Manage video assets manage-video-assets
Video format is a critical part of digital assets of an organization. Adobe Experience Manager offers mature offerings and features to manage the entire lifecycle of your video assets after their creation.
Learn how to manage and edit the video assets in Adobe Experience Manager Assets. Video encoding and transcoding, for example, FFmpeg transcoding, is possible using Processing Profiles and using Dynamic Media integration. Without Dynamic Media license, Experience Manager provides basic support for videos, such as transcoding using FFmpeg, extraction of preview thumbnails for the supported file formats, and preview in the user interface for formats that are supported for playback in the browser directly.
Upload and preview video assets upload-and-preview-video-assets
You can upload and preview video assets of supported format to Experience Manager Assets.
Upload video assets
To upload a video asset, follow these steps:
- In the digital assets folder or subfolders, navigate to the location where you need to add the asset.
- Click Create from the toolbar and choose Files.
Alternatively, drag a file on the user interface.
Learn more about uploading assets in Experience Manager Assets.
Preview video assets
You can preview videos in supported renditions in the Assets user interface. To preview a video asset, follow these steps:
- Upload a video asset of a supported format to Experience Manager Assets. Learn more about the supported video formats.
Once uploaded, the video asset is processed, and a preview rendition is generated. - Click the asset, and select
- Click the
You can play, pause, control the volume, and zoom the video to full screen.
For existing video assets in Experience Manager Assets, you need to Reprocess the assets in Experience Manager to enable the video preview feature. Learn how to reprocess digital assets in Experience Manager.
Limitations of video preview
- MXF files do not show video previews even though the rendition is generated.
- WebM files do not generate preview renditions as they are playable natively by web browsers.
Publish video assets publish-video-assets
After publishing, you can include the video assets in a web page as a URL or directly embed the assets. For details, see publish Dynamic Media assets.
Publish videos to YouTube publishing-videos-to-youtube
You can publish video assets managed in Experience Manager Assets directly to a YouTube channel that you have previously created.
To publish video assets to YouTube, you tag video assets in Experience Manager Assets with tags. You associate these tags with a YouTube channel. If a video asset’s tag matches the tag of a YouTube channel, then the video is published to YouTube. Publish to YouTube occurs along with a normal publish of the video as long as an associated tag is used.
YouTube does its own encoding. As such, the original video file that was uploaded into Experience Manager is published to YouTube instead of any video rendition that Dynamic Media’s encoding has created. While it is not required to process videos using Dynamic Media, it is expected that they do so in case a viewer preset is needed for playback.
When you bypass the video processing profile and publish directly to YouTube, it simply means that your video asset in Experience Manager Asset does not get a viewable thumbnail. It also means that videos that are not encoded do not work with any of the Dynamic Media asset types.
Publishing video assets to YouTube servers involves completing the following tasks to ensure safe and secure server-to-server verification with YouTube:
- Configure Google Cloud settings
- Create a YouTube channel
- Add tags for publishing
- Set up YouTube in Experience Manager
- (Optional) Automate the setting of default YouTube properties for your uploaded videos
- Publish videos to your YouTube channel
- (Optional) Verify the published video on YouTube
- Link YouTube URLs to your Web Application
You can also unpublish videos to remove them from YouTube.
Configure Google Cloud settings configuring-google-cloud-settings
To publish to YouTube, you need a Google account. If you have a GMAIL account, then you already have a Google account; if you do not have a Google account, you can easily create one. You need the account because you need credentials to publish video assets to YouTube.
The account used with Google Cloud and the Google account used for YouTube do not need to be the same.
Google periodically changes their user interface. As such, the steps to publish videos to YouTube can vary slightly from what is documented below. This caveat also applies to YouTube when you try to check if videos are uploaded to it.
To configure Google Cloud settings:
Create a Google account.
If you already have a Google account, you can skip to the next step.
Go to
On the Google Cloud page, near the upper-right corner, select Console.
If necessary, Sign in using your Google account credentials to see the Console option.
On the Dashboard page, to the right of Google Cloud Platform, select the Project drop-down list to open the Select a project dialog box.
In the Select a project dialog box, select New Project.
In the New Project dialog box, in the Project name field, type the name of your new project.
Your Project ID is based on your project name. As such, choose the project name carefully; it cannot be changed after it is created. Also, you must enter the same Project ID again when you set up YouTube in Experience Manager later on. Therefore, write it down.
Select Create.
Do either one of the following:
- On your project’s Dashboard, in the Getting Started card, select Explore and enable APIs.
- On your project’s Dashboard, in the APIs card, select Go to APIs overview.
