Developing a Bulk Editor based Component: the Product List Component

This section provides an overview of how to use the Bulk Editor and gives a description of the existing Geometrixx component based on the Bulk Editor: the Product List component.

The Product List component lets users display and edit a table of data. For example, you can use the Product List component to represent products in a catalog. The information is presented in a standard HTML table and any editing is performed in the Edit dialog box, which contains a BulkEditor widget. (This Bulk Editor is the same as the one accessible at /etc/importers/bulkeditor.html or through the Tools menu). The Product List component has been configured for specific, limited Bulk Editor functionality. Every part of the Bulk Editor (or components derived from the Bulk Editor) can be configured.

With the Bulk Editor, you can add, modify, delete, filter, and export the rows, save modifications, and import a set of rows. Every row is stored as a node under the Product List component instance itself. Every cell is a property of each node. This is a design choice and it can easily be changed, for example, you could store nodes somewhere else in the repository. The query servlet’s role is to return the list of the nodes to display; the search path is defined as a Product List instance.

The source code of the Product List component is available in the repository at /apps/geometrixx/components/productlist and is composed of several parts like all Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) components:

  • HTML rendering: the rendering is done in a JSP file ( The JSP reads the subnodes of the current Product List component and displays each of them as a row of an HTML table.
  • Edit dialog, which is where you define the Bulk Editor configuration. Configure the dialog to match the needs of the component: columns available and possible actions performed on the grid or on the search. See Bulk Editor configuration properties for information on all the configuration properties.

Here is an XML representation of the dialog sub nodes:

                text="Save modifications"/>
                text="Apply filter"/>
                fieldDescription="Enter here your filters"
            <store jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
            <colsMetadata jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    headerText="Product Id"/>
                    cellStyle="background-color: #FFCC99;"
                    headerText="Product Name"/>
                    cellStyle="background-color: #EDEDED;"
                    headerText="Catalog Code"/>
                <Color jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    headerText="Sku Id"/>

Bulk Editor Configuration Properties

Every part of the Bulk Editor can be configured. The following table lists all the configuration properties for the Bulk Editor.

Property nameDefinition
rootPathSearch root path
queryParamsSearch query
contentModeTrue to enable content mode: properties are read on jcr:content node and not on search result node
colsValueSearched properties (checked values from colsSelection displayed as checkboxes)
extraColsExtra searched properties (displayed in a textfield comma-separated)
initialSearchTrue to perform query on page load
colsSelectionSearched properties selection (displayed as checkboxes)
showGridOnlyTrue to show only the grid and not the search panel (do not forget to set the initialSearch to true)
searchPanelCollapsedTrue to collapse search panel by default
hideRootPathHide root path field
hideQueryParamsHide query field
hideContentModeHide content mode field
hideColsSelectionHide cols selection field
hideExtraColsHide extra cols field
hideSearchButtonHide search button
hideSaveButtonHide save button
hideExportButtonHide export button
hideImportButtonHide import button
hideResultNumberHide grid search result number text
hideInsertButtonHide grid insert button
hideDeleteButtonHide grid delete button
hidePathColHide grid "path" column
queryURLPath to query servlet
exportURLPath to export servlet
importURLPath to import servlet
insertedResourceTypeResource type added to node when a row is inserted
saveButtonSave button widget config
searchButtonSearch button widget config
exportButtonExport button widget config
importButtonImport button widget config
searchPanelSearch panel widget config
gridGrid widget config
storeStore config
colModelGrid column model config
rootPathInputrootPath widget config
queryParamsInputqueryParams widget config
contentModeInputcontentMode widget config
colsSelectionInputcolsSelection widget config
extraColsInputextraCols widget config

Column metadata config. Possible properties are (applied to all cells of the column):

  • cellStyle: html style

  • cellCls: css class

  • readOnly: true to not being able to change value

  • checkbox: true to define all cells of the column as checkboxes (true/false values)

  • forcedPosition: integer value to specify where column must be placed in grid (between 0–number of colums-1)

Columns Metadata Configuration

You can configure for each column:

  • display properties: html style, CSS class and read-only

  • a checkbox

  • a forced position

CSS and read-only columns

The Bulk Editor has three column configurations:

  • Cell CSS class name (cellCls): a CSS class name that is added to each cell of the configured column.
  • Cell style (cellStyle): an HTML style that is added to each cell of the configured column.
  • Read only (readOnly): read only is set for each cell of the configured column.

