Release Notes for Migration Tools in AEM as a Cloud Service Release 2024.05.0 release-notes

This page outlines the Release Notes for Migration Tools in AEM as a Cloud Service 2024.05.0.

Best Practices Analyzer bpa-release

Release Date release-date-bpa

The Release Date for Best Practices Analyzer v2.1.48 is May 09, 2024.

What’s New what-is-new-bpa

  • The Best Practices Analyzer (BPA) now supports automatic uploading of BPA generated reports directly to Cloud Acceleration Manager (CAM). Users will no longer need to manually download the report and upload it to CAM. Learn more here

Cloud Acceleration Manager cam-release

What’s New what-is-new-cam

  • Cloud Acceleration Manager (CAM) now supports automatic upload of BPA generated reports directly to CAM. Learn more here

  • Cloud Acceleration Manager now provides an estimate of how long an ingestion may take, given factors such as node count, data store size, etc. Learn more here
