
  • boolproperty
    Relative path to property, for example, myFeatureEnabled or jcr:content/myFeatureEnabled.

  • value
    Value to check property for, " true" or " false".


Restricts the result to content fragments.

Does not support filtering.

Does not support facet extraction.


  • contentfragment
    It can be used with any value to check for content fragments.


Compares two JCR DATE properties with each other. You can test if they are equal, unequal, greater than or greater-than-or-equal.

This is a filtering-only predicate and cannot use a search index.


  • property1

    Path to first date property.

  • property2

    Path to second date property.

  • operation

    " equals" for exact match, " !=" for unequality comparison, " greater" for property1 greater than property2, " >=" for property1 greater than or equal to property2. The default value is " equals".


Matches JCR DATE properties against a date/time interval. This uses the ISO8601
format for dates and times ( YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) and allows also partial representations, like YYYY-MM-DD. Alternatively, the timestamp can be provided as the number of milliseconds since 1970 in the UTC timezone, the UNIX® time format.

You can look for anything between two timestamps, anything newer or older than a given date, and also chose between inclusive and open intervals.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets “today”, “this week”, “this month”, “last 3 months”, “this year”, “last year” and “earlier than last year”.

Does not support filtering.


  • property

    Relative path to a DATE property, for example, jcr:lastModified.

  • lowerBound

    Lower date bound to check property for, for example, 2014-10-01.

  • lowerOperation

    " >" (newer) or " >=" (at or newer), applies to the lowerBound. The default is " >".

  • upperBound

    Upper bound to check property for, for example, 2014-10-01T12:15:00.

  • upperOperation

    " <" (older) or " <=" (at or older), applies to the upperBound. The default is " <".

  • timeZone

    ID of timezone to use when it is not given as an ISO-8601 date string. The default is the default timezone of the system.


Excludes nodes from the result where their path matches a regular expression.

This is a filtering-only predicate and cannot use a search index.

Does not support facet extraction.


  • excludepaths

    Regular expression matched against result paths, excluding matching ones from the result.


Searches for terms in the fulltext index.

Does not support filtering.

Does not support facet extraction.


  • fulltext

    The fulltext search terms.

  • relPath

    The relative path to search in the property or subnode. This property is optional.


Allows nested conditions to be built. Groups can contain nested groups. Everything in a query builder query is implicitly in a root group, which can have p.or and p.not parameters as well.

Example for matching either one of two properties against a value:

group.1_property.value=My Page
group.2_property.value=My Page

This is conceptually (1_property OR 2_property).

Example for nested groups:


This searches for the term “Management” within pages in /content/geometrixx/en or in assets in /content/dam/geometrixx.

This is conceptually fulltext AND ( (path AND type) OR (path AND type) ). Such OR joins need good indexes for performance.


  • p.or

    If set to " true", only one predicate in the group must match. This defaults to " false", meaning all must match

  • p.not

    If set to " true", it negates the group (defaults to " false").

  • <predicate>

    Adds nested predicates.

  • N_<predicate>

    Adds multiple nested predicates of the same time, like 1_property, 2_property, ....


Restricts the result to items where the current session has the specified JCR privileges.

This is a filtering-only predicate and cannot use a search index. It does not support facet extraction.


  • hasPermission

    Comma-separated JCR privileges that the current user session must ALL have the node in question. For example, jcr:write, jcr:modifyAccessControl.


Finds CQ pages in a specific language. This looks at both the page language property and the page path which often includes the language or locale in a top-level site structure.

This is a filtering-only predicate and cannot use a search index.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets for each unique language code.


  • language

    ISO language code, for example, “de


Checks if a node is a DAM main asset and not a subasset. This is basically every node not inside a “subassets” node. This does not check for the dam:Asset node type. To use this predicate, set " mainasset=true" or " mainasset=false", there are no further properties.

This is a filtering-only predicate and cannot use a search index.

Supports facet extraction and provides two buckets for main and subassets.


  • mainasset

    Boolean, " true" for main assets, " false" for subassets.


Finds items that are member of a specific sling resource collection.

This is a filtering-only predicate and cannot use a search index. Does not support facet extraction.


  • memberOf

    Path of Sling resource collection.


