creates a lot of individual flush actions.
  • CQ-4354401: Translations: Asset created by Projects must be saved before starting asset processing.
  • CQ-4354430: Translations: Getting an error adding assets not part of a language folder structure to a translation project.
  • CQ-4354412: Translations: Deleting Translation Job Content not deleting all referenced content.
  • CQ-4354636: Translations: Creating a language copy at language root level does not adjust paths in the page.
  • CQ-4354700: Workflows: Workflow payload screen does not load.
  • CQ-4354834: Workflows: Unable to add comment in workflow inbox task.
  • FORMS-11302: Title of component edited in RTE is displayed incorrectly in Adaptive Form Editor > Rule Editor.
  • GRANITE-45706: i18n import fails if the key value has ‚Äú))‚Äù.
  • SITES-14156: Eventing: Publish events are not always sent.
  • SITES-14520: GraphQL: Bad performance with paginated graphql queries due to FT_SITES-2719.
  • SITES-16444: GraphQL: DataFetchingException for same name fields missing from GraphQL query.
  • SITES-16225: GraphQL: Content types of model and fragment RTE fields returned by the Java API are not correct.
  • SITES-15373: Content Fragments: The /adobe/sites/cf/fragments/{fragmentId}/variation/{name}/tags endpoint doesn’t use the correct resource naming conventions.
  • SITES-15709: Content Fragments: Create Model endpoint issue when creating Boolean Field.
  • SITES-15727: Content Fragments: Field of type “Tag” can only be added once in model editor.
  • SITES-15782: Content Fragments: Missing unique property from field model of Enumeration type.
  • SITES-15786: Content Fragments: Content Fragment cannot be created in folder containing '.
  • SITES-15790: Content Fragments: Update Location header for Version Creation.
  • SITES-15923: Content Fragments: CF Admin does not show all folders.
  • SITES-15987: Content Fragments: Getting 500 while creating variant.
  • SITES-16067: Content Fragments: The mime type of long text fragment field cannot be modified.
  • SITES-16074: Content Fragments: Tag fields which are not String[] cannot be retrieved from JCR.
  • SITES-16079: Content Fragments: /fragments/{id}/references started to return duplicates.
  • SITES-16118: Content Fragments: If a fragment is patched and a fragment field is missing from the model, an exception is thrown.
  • SITES-16119: Content Fragments: If the fragment metadata contains unrecognized fields, an exception is thrown.
  • SITES-16121: Content Fragments: Retrieval of a model date field throws exception.
  • SITES-16123: Content Fragments: If a resource is not a content fragment, the get fragments endpoint throws an exception.
  • SITES-16208: Content Fragments: The ContentFragmentModelIdentifier exposes a misleading title property.
  • SITES-16707: Content Fragments: Content Fragment Models data types are not correctly read.
  • SITES-16818: Content Fragments: Perform delete only when tags are present.
  • SITES-16207: Content Fragments: The POST /adobe/sites/cf/models operation returns two different OK status codes.
  • SITES-15616: Content Fragments: Publish endpoint does not publish sometimes all the references of a Content Fragment.
  • SITES-16027: Content Fragments: Variation reference information is missing from fragment response.
  • SITES-16243: Content Fragments: Find and replace does not work with fields having Render as: Multiple.
  • SITES-16250: Content Fragments: Patching a CF sometimes returns an incorrect etag header.
  • SITES-16686: Content Fragments: Content Fragment non-fragment references are serialized when parent reference is at max depth.
  • SITES-12880: Fast-Track: Fix localization for Sites > Setup Analytics.
  • SITES-16103: Experience Fragments: Target options are not displayed under Cloud Services due to console error.
  • SITES-16001: MSM: Ability to exclude multi field components from rollout configuration while creating Live Copy.
  • SITES-16559: MSM: Rollout configs removed during rollout process for experience fragments.
  • SITES-16797: MSM: Fixed Re-enable inheritance for a CF field in Editor.
  • SITES-16273: Page Editor: Copy paste error inside aem sites pages from the clipboard.
  • SITES-16126: Sites Admin: Authoring performance slow for non admin users after SITES-10288.
  • FORMS-10534: An error occurs in the rule editor on selecting the Boolean operand option.
  • FORMS-10248: In an adaptive form, when the data value is of type Boolean, rules fail to properly set values for radio buttons or checkbox components.
  • FORMS-11361: The drop-down component automatically defaults to selecting the first option from the list.
  • FORMS-11413: An error related to the Forms Portal prefill service is triggered by Adaptive Forms, even when the service is not in use.
  • FORMS-11433: When a non-form component is included in an Adaptive Form, the submission process fails to complete.
  • FORMS-11206: When a user tries to schedule a Publish workflow for an Adaptive Form, it fails to function as expected.
  • FORMS-11546: Lighthouse has detected a missing ARIA label for repeated panels in an Adaptive Form, affecting accessibility.
  • FORMS-11095: The ARIA attribute is incorrectly defined for phone number, email address, and number fields, leading to accessibility issues.