Near the top middle of the APIs & Services page, select ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES.
On the API Library page, on the left side, under Category, select YouTube. On the right side of the page, select YouTube.
On the YouTube page, select YouTube Data API v3.
On the YouTube Data API v3 page, select MANAGE.
To use the API, you need credentials. If necessary, on the left side of the APIs & Services page, select Credentials.
On the Credentials page, near the top, select CREATE CREDENTIALS, then select OAuth client ID.
On the Create OAuth client ID page, in the Application type drop-down list, select Web application.
Do one of the following:
- In the Name field, enter a unique name for your OAuth 2.0 client.
- Use the default name that Google already provided in the Name field.
Under the Authorized JavaScript origins heading, select ADD URI.
In the URIs text field, enter the following path, substituting your own domain and port number in the path, then press Enter to add the path to the list:
For example,
note note NOTE The URI path example above is hypothetical and for explanation purposes only. -
Under the Authorized redirect URIs heading, select ADD URI.
In the URIs text field, enter the following path, substituting your own domain and port number in the path, then press Enter to add the path to the list:
For example,
note note NOTE The URI path example above is hypothetical and for explanation purposes only. -
Near the bottom of the Create OAuth client ID page, select Create.
On the OAuth client created dialog box, do the following:
- (Optional) Copy the values in the Your Client ID and Your Client Secret fields, and save.
- Select DOWNLOAD JSON, then save the JSON file.
You need this downloaded JSON file when you set up YouTube in Adobe Experience Manager later on.
On the OAuth client created dialog box, select OK.
Log out of your Google account. Now create a YouTube channel.
Create a YouTube channel creating-a-youtube-channel
Publishing videos to YouTube requires that you have one or more channels. If you have already created a YouTube channel, you can skip this task and go to Add tags for publishing.
To create a YouTube channel:
Go to and sign in using your Google account credentials.
In the upper-right corner of the YouTube page, select your profile picture (it can also appear as a letter within a solid colored circle), then select YouTube settings (round gear icon).
On the Overview page, under the Additional Features heading, select See all my channels or create a channel.
On the Channels page, select Create a new channel.
On the Brand Account page, in the Brand Account Name field, enter a company name or any other channel name you choose where you want to publish your video assets, then select Create.
Remember the name that you enter here; you must enter it again when you have to set up YouTube in Experience Manager.
(Optional) If necessary, add more channels.
Now you add tags for publishing.
Add tags for publishing adding-tags-for-publishing
To publish to your videos to YouTube, Experience Manager associates tags to one or more YouTube channels. To add tags for publishing, see Administer Tags.
Or, if you intend to use the default tags in Experience Manager, you can skip this task and go to Set up YouTube in Experience Manager.
Set up YouTube in Experience Manager setting-up-youtube-in-aem
Starting with Experience Manager 6.4, a new touch user interface method was introduced to set up YouTube publishing in Experience Manager. Based on the installed instance of Experience Manager that you are using, do one of the following:
- To configure YouTube in Experience Manager before 6.4, see Set up YouTube in Experience Manager before 6.4.
- To configure YouTube in Experience Manager 6.4 or later, see Set up YouTube in Experience Manager 6.4 and later.
Set up YouTube in Experience Manager 6.4 and later setting-up-youtube-in-aem-and-later
Be sure you log in to your instance of Dynamic Media as an Administrator.
In the upper-left corner of Experience Manager, select the Experience Manager logo, then in the left rail, navigate to Tools(hammer icon) > Cloud Services > YouTube Publishing Configuration.
Select global (do not select it).
Near the upper-right corner of the global page, select Create.
On the Create YouTube Configuration page, under Google Cloud Platform Settings, in the Application Name field, enter the Google Project ID.
You specified the project ID when you initially configured Google Cloud settings earlier.
Leave the Create YouTube Configuration page open; you are returning to it in a moment. -
Using a plain text editor, open the JSON file that you downloaded and saved earlier in the task Configure Google Cloud settings.
Select and copy the entire JSON text.
Return to the YouTube Account Settings dialog box. In the JSON Config field, paste the JSON text.
Near the upper-right corner of the page, select Save.
Now set up YouTube channels in Experience Manager.
Select Add Channel.
In the Channel Name field, enter the name of the channel that you created in the task Adding one or more channels to YouTube earlier.
You can optionally add a description, if desired.
Select Add.
YouTube/Google verification is displayed. If you are not already logged into the Google Cloud account, then skip this step.
- Enter the Google username and password associated with the Google Project ID and the JSON text above.
- Depending on how many channels your account has you see two or more items. Select a channel. Do not select the e-mail address; it is not a channel.