Matches on JCR node names.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets for each unique node name (filename).


  • nodename

    Node name pattern that allows wildcards: * = any or no char, ? = any char, [abc] = only chars in brackets.


Matches items by checking if a JCR DATE property is greater or equal than the current server time. This can be used to check on an " expiresAt" like date property and limit to only the ones that have not expired yet ( notexpired=true) or that have expired already ( notexpired=false).

Does not support filtering.

Supports facet extraction in the same way as the daterange predicate.


  • notexpired

    Boolean, " true" for not expired yet (date in the future or equal), " false" for expired (date in the past) (required).

  • property

    Relative path to the DATE property to check (required).


Allows the results to be sorted. If ordering by multiple properties is required, this predicate must be added multiple times using the number prefix, such as 1_orderby=first, 2_oderby=second.


  • orderby

    Either JCR property name indicated by a leading @, for example, @jcr:lastModified or @jcr:content/jcr:title, or another predicate in the query, for example, 2_property, on which to sort.

  • sort

    Sort direction, either " desc" for descending or " asc" for ascending (default).

  • case

    If set to ignore, it makes sorting case insensitive, meaning “a” comes before “B”; if empty or left out, sorting is case-sensitive, meaning “B” comes before “a”


Searches within a given path.

Does not support facet extraction.


  • path

    Path pattern. Depending on exact, either the entire subtree matches (like appending //* in xpath, but note that this does not include the base path) (exact=false, default), or only an exact path match, which can include wildcards ( *); if self is set, the entire subtree including the base node is searched.

  • exact

    If exact is true/on, the exact path must match, but it can contain simple wildcards ( *), that match names, but not " /"; if it is false (default) all descendents are included (optional).

  • flat

    Searches only the direct children (like appending " /*" in xpath) (only used if ’ exact’ is not true, optional).

  • self

    Searches the subtree but includes the base node given as path (no wildcards).


Matches on JCR properties and their values.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets for each unique property value in the results.


  • property

    Relative path to property, for example, jcr:title.

  • value

    Value to check the property for; follows the JCR property type to string conversions.

  • N_value

    Use 1_value, 2_value, … to check for multiple values (combined with OR by default, with AND if and=true) (since 5.3).

  • and

    Set to true for combining multiple values ( N_value) with AND (since 5.3).

  • operation

    equals” for exact match (default), " unequals" for unequality comparison, " like" for using the jcr:like xpath function (optional), " not" for no match (for example, “not(@prop)” in xpath, value param is ignored) or " exists" for existence check (value can be true - property must exist, the default - or false - same as " not").

  • depth

    Number of wildcard levels underneath which the property/relative path can exist (for instance, property=size depth=2 checks node/size, node/*/size and node/*/*/size).


Matches a JCR property against an interval. This applies to properties with linear types such as LONG, DOUBLE, and DECIMAL. For DATE, see the daterange predicate that has optimized date format input.

You can define a lower bound and an upper bound or only one of them. The operation (for example, “lesser than” or “lesser or equals”) can also be specified for lower and upper bound, individually.

Does not support facet extraction.


  • property

    Relative path to property.

  • lowerBound

    Lower bound to check property for.

  • lowerOperation

    " >" (default) or " >=", applies to the lowerValue

  • upperBound

    Upper bound to check property for.

  • upperOperation

    " <" (default) or " <=", applies to the lowerValue

  • decimal

    " true" if the checked property is of type Decimal


Matches JCR DATE properties against a date/time interval using time offsets relative to the current server time. You can specify lowerBound and upperBound using either a millisecond value or the bugzilla syntax 1s 2m 3h 4d 5w 6M 7y (one second, two minutes, three hours, four days, five weeks, six months, seven years). Prefix with " -" to indicate a negative offset before the current time. If you only specify lowerBound or upperBound, the other one defaults to 0, meaning the current time.

For example:

  • upperBound=1h (and no lowerBound) would select anything in the next hour
  • lowerBound=-1d (and no upperBound) would select anything in the last 24 hours
  • lowerBound=-6M and upperBound=-3M would select anything 6 months to 3 months old
  • lowerBound=-1500 and upperBound=5500 would select anything between 1500 milliseconds in the past and 5500 milliseconds in the future
  • lowerBound=1d and upperBound=2d would select anything in the day after tomorrow

It does not take leap years into consideration and all months are 30 days.