Known Issues known-issues-14227


Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-14227

Oak API 1.56.0 API
Version 2.27.2
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.4
AEM WCM Core Components

Release 14029 release-14029

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 14029, which was publicly released on October 25, 2023. This maintenance release is an update from previous maintenance release 13804.

2023.11.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-14029

  • ASSETS-28551: Improve scalability of My Link Shares UI.
  • ASSETS-28566: Add dam:metadataForm Lucene index.
  • ASSETS-29281: Update RAPI to send v2 download events.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-14029

  • ASSETS-25199: image core component not showing right smart crops.
  • ASSETS-26142: unified-shell.js customEnvLabel not set or reattempted if discovery request fails or is interrupted.
  • ASSETS-26416: Relative Date Predicate always defined as “1 day(s) ago” in Search Form.
  • ASSETS-27321: clear group cache on team membership changes.
  • ASSETS-27591: Fix dependency on old org.json.
  • ASSETS-28439: Smart tags Blocklist NPE when global block list is not configured.
  • ASSETS-28612: BlockedTagResolver fix in “repository-api”.
  • ASSETS-28634: Omnisearch field in Adobe stock doesn’t get asset data added automatically.
  • ASSETS-28727: Processing Profile Configuration list does not show the specified custom height and width values.
  • ASSETS-29056: Add transcoding renditions AEM standard processing profile.
  • ASSETS-29105: Restriction provider missing from SecurityProviderRegistration requiredServicePids in RDE feature model.
  • ASSETS-29106: View on Adobe stock throws error on unified shell enabled AEM.
  • ASSETS-29115: Remove configuration property for Restriction Provider paths.
  • ASSETS-29208: Errors on asset upload caused by requests sent to an author pod before service CompleteUploadAssetServlet is registered.
  • ASSETS-29297: Issue while creating Save search with checked out filter option.
  • ASSETS-29363: Metadata profile not applying default values for IPTC.
  • ASSETS-29404: Link Shares report hitting query limit.
  • ASSETS-29431: Remove old feature flags.
  • ASSETS-29443: Unified Shell Hero Remains Visible and Clickable when Granite Shell Header Mode changes to “selection”.
  • ASSETS-29476: scene7DAMService.getS7FileReference(asset) Api call does not return the expected value.
  • ASSETS-29515: Assets / Nodes with “jcr:lastModifiedBy”: “workflow-process-service” show as “external user” in list view.
  • ASSETS-29579: NonAdmin users unable to create Image Set.
  • ASSETS-29631: Use dam:roles for secure delivery/search.
  • ASSETS-29689: dc:roles (and the new property dam:roles) should be filtered from AEM side.
  • ASSETS-29738: Asset Upload Restriction fails with NullPointerException.
  • ASSETS-29779: Small assets cannot get processed to webp because not in blob storage.
  • ASSETS-29892: Metadata export is failing on folder with large number of assets.
  • ASSETS-29996: “External User” as modifier when uploading assets intermittently only on PROD instance.
  • ASSETS-30167: HTML for adobe_dam:restrictions breaks after uploading an asset.
  • ASSETS-30276: Share Link UI: cannot share from assetdetails.
  • ASSETS-30434: Asset processing completed event not sent to Pipeline.
  • ASSETS-30519: Add RAPI to REDMetricsServletFilter.
  • CQ-4354413: QueryBuilder: queries with square brackets are wrongly translated to xpath.
  • CQ-4354834: Unable to add comment in inbox task.
  • CQ-4354836: Unable to start Workflow or Create Task from Projects Console.
  • CQ-4354867: ToggleCondition reference refers to non-existent field in InstanceActionServlet.
  • CQ-4354895: AEM Translation Kit: October 12.
  • GRANITE-45560: Common schema representation in Eventing envelope.
  • GRANITE-47267: Update to Apache Felix Http Jetty 4.2.18.
  • GRANITE-47599: Content imports fail since 13323 upgrade (.JCRVLT-721).
  • GRANITE-47873: Update to Apache Felix Webconsole 4.9.6

Known Issues known-issues-14029

  • ASSETS-31015: Unable to upload files to Assets with unknown file extensions.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-14029

Oak API 1.56.0 API
Version 2.27.2
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.4
AEM WCM Core Components