Release Notes for Migration Tools in AEM as a Cloud Service Release 2023.07.0 release-notes

This page outlines the Release Notes for Migration Tools in AEM as a Cloud Service 2023.07.0.

Best Practices Analyzer bpa-release

Release Date release-date-bpa

The Release Date for Best Practices Analyzer v2.1.42 is July 06, 2023.

What’s New what-is-new-bpa

  • Multiple best practices patterns were added to this release of the Best Practices Analyzer. These include:

    • Identifying minimum maintenance task configuration
    • Detecting long-running/heavy queries
    • Detecting high number of author workflows in running or stale state
    • Detecting OSGI Apache sling job configuration
    • Detecting custom Guava-caches

Bug Fixes bug-fixes-bpa

  • BPA was improved to prevent out of memory report generation failures for reports with high number of findings.
  • BPA was improved to detect escape characters in paths to prevent content ingestion failures when migration content to AEM as a Cloud Service.