Does not support filtering.

Supports facet extraction in the same way as the daterange predicate.


  • upperBound

    Upper date bound in milliseconds or 1s 2m 3h 4d 5w 6M 7y (one second, two minutes, three hours, four days, five weeks, six months, seven years) relative to current server time, use “-” for negative offset.

  • lowerBound

    Lower date bound in milliseconds or 1s 2m 3h 4d 5w 6M 7y (one second, two minutes, three hours, four days, five weeks, six months, seven years) relative to current server time, use “-” for negative offset.


Root predicate group. Supports all features of a group and lets you set global query parameters.

The name “root” is never used in a query, it is implicit.


  • p.offset

    The number indicating the start of the result page, that is, how many items to skip.

  • p.limit

    The number indicating the page size.

  • p.guessTotal

    Recommended: avoid calculating the full result total which can be costly; either a number indicating the maximum total to count up to (for example, 1000, a number that gives users enough feedback on the rough size and exact numbers for smaller results) or " true" to count only up to the minimum necessary p.offset + p.limit.

  • p.excerpt

    If set to " true", include full text excerpt in the result.

  • p.hits

    (only for the JSON servlet) select the way the hits are written as JSON, with these standard ones (extensible via the ResultHitWriter service):

    • simple:

      Minimal items like path, title, lastmodified, excerpt (if set).

    • full:

      Sling JSON rendering of the node, with jcr:path indicating the path of the hit: by default just lists the direct properties of the node, include a deeper tree with p.nodedepth=N, with 0 meaning the entire, infinite subtree; add p.acls=true to include the JCR permissions of the current session on the given result item (mappings: create = add_node, modify = set_property, delete = remove).

    • selective:

      Only properties specified in, which is a space separated (use “+” in URLs) list of relative paths; if the relative path has a depth > 1 these are represented as child objects; the special jcr:path property includes the path of the hit


Includes all predicates of a persisted query builder query into the current query as a subgroup predicate.

This does not run an extra query but extend the current query.

Queries can be persisted programmatically using QueryBuilder#storeQuery(). The format can be either a multi-line String property or a nt:file node that contains the query as a text file in Java™ properties format.

Does not support facet extraction for the predicates of the saved query.


  • savedquery

    Path to the saved query (String property or nt:file node).


Similarity search using JCR XPath’s rep:similar().

Does not support filtering. Does not support facet extraction.


  • similar
    Absolute path to the node for which to find similar nodes.

  • local
    A relative path to a descendant node or . for the current node (optional, default is " .").


Searches for content tagged with one or more tags, by specifying tag title paths.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets for each unique tag, using their current tag title path.


  • tag

    Tag title path to look for, for example, “Asset Properties : Orientation / Landscape”.

  • N_value

    Use 1_value, 2_value, … to check for multiple tags (combined with OR by default, with AND if and=true) (since 5.6).

  • property

    Property (or relative path to property) to look at (default " cq:tags")


Searches for content tagged with one or more tags, by specifying tag IDs.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets for each unique tag, using their current tag ID.


  • tagid

    Tag id so you can look for, for example, " properties:orientation/landscape".

  • N_value

    Use 1_value, 2_value, … to check for multiple tagids (combined with OR by default, with AND if and=true) (since 5.6).

  • property

    Property (or relative path to property) to look at (default " cq:tags").


Searches for content tagged with one or more tags, by specifying keywords. This searches first for tags that contain these keywords in their titles, then restricts the result to only items tagged with these.

Does not support facet extraction.


  • tagsearch

    Keyword to search for in tag titles.

  • property

    Property (or relative path to property) to look at (default cq:tags).

  • lang

    To search in a certain localized tag title only (for example, de).

  • all

    (bool) Search entire tag fulltext, that is, all titles, description, and so on. Takes precedence over “l ang”.


Restricts results to a specific JCR node type, both primary node type or mixin type. This also finds subtypes of that node type. Repository search indexes must cover the node types for efficient execution.

Supports facet extraction. Provides buckets for each unique type in the results.


  • type

    Node type or mixin name to search for, for example, cq:Page.

Experience Manager