Editor Limitations editor-limitations

The editor in the touch-enabled UI uses overlays to interact with content confined in an iframe. This interaction creates some limitations in both usage of the editor and also for developers. This page summarizes these limitations and provides solutions or work-arounds where possible.

Functional Limitations functional-limitations

An author may encounter the following functional limitations when using the editor to author pages.

When editing a page, links are not active.

Structure Pages structure-pages

Pages cannot be named structure. Pages that are named structure are not editable in the page editor.

CSS Limitations css-limitations

A developer may encounter the following limitations with the editor’s interactions with CSS.

Absolutely Positioned Elements absolutely-positioned-elements

Absolutely positioned elements can cause issues in the position of their overlay.

  • If this happens, make sure that the dimensions of the absolutely positioned element are correct because the editor creates an overlay with the exact same dimensions.

vh Units vh-units

vh units are not supported because the iframe height must be automatically adjusted by Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).

Fixed Background Images fixed-background-images

Fixed background images may not be displayed as fixed when scrolling because it is embedded within an iframe.

  • Selecting View Page as Published in the header bar actions displays the page properly.

100% Height height

100% height is not supported on a page’s body element.

  • A work-around is possible to implement a fullscreen body by “stretching” the body element as follows:
body {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;
    left: 0;

Margin Collapsing margin-collapsing

Margin collapsing problems can be seen if the first child element of the body element has a margin.

  • The solution is to add a clearfix at the body element level such as follows:
body:before, body:after{
    content: ' ';
    display: table;