Release Notes for Cloud Manager 2022.3.0 in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service release-notes

This page documents the release notes for Cloud Manager 2022.3.0 in AEM as a Cloud Service.

See this page for the current release notes for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

Release Date release-date

The release date for Cloud Manager release 2022.3.0 in AEM as a Cloud Service is March 10, 2022. The next release is planned for April 7, 2022.

What’s New what-is-new

  • Accessing AEM Environment log can be done using the Developer role.

Bug Fixes bug-fixes

  • A subset of git repositories created manually had an incorrect name value which prevented the build artifact reuse feature from being effective. The names of those repositories have been changed and users see the corrected name in the Cloud Manager API/UI.
  • Build artifacts from non-production pipelines were inappropriately reused on production full stack pipelines.
  • When adding or editing a code quality pipeline, the options to handle metric failures is no longer displayed.
  • Some unexpected pipeline variable configurations could cause in the build step.