Disabling non-essential anonymous access to services

Some Forms Server services permit unauthenticated (anonymous) invocation for some operations. This means that one or more operations exposed by the service may be invoked as any authenticated user or as no authenticated user at all.

  1. Log in to administration console by typing the following URL in a web browser:

             https://[host name]:'port'/adminui
  2. Click Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.

  3. Click the name of the service that you want to disable (for example, AuthenticationManagerService).

  4. Click the Security tab, deselect Anonymous Access Allowed, and click Save.

  5. Complete steps 3 and 4 for the following services:

    • AuthenticationManagerService
    • EJB
    • Email
    • JobManager
    • WatchedFolder
    • UsermanagerUtilService
    • Remoting
    • RepositoryProviderService
    • EMCDocumentumRepositoryProvider
    • IBMFilenetRepositoryProvider
    • FormAugmenter
    • TaskManagerService
    • TaskManagerConnector
    • TaskManagerQueryService
    • TaskQueueManager
    • TaskEndpointManager
    • UserService
    • WorkspaceSearchTemplateService
    • WorkspacePropertyService
    • OutputService
    • FormsService

    If you intend to expose any of these services for remote invocation, you should also consider disabling anonymous access for these services. Otherwise, any caller with network access to this service may invoke the service without passing valid credentials.

    Anonymous access should be disabled for any services that are not needed. Many internal services require anonymous authentication to be enabled because they need to be invoked by potentially any user in the system without being preauthorized.

Changing the default global time-out

End users can authenticate to AEM Forms through Workbench, AEM Forms web applications, or custom applications that invoke AEM Forms server services. One global time-out setting is used to specify how long such users can interact with AEM Forms (using a SAML-based Assertion) before they are forced to reauthenticate. The default setting is two hours. On a production environment, the amount of time needs to be reduced to the minimum number of minutes acceptable.

Minimize reauthentication time limit

  1. Log in to administration console by typing the following URL in a web browser:

             https://[host name]:'port'/adminui
  2. Click Settings > User Management > Configuration > Import And Export Configuration Files.

  3. Click Export to produce a config.xml file with the existing AEM Forms settings.

  4. Open the XML file in an editor and locate the following entry:

    <entry key="assertionValidityInMinutes" value="120"/>

  5. Change the value to any number greater than 5 (in minutes) and save the file.

  6. In administration console, navigate to the Import And Export Configuration Files page.

  7. Enter the path to the modified config.xml file or click Browse to navigate to it.

  8. Click Import to upload the modified config.xml file and then click OK.

Experience Manager

Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms

Espressos & Experience Manager

Thursday, Mar 6, 7:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's AEM product team as they highlight AEM Forms' latest innovations, including: the new Gen AI Assistant, Unified Composition with AEM Sites, and new ways to deploy forms through conversations.


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