Boost Factor

Each segment has a Boost parameter that is used as a weighting factor; a higher number indicates that the segment will be selected in preference to a segment with a lower number.

  • Minimum value: 0
  • Maximum value: 1000000

Segment Logic

The following logic containers are available out-of-the-box and let you construct the logic of your segment selection. They can be dragged from the sidekick to the editor:

AND ContainerThe boolean AND operator.
OR ContainerThe boolean OR operator.

Segment Traits

The following segment traits are available out-of-the-box; they can be dragged from the sidekick to the editor:

IP RangeDefines a range of IP addresses that the visitor can have.
Page HitsHow often the page has been requested.
Page PropertyAny property of the visited page.
Referral KeywordsKeywords to match with information from the referring website.
ScriptJavaScript expression to be evaluated.
Segment ReferenceReference to another segment definition.
Tag CloudTags to be matched with those from the pages visited.
User AgeAs taken from the user profile.
User PropertyAny other information that is available in the user profile.

You can combine these traits using the boolean operators OR and AND (see Creating a New Segment) to define the exact scenario for selecting this segment.

When the entire statement evaluates to true then this segment has resolved. If there are multiple applicable segments, then the Boost factor is also used.

The segment editor does not check for any circular references. For example, segment A references another segment B, which in turn references segment A. Ensure that your segments do not contain any circular references.
Properties with the _i18n suffix are set by a script which is a part of personalization’s UI clientlib. All UI-related clientlibs are loaded on author only since the UI is not needed on publish.
Therefore when creating a segment with such properties is it normally necessary to rely on browserFamily for instance instead of browserFamily_i18n.

Creating a New Segment

To define your new segment:

  1. In the rail, choose Tools > Operations > Configuration.

  2. Click on the Segmentation page in the left pane, and navigate to the required location.

  3. Create a new page using the Segment template.

  4. Open the new page to see the segment editor:

    The first step of creating a segment in the Segment Editor

  5. Use either the sidekick or the context menu (usually right mouse button click, then select New… to open the Insert New Component window) to find the segment trait you need. Then drag it to the Segment Editor it will appear in the default AND container.

  6. Double-click the new trait to edit the specific parameters; for example, the mouse position:

    Editing a component in the Segment Editor

  7. Click OK to save your definition:

  8. You can Edit the segment definition to give it a Title, Description and Boost factor:

    Editing the segment settings in the Segment Editor

  9. Add more traits if necessary. You can formulate boolean expressions using the AND Container and OR Container components found under Segment Logic. With the segment editor you can delete traits or containers not needed anymore, or drag them to new positions within the statement.

Using AND and OR Containers

You can construct complex segments in AEM. It helps to be aware of a few basic points:

  • The top-level of the definition is always the AND container that is initially created; this cannot be changed, but does not have an effect on the rest of your segment definition.
  • Ensure that the nesting of your container makes sense. The containers can be viewed as the brackets of your boolean expression.

The following example is used to select visitors who are either:

Male and between the ages of 16 and 65


Female and between the ages of 16 and 62

As the main operator is OR you need to start with an OR Container. Within this you have 2 AND statements, for each of these you need an AND Container, into which you can add the individual traits.

An example of AND and OR operators in the Segment Editor

Testing the Application of a Segment

Once the segment has been defined, potential results can be tested with the help of the Client Context:

  1. Select the segment to be tested.

  2. Press Ctrl-Alt-C to open the Client Context, which shows the data that has been collected. For testing purposes you can Edit certain values, or Load another profile to see the impact there.

  3. Depending on the traits defined, the data available for the current page may or may not match the segment definition. The status of the match is shown underneath the definition.

For example, a simple segment definition can be based on the age and gender of the user. Loading a specific profile shows that the segment is successfully resolved:

Using the Client Context window to test an AND segmentation operation

Or not:

Using the Client Context window to test a NOT segmentation operation

All traits are resolved immediately, though most only change on page reload. Changes to mouse position are visible immediately, so useful for testing purposes.

Such tests can also be performed on content pages and in combination with Teaser components.

Mouseover on a teaser paragraph will show the segments applied, whether they currently resolve and therefore, why the current teaser instance has been selected:

An example mouseover of a segment

Using Your Segment

Segments are currently used within Campaigns. They are used to steer the actual content seen by specific target audiences. See Understanding Segments for more information.

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