Generic steps for AEM Forms workspace customization generic-steps-for-aem-forms-workspace-customization

The generic steps to perform any customization are:

  1. Log in to CRXDE Lite by accessing https://'[server]:[port]'/lc/crx/de/index.jsp.

  2. Create a sling:Folder folder that is named ws at /apps, if it does not exist. To create a sling:Folder folder, right-click the apps folder and select Create > Create Node. Specify the name as ws, select type as sling:Folder, and click OK. Click Save All.

  3. Browse to /apps/ws, and navigate to the Access Control tab.

  4. Select the Repository option. In the Access Control list, click + to add an entry. Click + again.

  5. Search and select the PERM_WORKSPACE_USER Principal.

    Select PERM_WORKSPACE_USER principal as part of the generic steps to customize HTML Workspace

  6. Give jcr:read privilege to the Principal.

  7. Click Save All.

  8. Copy the GET.jsp, index, and html.jsp files from the /libs/ws folder to the /apps/ws folder.

  9. Copy the /libs/ws/locales folder in the /apps/ws folder. Click Save All.

  10. Update the references and relative paths in the GET.jsp file, as shown below, and click Save all.

    code language-javascript
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='/lc/apps/ws/index.html'" />
  11. Do the following for CSS customizations:

    1. Navigate to the /apps/ws folder and create a folder named css.

    2. In the css folder, create a file named newStyle.css.

    3. Open /apps/ws/html.jsp and change from

    code language-javascript
    <link lang="en" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />
    <link lang="en" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/jquery-ui.css"/>


    code language-javascript
    <link lang="en" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../libs/ws/css/style.css" />
    <link lang="en" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/newStyle.css" />
    <link lang="en" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../libs/ws/css/jquery-ui.css"/>
    note note
    Place the entry of the user-defined CSS file after the entry of style.css, as shown above.
  12. In the /apps/ws/html.jsp file, change from

    code language-jsp
    <script data-main="js/main" src="js/libs/require/require.js"></script>


    code language-jsp
    <script data-main="js/main" src="../../libs/ws/js/libs/require/require.js"></script>
  13. Do the following:

    1. Create a folder named js at /apps/ws. Click Save All.

    2. Create a folder named libs at /apps/ws/js. Click Save All.

    3. Copy /libs/ws/js/libs/jqueryui folder to /apps/ws/js/libs. Click Save All.

  14. Do the following for HTML customizations:

    1. Under /apps/ws/js, create a folder named runtime. Click Save All.

    2. Under /apps/ws/js/runtime, create a folder named templates. Click Save All.

    3. Copy /libs/ws/js/main.js to /apps/ws/js/main.js.

    4. Copy /libs/ws/js/registry.js to /apps/ws/js/registry.js.

  15. Click Save All, clear the cache, and refresh the AEM Forms workspace.

    Access the URL https://'[server]:[port]'/lc/ws and log in with administrator/password credentials. The browser redirects to https://'[server]:[port]'/lc/apps/ws/index.html.
