Accessing Help

On various consoles (for example, Websites), a Help button is available. Clicking Help opens either Package Share or the documentation site.


When editing a page, the sidekick also has a button for accessing help.

The Websites console lists your pages of content in a tree structure (left-hand pane). For ease of navigation, sections of the tree structure can be expanded (+) or collapsed (-) as required:

  • Clicking the page name in the left pane does the following:

    • Lists the child pages in the right pane

    • Expands the structure in the left pane.

      For performance reasons, this action depends on the number of children nodes. With a standard installation, this method of expansion works when there are 30 or fewer child nodes.

  • Double-clicking the page name (left pane) expands the tree, though as the page is opened at the same time this effect is not so obvious.

This default value ( 30) can be changed per console in your application-specific configurations of the siteadmin widget:
On the siteadmin node:
Set the value of the property:
Or globally in the theme:
Set the value of:
See SiteAdmin in the CQ Widget API for more details.

Page Information on the Websites Console

The right pane of the Websites console provides a list view with information about pages:


The following are available; a subset of these fields is shown as default:

ThumbnailShows a thumbnail for the page.
TitleThe title that appears on the page
NameThe name AEM refers to the page
PublishedIndicates whether the page has been published and provides the publication date and time.
ModifiedIndicates whether the page has been modified and provides the modification date and time. To save any modification, you must activate the page.
Scene7 PublishIndicates whether the page has been published to Scene7.
StatusIndicates the status of the page, such as whether the page is part of a workflow or livecopy, or whether a page is locked.
ImpressionsShows the activity on a page in number of hits.
TemplateIndicates the template that a page is based on.
In WorkflowIndicates when the page is in a workflow.
Locked byShows when a page has been locked and the user account that has locked it.
Live CopyIndicates when the page is part of a live copy.
To select the columns visible, hover your mouse over a column title. A drop-down menu is shown, and from here you can use the Columns option.

The colors next to pages in the Published and Modified columns indicate publication status:

PublishedGreenPublication was successful. Content is published.
PublishedYellowPublication is pending. Confirmation of publication has not yet been received by the system.
PublishedRedPublication failed. There is no connection with the publish instance. This can also mean that the content was deactivated.
PublishedblankThis page has never been published.
ModifiedBluePage has been modified since the last publication.
ModifiedblankThis page has never been modified, or has not been modified since the last publication.

Context Menus

The classic UI uses well-known mechanisms for navigating and initiating actions, including click and double-click. Depending on the current situation, a range of context menus (opened with the right-mouse-button) are also available:


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