Publishing pages using-publication-management-with-aem-sites
AEM Sites provides several options for publishing and un-publishing content. This video explores the various methods and their capabilities.
Hey there, in this video let me introduce Adobe Experience Manager sites. Adobe Experience Manager enables user to deliver an immersive and engaging experience for every user. With the help of Adobe Experience Manager, they can quickly create content, efficiently manage the content and get your content delivered to your audience. Once you have created and reviewed your content on the author’s environment, you can easily make you changes live to a publish environment. The process of getting your content pushed from an author instance to a publish instance is generally called as publishing. When content is published, an external site user can view and interact with your site’s content. Similarly if you want to remove content that’s currently published, we can remove the content by unpublishing the content. Content publishing is also called as content activation or content replication. Unpublish is sometimes referred to as deactivating. Let’s see how to perform these operations. From AEM home page, navigate to AEM site’s console and open the WKND sample site. As a content author, we have been assigned a task to publish a new WKND site adventure page for river rafting. Let’s browse through the site’s content hierarchy to find the page. Let’s take a look at the publish status of this page. You can publish or unpublish a page either individually or by using bulk activation. First let’s try to publish our river rafting adventure page only. When you select a page, you can see the page publish option within the site’s page toolbar. Depending on where you are in an author instance, a content author can choose to publish a page either from the site’s console toolbar or from the page editor window. Let’s open the page to edit it. From the page editors UI toolbar options, select the page information icon and you can view options to publish a page or to unpublish a page. You can preview your site’s page on the author instance using the preview option before publishing it. When you are trying to publish a page, all associated components, text and images used on the page will also be selected automatically for publishing. You can continue with the page publishing, once the page is published you can see a banner that gets displayed with the page publish status. The publication status of a page gets updated in the site’s UI console. When we perform a page publish from a site’s editors UI, it’s a shallow publish. That is, only the page is published and none of the child pages are published to an external user. Let’s open the page that we published from the author instance and access the page on a publish instance to see how it would appear for an external site user. Let’s open a new tab and navigate to the river rafting site page on your publish instance to verify your published page changes. Let’s navigate back to the site’s console and you can notice the published status of the page has changed from unpublished to published. It is a super easy and fast to get your content changes live from an author instance to a publish instance. We just viewed how to publish a single page like how we published a page from the editor’s UI, we can perform the same operation by selecting the page and using the quick publish operation within the AEM site’s console.
Note that quick publish operation, performs the shallow publish and does not automatically publish its child pages. Often content authors need to perform a bulk publication for their site pages. In such situations we can select multiple pages at once and get them published from the site’s console using the quick publish option. You still have to perform a quick publish or an immediate publish operation for a page. However, what if a page needs to be published at a later date and time? AEM provides a managed publication operation that allows the inclusion of child pages for a selected page, offers customization of references and provides the option to publish a page at a later date in time. Select the page and choose the managed publication option. Proceeding with the next steps you can also add additional content to your list or get a glimpse of what is going to get published when you trigger this operation. For a selected page, you have options to include its child pages and also choose the depth at which the child page needs to be added. In the next step, you can provide a workflow title for quickly identifying your scheduled activation.
Publish later would save your publication information and invoke the workflow based on the time and date it’s scheduled for.
Once triggered and saved, the settings can then be modified in the workflow console of your site. Now let’s discuss how to unpublish a site page. Like how we published a page, you can perform a page unpublish operation from a page editor’s UI screen. Open the page to edit it and then click on the page properties from the editor’s toolbar. Click on the unpublish option to deactivate a page. However, the associated references for the page will still be active and needs to be deactivated separately.
To deactivate a page and its related references, you can use the managed publication option for a page and then choose the unpublish now or later option followed by adding all the associated content that needs to be unpublished alongside with your page.
AEM provides an easy and quick option to manage your site’s page publications. AEM gives you the flexibility of what content and then the content should be published or unpublished on an external site. -
AEM Sites provides several methods for published and un-publishing content, based on the author’s workflow.
Publishing the current page from the AEM Sites Page Editor
- Publish the current page and allows optional selection of references
- Un-publish the current page
Quick Publish from the AEM Sites Admin
- One-click publishing of the selected pages and auto-published all unpublished references
Manage Publication from AEM Sites Admin
- Robust console for detailed management of bulk publish and un-publish content.