Add a CDN configuration add-cdn

To link a domain with an SSL certificate on the Adobe-managed CDN within your program, you must add a CDN (Content Delivery Network) configuration.

For Adobe managed CDNs, when using a DV SSL certificate, only sites with ACME validation are permitted.

Have you added a custom domain name and added an SSL certificate, respectively? If not, you must complete these two tasks before you can add a CDN configuration.

To add a CDN configuration:

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization.

  2. Depending on your use case, do one of the following:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
    Use case Steps
    I want to add a CDN configuration to an existing Edge Delivery site in Cloud Manager a. In the left side menu, under Services, click Edge Delivery Sites.
    b. In the Edge Delivery table, at the end of a row that does not have a domain associated with it, click More icon .
    c. Click Configure CDN. Click Configure CDN for a Edge Delivery site
    I want to add a CDN configuration in Cloud Manager a. In the left side menu, under Services, click CDN Configurations.
    b. Near the upper-right corner of the CDN Configurations page, click Add.
  3. In the Configure CDN dialog box, in the Origin drop-down list, select one of the following:

    Configure CDN dialog box

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
    Origin Description
    Sites Select an Edge Delivery site.
    Environment Select a specific Cloud Service environment that you want to target within your AEM setup.
    In the Tier drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • Select Publish to target a live, production environment where content is delivered to end users.
    • Select Preview for staging or non-production environments where you test changes before they go live.
  4. Select your CDN type and associated configuration by selecting one of the following:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
    CDN type Configuration details
    Adobe managed CDN Under Configuration details, do the following:
    a. In the Domain drop-down list, select the domain name that you want to use.
    No verified domains available in the drop-down list? See Add a custom domain name.
    b. In the SSL certificate drop-down list, select a certificate that you want to use.
    No SSL certificates available in the drop-down list? See Add an SSL certificate.
    Other CDN provider Select this option if you are using your own CDN provider and not the Adobe managed CDN that is available to you.
    Under Configuration details, in the Domain drop-down list, select the domain name that you want to use.
    No verified domains available in the drop-down list? See Add a custom domain name.
  5. Click Save.