- On the next page, select Accept to allow access to this channel.
Select Allow.
Now set up tags for publishing.
Setting up tags for publishing - On the Cloud Services > YouTube page, select the pencil icon to edit the list of tags that you want to use.
To display the list of available tags in Experience Manager, select the drop-down list icon (upside-down caret).
To add them, select one or more tags.
To delete a tag that you have added, select the tag, and select X.
When you are finished adding the tags that you want, select Save.
Now you publish videos to your YouTube channel.
Set up YouTube in Experience Manager before 6.4 setting-up-youtube-in-aem-before
Be sure you log in to your instance of Dynamic Media as an Administrator.
In the upper-left corner of Experience Manager, select the Experience Manager logo, then in the left rail, navigate to Tools (hammer icon) > Deployment > Cloud Services.
Under the Third-Party Services heading, under YouTube, select Configure now.
In the Create Configuration dialog box, enter a title (mandatory) and name (optional) in the respective fields.
Select Create.
In the YouTube Account Settings dialog box, in the Application Name field, enter the Google Project ID.
You specified the project ID when you initially configured Google Cloud settings earlier.
Leave the YouTube Account Setting dialog box open; you are returning to it in a moment. -
Using a plain text editor, open the JSON file that you downloaded and saved earlier in the task Configuring Google Cloud settings.
Select and copy the entire JSON text.
Return to the YouTube Account Settings dialog box. In the JSON Config field, paste the JSON text.
Select OK.
Now set up YouTube channels in Experience Manager.
To the right of Available Channels, select + (plus sign icon).
In the YouTube Channel Settings dialog box, in the Title field, enter the name of the channel that you created in the task Adding one or more channels to YouTube earlier.
You can optionally add a description, if desired.
Select OK.
YouTube/Google verification is displayed. If you are not already logged into the Google Cloud account, then skip this step.
- Enter the Google username and password associated with the Google Project ID and the JSON text above.
- Depending on how many channels your account has you see two or more items. Select a channel. Do not select the e-mail address; it is not a channel.
- On the next page, select Accept to allow access to this channel.
Select Allow.
Now set up tags for publishing.
Setting up tags for publishing - On the Cloud Services > YouTube page, select the pencil icon to edit the list of tags that you want to use.
To display the list of available tags in Experience Manager, select the drop-down list icon (upside-down caret).
To add them, select one or more tags.
To delete a tag that you have added, select the tag, and select X.
When you are finished adding the tags that you want, select OK.
Now you publish videos to your YouTube channel.
(Optional) Automate the setting of default YouTube properties for your uploaded videos optional-automating-the-setting-of-default-youtube-properties-for-your-uploaded-videos
You can optionally automate the setting of YouTube properties on upload of your videos. Create a metadata processing profile in Experience Manager.
To create the metadata processing profile, you are first going to copy values from the Field Label, Map to property, and Choices fields, all found in Metadata Schemas for video. Then, you build your YouTube video metadata processing profile by adding those values to it.
To automate the setting of default YouTube properties for your uploaded videos:
In the upper-left corner of Experience Manager, select the Experience Manager logo, then in the left rail, navigate to Tools (hammer icon) > Assets > Metadata Schemas.
Select default. (Do not add a checkmark to the selection box to the left of “default”.)
On the default page, check the box to the left of video, then select Edit.
On the Metadata Schema Editor page, select the Advanced tab.
Under the YouTube Publishing heading, select YouTube Category.
On the right side of the page, under the Settings tab, do the following:
In the Map to property text field, select and copy the value.
Paste the copied value into the open text editor. You are going to need this value later when you create your metadata processing profile. Leave the text editor open. -
Under Choices, select and copy the default value that you want to use (such as People & Blogs or Science & Technology).
Paste the copied value into the open text editor. You are going to need this value later when you create your metadata processing profile. Leave the text editor open.
Under the YouTube Publishing heading, select YouTube Privacy.
On the right side of the page, under the Settings tab, do the following:
In the Map to property text field, select and copy the value.
Paste the copied value into the open text editor. You are going to need this value later when you create your metadata processing profile. Leave the text editor open. -
Under Choices, select and copy the default value that you want to use. Notice that the Choices are grouped in pairs of two. The bottom field in the pair is the default value that you want to copy, such as public, unlisted, or private.
Paste the copied value into the open text editor. You are going to need this value later when you create your metadata processing profile. Leave the text editor open.
Near the upper-right corner of the Metadata Schema Editor page, select Cancel.
In the upper-left corner of Experience Manager, select the Experience Manager logo, then in the left rail, select Tools (hammer icon) > Assets > Metadata Profiles.
