Testing the New Service

When you open the Websites Administration console and browse through your site, the browser is issuing an Ajax call to get the JSON object that is used to build the console. For example, when you browse to the /content/geometrixx folder, the following request is sent to the AEM server to build the console:


To make sure that the new service is running after having deployed the bundle containing it:

  1. Point your browser to the following URL:

  2. The response should display the new properties as follows:


Displaying the New Column

The last step consists in adapting the nodes structure of the Websites Administration console to display the new property for all the Geometrixx pages by overlaying /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin. Proceed as follows:

  1. In CRXDE Lite, create the nodes structure /apps/wcm/core/content with nodes of type sling:Folder to reflect the structure /libs/wcm/core/content.

  2. Copy the node /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin and paste it below /apps/wcm/core/content.

  3. Copy the node /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/grid/assets to /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/grid/geometrixx and changes its properties:

    • Remove pageText

    • Set pathRegex to /content/geometrixx(/.*)?
      This makes the grid configuration active for all Geometrixx websites.

    • Set storeProxySuffix to .pages.json

    • Edit the storeReaderFields multivalued property and add the starred value.

    • To activate MSM functionality, add the following MSM parameters to the multi-String property storeReaderFields:

      • msm:isSource
      • msm:isInBlueprint
      • msm:isLiveCopy
  4. Add a starred node (of type nt:unstructured) below /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/grid/geometrixx/columns with the following properties:

    • dataIndex: starred of type String

    • header: Starred of type String

    • xtype: gridcolumn of type String

  5. (optional) Drop the columns that you do not want to display at /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/grid/geometrixx/columns

  6. /siteadmin is a vanity path that, as default, points to /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin.
    To redirect this to your version of siteadmin on /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin, define the property sling:vanityOrder to have a value higher than that defined on /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin. The default value is 300, so anything higher is suitable.

  7. Go to the Websites Administration console and navigate to the Geometrixx site:

  8. The new column called Starred is available, displaying custom information as follows:


If multiple grid configurations match the requested path defined by the pathRegex property, the first one is used, and not the most specific one, which means that the order of the configurations is important.

Sample package

The outcome of this tutorial is available in the Customizing the Websites Administration Console package on Package Share.

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