The configuration must be defined as the following one:

"colsMetadata": {
"Column name": {
     "cellStyle": "html style",
     "cellCls": "CSS class",
     "readOnly": true/false

The following example can be found in the productlist component (

            <colsMetadata jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    headerText="Product Id"/>
                    cellStyle="background-color: #FFCC99;"
                    headerText="Product Name"/>
                    cellStyle="background-color: #EDEDED;"
                    headerText="Catalog Code"/>
                <Color jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    headerText="Sku Id"/>


If the checkbox configuration property is set to true, all the cells of the column are rendered as checkboxes. A checked box sends true to the server Save servlet, false otherwise. In the header menu, you can also select all or select none. These options are enabled if the selected header is the header of a checkbox column.

In the former example, the selection column contains only checkboxes as checkbox=“true”.

Forced position

The forced position metadata forcedPosition lets you specify where the column is placed within the grid: 0 is the first place and <number of columns>-1 is the last position. Any other value is ignored.

In the former example, the selection column is the first column as forcedPosition=“0”.

Query Servlet

By default, the Query servlet can be found at /libs/wcm/core/components/bulkeditor/ You can configure another path to retrieve the data.

The Query servlet works as follows: it receives a GQL query and the columns to return, computes the results, and sends the results back to the Bulk Editor as a JSON stream.

In the Product List component case, the two parameters sent to the Query servlet are as follows:

  • query: “path:/content/geometrixx/en/customers/jcr:content/par/productlist Cube”
  • cols: “Selection,ProductId,ProductName,Color,CatalogCode,SellingSku”

And the JSON stream is returned as follows:

  "hits": [{
      "jcr:path": "/content/geometrixx/en/products/jcr:content/par/productlist/1258674828905",
      "ProductId": "21",
      "ProductName": "Cube",
      "Color": "Blue",
      "CatalogCode": "43244",
      "SellingSku": "32131"
  "results": 1

Each hit corresponds to one node and its properties, and is displayed as a row in the grid.

You can extend the Query servlet to return a complex inheritance model or return nodes stored at a specific logic place. The Query servlet can be used to do any kind of complex computation. The grid can then display rows that are an aggregate of several nodes in the repository. The modification and the saving of these rows must in that case be managed by the Save Servlet.

Save Servlet

In the default configuration of the Bulk Editor each row is a node and the path of this node is stored in the row record. The Bulk Editor keeps the link between the row and the node through the jcr path. When a user edits the grid, a list of all the modifications is built. When a user clicks Save, a POST query is sent to each path with the updated properties values. This is the basis of the Sling concept and it works well if each cell is a property of the node. But if the Query servlet is implemented to do inheritance computation, this model cannot work as a property returned by the Query servlet can be inherited from another node.

The Save servlet concept is that the modifications are not directly posted to each node but that they are posted to one servlet that does the saving job. This gives this servlet the possibility to analyze the modifications and save the properties on the right node.

Each updated property is sent to the servlet in the following format:

  • Parameter name: <jcr path>/<property name>

    Example: /content/geometrixx/en/products/jcr:content/par/productlist/1258674859000/SellingSku

  • Value: <value>

    Example: 12123

The servlet needs to know where the catalogCode property is stored.

A default Save servlet implementation is available at /libs/wcm/bulkeditor/save/POST.jsp and is used in the Product List component. It takes all the parameters from the request (with a <jcr path>/<property name> format) and writes properties on nodes using the JCR API. It also creates node if they do not exist (grid inserted rows).

Do not use the default code as is because it reimplements what the server natively does (a POST on <jcr path>/<property name>) and is therefore only a good starting point for building a Save servlet that can manage a property inheritance model.

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