Upload your custom logo file to CRX. Standard HTML rules govern the rendering of the logo. The image file formats supported are according to the browser that you are using to access AEM Forms. All the browsers support JPEG, GIF, and PNG. For more information, see the browser-specific documentation on the supported image formats.

  • The default dimensions of the logo image are 48 px * 48 px. Ensure that your image is similar to this size or bigger than 48 px * 48 px.
  • If the height of your logo image is more than 50 px, the Create Correspondence user interface scales down the image to a maximum height of 50 px as this is the height of the header. While scaling the image down, the Create Correspondence user interface maintains the aspect ratio of your image.
  • The Create Correspondence User Interface does not scale up your image if it is small, so ensure you use a logo image at least 48 px in height and sufficient width for clarity.

Use the following steps to upload the custom logo file to CRX:

  1. Go to https://'[server]:[port]'/[contextpath]/crx/de. If necessary, log in as Administrator.

  2. In CRXDE, right-click the imgs folder at the following path and select Create > Create File:


    Create new node in imgs folder

  3. In the Create File dialog, enter the name of the file as CustomLogo.png (or the name of your logo file).

    CustomLogo.png as new node

  4. Click Save All.

    Under the new file that you have created (here CustomLogo.png), jcr:content property appears.

  5. Click jcr:content in the folder structure.

    jcr:content’s properties appear.


  6. Double-click the jcr:data property.

    The Edit jcr:data dialog appears.

    Now click the newlogo.png folder, then double-click jcr:content (dim option) and set the type nt:resource. If it is not present, create a property with the name jcr:content.

  7. In the Edit jcr:data dialog, click Browse and select the image file you want to use as a logo (here CustomLogo.png).

    The image file formats supported are according to the browser that you are using to access AEM Forms. All the browsers support JPEG, GIF, and PNG. For more information, see the browser-specific documentation on the supported image formats.

    Sample custom logo file

    Example: CustomLogo.png to be used as the custom logo

  8. Click Save All.

Create the CSS for rendering the logo with the UI

The custom logo image requires an additional style sheet to be loaded in the content context.

Use the following steps to create the style sheet for rendering the logo with the UI:

  1. Go to https://'[server]:[port]'/[contextpath]/crx/de. If necessary, log in as Administrator.

  2. Create a file named customcss.css (you cannot use a different filename) in the following location:


    Steps to create the customcss.css file:

    1. Right-click the css folder and select Create > Create File.

    2. In the New File dialog, specify the name of the CSS as customcss.css(you cannot use a different filename), and click OK.

    3. Add the following code to the newly created css file. In content:url in the code, specify the image name you have uploaded to the imgs folder in CRXDE.

      .logo, .logo:after {
    4. Click Save All.

Refresh the Create Correspondence UI so you can see the custom logo

Clear the browser cache, and then open the Create Correspondence UI instance in your browser so you can see your custom logo.

Create correspondence user interface with custom logo

The custom icon in the Create Correspondence UI

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