On the Metadata Profiles page, near the upper-right corner of the page, select Create.
In the Add Metadata Profile dialog box, in the Profile title text field, enter the name
YouTube Video
then select Create. -
On the Metadata Profile Editor page, select the Advance tab.
Add the copied YouTube Publishing values to the profile by doing the following:
On the right side of the page, select the Build Form tab.
(Optional) Drag the component labeled Section Header to the left and drop it in the form area.
(Optional) Select Field Label to select the component.
(Optional) On the right side of the page, under the Settings tab, in the Field Label text field, enter
YouTube Publishing
. -
Select the Build Form tab, then drag the component labeled Multi Value Text and drop it below the YouTube Publishing heading that you created.
To select the component, select Field Label.
On the right side of the page, under the Settings tab, paste the YouTube Publishing values (Field Label value and Map to property value) that you copied earlier, into their respective fields on the form. Paste the Choices value into the Default Value field.
Add the copied YouTube Privacy values to the profile by doing the following:
On the right side of the page, select the Build Form tab.
(Optional) Drag the component labeled Section Header to the left and drop it in the form area.
(Optional) Select Field Label to select the component.
(Optional) On the right side of the page, under the Settings tab, in the Field Label text field, enter
YouTube Privacy
. -
Select the Build Form tab, then drag the component labeled Multi Value Text and drop it below the YouTube Privacy heading you created.
To select the component, select Field Label.
On the right side of the page, under the Settings tab, paste the YouTube Publishing values (Field Label value and Map to property value) that you copied earlier, into their respective fields on the form. Paste the Choices value into the Default Value field.
Near the upper-right corner of the page, select Save.
Apply the YouTube Publishing metadata profile to the folders where you are going to upload videos. You must have both the Metadata Profile and the Video Profile set.
See Metadata Profiles and Video Profiles.
Publish videos to your YouTube channel publishing-videos-to-your-youtube-channel
Now you associate the tags that you added earlier to video assets. This process lets Experience Manager know which assets to publish to your YouTube channel.
To publish videos to your YouTube channel:
In Experience Manager, navigate to a video asset that you want to publish to your YouTube channel.
Select the video asset (the adaptive video set).
On the toolbar, select Properties.
In the Basic tab, under the Metadata heading, select Open Selection Dialog to the right of the Tags field.
On the Select Tags page, navigate to the tags you want to use, and then select one or more tags.
Remember that the tags must be associated with the YouTube channel.
In the upper-right corner of the page, select Select.
In the upper-right corner of the video’s properties page, select Save and Close.
On the toolbar, select Quick Publish.
See also Use Publication Management with Experience Manager Sites.
You can optionally verify the published video on your YouTube channel.
(Optional) Verify the published video on YouTube optional-verifying-the-published-video-on-youtube
You can optionally monitor progress of your YouTube publishing (or unpublishing).
See Monitor video encoding and YouTube publishing progress.
Publishing times can vary greatly depending on numerous factors that include the format of your primary source video, file size, and upload traffic. The publishing process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Also, higher resolution formats are rendered much more slowly. For example, 720p and 1080p take longer to appear than 480p.
After eight hours, if you still see a status message that says Uploaded (processing, please wait), try removing the video from your site and uploading it again.
Link YouTube URLs to your Web Application linking-youtube-urls-to-your-web-application
You can obtain a YouTube URL string that is generated by Dynamic Media after you publish the video. When you copy the YouTube URL, it lands on the Clipboard so you can paste it as necessary to pages in your website or application.
To link YouTube URLs to your web application:
Navigate to the YouTube published video asset whose URL that you want to copy, then select it.
Remember that YouTube URLs are only available to copy after you have first published the video assets to YouTube.
On the toolbar, select Properties.
Select the Advanced tab.
Under the YouTube Publishing heading, in the YouTube URL List, select, and copy the URL text to your web browser to preview the asset or to add to your web content page.
Unpublish videos so you can remove them from YouTube unpublishing-videos-to-remove-them-from-youtube
When you unpublish a video asset in Experience Manager, the video is removed from YouTube.
To unpublish videos to remove them from YouTube:
- Navigate to the video assets that you want to unpublish from your YouTube channel.
- In an asset selection mode, select one or more published video assets.
- On the toolbar, select Manage Publication. If necessary, select the three dots icon (
. . .
) on the toolbar to see Manage Publication. - On the Manage Publication page, select Unpublish.
- In the upper-right corner of the page, select Next.
- In the upper-right corner of the page, select Unpublish.
