AEM 6.5 and Headless

AEM 6.5 is a flexible tool for the headless implementation model by offering three powerful services:

  1. Content Models

    • Content Models are structured representation of content.
    • These are defined by information architects in the AEM Content Fragment Model editor.
    • Content Models serve as a basis for Content Fragments.
  2. Content Fragments

    • Content Fragments are instantiations of content models.
    • These are created by content authors using the AEM Content Fragment editor.
    • They are stored in AEM Assets and managed in Assets Admin UI.
  3. Content API for delivery

Your First Steps with AEM Headless

There are several resources available for your to get started with AEM’s headless features. They are intended for different use cases, but all give a solid overview of AEM’s headless features.

ResourceDescriptionTypeAudienceEst. Time
Headless Developer JourneyFor users new to AEM and headless technologies, start here for a comprehensive introduction to AEM and its headless features from the theory of headless through going live with your first headless project.GuideDevelopers new to AEM and headless1 hour
Headless Getting Started GuideFor experienced AEM users who need a short summary of the key AEM headless features, check out this quick start overview.Quick StartDevelopers, Administrators with AEM experience20 minutes
Getting Started with AEM Headless hands-on tutorialIf you prefer a hands-on approach and are familiar with AEM, this tutorial dives directly into creating a simple headless project.TutorialDevelopers2 hours
AEM Developer PortalThis collection of resources are provided for both new and experienced developers.Collection of ResourcesDevelopers

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