Search Assets API search-assets-api

All approved assets available in Experience Manager assets repository can be searched and then delivered to integrated downstream applications using a Delivery URL.

Searching the right approved assets from the Experience Manager repository is the first step towards delivering assets using the delivery URL. The response to the search request comprises an array of JSON documents corresponding to the assets that met the search criteria. Each JSON document is identified using an id field, which is used to compose the asset delivery request.

Overview of direct binary upload protocol

You can define properties within the Search Assets API request to enable the following capabilities:

  • Full-text search: Use the match query to define the text to search. You can also use operators within the match query to filter the results.

  • Apply filters: Use the term query to filters the results further by defining a key and one or multiple values. key identifies the field whose value must be matched and value represents what to match against. Similarly, you can use the range query to define a range for a field using the Greater-than (gt), Greater-than or equal-to (gte), Less-than (lt), and Less-than or equal-to (lte) properties.

  • Sort results: Use the OrderBy property to sort search results based on one or multiple fields. You can sort the results in an ascending or descending order.

  • Pagination: Use the limit and cursor properties to define pagination properties within a Search API request. limit property defines the maximum items to retrieve in an API response. cursor property facilitates to retrieve starting point for the next set of assets defined in the limit property. For example, if you define 50 as the limit in the API request, you can use the cursor property to start and retrieve the next 50 items using the next API request.

Search assets API endpoint search-assets-api-endpoint

The endpoint in a Search assets API request must be in the following format:

The delivery domain is similar in structure to the Experience Manager author environment’s domain. The only difference is replacing the term author with delivery.

pXXXX refers to the program ID

eYYYY refers to the environment ID

Search assets API request method search-assets-api-request-method


Search Assets API header search-assets-api-header

You need to provide the following details while defining a header in the Search assets API:

headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental': '1',
      Authorization: 'Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>',
      'X-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

To invoke the Search API, an IMS token is required to define in the Authorization details. The IMS token is fetched from a technical account. See Fetch the AEM as a Cloud Service Credentials to create a new technical account. See Generating the access token to generate the IMS token and use it appropriately in the Search assets API request header.

To view request samples, response samples, and response codes, see Search Assets API.