Monitor video encoding and YouTube publishing progress monitoring-video-encoding-and-youtube-publishing-progress
When you upload a new video to a folder that has video encoding applied or, you publish your video to YouTube, monitor how your video encoding/Youtube publishing is progressing (or failing). Actual YouTube publishing progress is only available by way of the logs. But whether it fails or succeeds, it is listed in other ways described in the following procedure. In addition, you receive email notifications when a YouTube publish workflow or video encoding completes or is interrupted.
Monitor progress monitoring-progress
You can monitor progress, including failed encoding/YouTube publish.
View video-encoding progress in your assets folder:
- In card view, video encoding progress displays on the asset by percent. If there is an error, this information also displays on the asset.
- In list view, video encoding progress displays in the Processing Status column. If there is an error, this message displays in that same column.
This column does not display by default. To enable the column, select View Settings from the views drop-down menu, and add the Processing Status column and select Update.
View progress in the asset details. When you select an asset, open the drop-down menu and select Timeline. To narrow it down to workflow activities like encoding or YouTube publishing, select Workflows.
Any workflow information–such as encoding–displays in the timeline. For YouTube publish, the Workflow timeline also includes the name of the YouTube channel and the YouTube video URL. In addition, you see any failure notifications in the Workflow timeline after the publish is complete.
note note NOTE It can take a long time for failure/error messages to finally be recorded due to multiple workflow configurations on retries, retry delay, and timeout from https://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr, for example: - Apache Sling Job Queue Configuration
- Adobe Granite Workflow External Process Job Handler
- Granite Workflow Timeout Queue
You can adjust the retries, retry delay, and timeout properties in these configurations. -
For workflows in progress, see Workflow Instances available from Tools > Workflow > Instances.
note note NOTE You need administrative rights to access the Tools menu. Select the instance and select Open History.
From the Workflow Instances area, you can also suspend, terminate, or rename workflows. See Administer workflows for more information.
For failed jobs, see Workflow Failures available from Tools > Workflow > Failures. The Workflow Failure lists all failed workflow activities.
note note NOTE You need administrative rights to access the Tools menu. note note NOTE It can take a long time for the error message to finally be recorded due to multiple workflow configurations on retries, retry delay, and timeout from https://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr, for example: - Apache Sling Job Queue Configuration
- Adobe Granite Workflow External Process Job Handler
- Granite Workflow Timeout Queue
You can adjust the retries, retry delay, and timeout properties in these configurations. -
For completed workflows, see Workflow Archive available from Tools > Workflow > Archive. The Workflow Archive lists all completed workflow activities.
note note NOTE You need administrative rights to access the Tools menu. -
You receive email notifications about aborted or failed workflow jobs. These email notifications are configurable by an administrator. See Configure email notifications.
Transcode using Processing Profile transcode-video
Experience Manager as a Cloud Service lets you do basic transcoding of MP4 video files using Processing Profiles. The functionality lets you not just upload but also preview and scale a MP4 video file.
Figure: A Processing Profile for video transcoding in Experience Manager.
If you provide only width or only height and leave the other field blank, the renditions maintain the aspect ratio. H.264 video codec is available for transcoding.
To process assets using a processing profile, add a profile to a folder. See use processing profiles to process assets.
Annotate video assets annotate-video-assets
You can add annotations to video assets. While annotating videos, the player pauses to let you annotate on a frame. For details, see managing video assets.
- From the Assets console, select Edit on the asset card to display the asset details page.
- To play the video, click Preview.
- To annotate the video, click Annotate. An annotation is added at the particular time (frame) in the video. When annotating, you can draw on the canvas and include a comment with the drawing. Comments are auto-saved. To exit the annotation wizard, click Close.
- Seek to a specific point in the video, specify the time in seconds in the text field and click Jump. For example, to skip the first 20 seconds of video, enter 20 in the text field.
- To view it in the timeline, click an annotation. To delete the annotation from the timeline, click Delete.
Best practices and limitations tips-limitations
Without Dynamic Media license, you can only process MP4 files using processing profiles.
When transcoding MP4 files using Processing Profiles, the following guidelines and limitations apply:
Apple ProRes files can only transcode to a maximum resolution of 1080p.
If the source file has a bitrate >200 Mbps, you can only transcode to a maximum resolution of 1080p.
If the source framerate >=60 fps then, the maximum size of the source file that you can use is,
- 400 MB for 4k transcoding.
- 800 MB for 1080p transcoding.
- 8 GB for 720p transcoding.
Maximum file size you can transcode to 4k resolution is 2.55 GB MP4 file of 4k resolution, 12 Mbps bitrate, and 23 fps.
See also