Request Analysis Script request-analysis-script

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This script is made to ease the analysis of the access.log files producing a readable report for later processing.

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Description description

This script is made to ease the analysis of the access.log files producing a readable report for later processing.

It produces the overall requests number, GET vs POST, Request distribution over time and more.

The output is in Markdown syntax therefore it will be easier to convert it to PDFs with tools like pandoc or showing it in a browser with plug-ins like Markdown viewer.

It can analyse a custom path provided on the command line.

Taking from the comment within the file that tells you how to run it:

Analyse CQ access.log extrapolating various information and producing a Markdown output on stdout.

Usage usage

./ access.log.2013-*

you can provide additional custom paths to analyse on the command line

/ access.log.2013-* /my/custom/path/1 /my/custom/path/2

you can save the output by a simple piping

./ access.log.2013-* | tee
