Release Notes for Cloud Manager 2022.6.0 in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service release-notes

This page documents the release notes for Cloud Manager 2022.6.0 in AEM as a Cloud Service.

See this page for the current release notes for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

Release Date release-date

The release date for Cloud Manager release 2022.6.0 in AEM as a Cloud Service is June 9, 2022. The next release is planned for June 30, 2022.

What’s New what-is-new

  • A new welcome card on the Cloud Manager landing page gives users quick access to onboarding tutorials and progress metrics related to the tenant.

    • This feature will be rolled out in a phased approach over the week following the 2022.06.0 release.
  • Users with requisite permissions can access a new License Dashboard on the Cloud Manager landing page to view details of entitlements available to the tenant.

    • AEM Sites is the first solution for which availability and usage consumption is delivered via the Cloud Manage dashboard.
    • This feature will be rolled out in a phased approach over the weeks following the 2022.06.0 release.
  • New Relic sub-account and self-service user management is now available via the Cloud Manager UI.

    • This feature will be rolled out in a phased approach over the weeks following the 2022.06.0 release.
  • A new Go Live widget on the home page of Cloud Service production programs now provides guidance to prepare for a successful go live experience.

  • Build artifacts can now be reused when using git mirroring.

API Changes api-changes

  • The List Programs API has been deprecated and List Programs for Tenant should be used instead.

    • List Programs continues to work, but its usage will generate warning messages in logs.
    • It will no longer be supported after three months.