

Best PracticeImplementation
Add alt attributes to imagesThe alt attribute has been defined as mandatory for the image component.
Use jpg instead of png format for imagesImages are always served as JPG by the image component.
Use <img> element instead of background images in a table.No background image data is used in the templates.
Add attribute style=“display block” on pictures. Doing so lets them display well on Gmail.All images contain per default the style=“display block” attribute.

/libs/mcm/campaign/components/heading, /libs/mcm/campaign/components/textimage

Best PracticeImplementation
Use html <font> instead of style in CSS (font-family)The RichTextEditor (for example, in textimage component) now supports choosing and applying font-families and font-sizes to selected texts. They are rendered as <font> tags.
Use basic, cross-platform fonts such as Arial®, Verdana, Georgia, and Times New Roman®.

Depends on newsletter design.

For the demo design, the font "Helvetica®" is used, but it falls back to a generic sans-serif font, if not present.


Best PracticeImplementation
Use W3C validator to correct the HTML code. Make sure that all open tags are properly closed.Code was validated. For XHTML transitional Doctype only, the missing xmlns attribute for the <html> element is missing.
Avoid using JavaScript or Flash - those technologies are often unsupported by email clients.JavaScript or Flash is not used in the newsletter template.
Add a plain text version for multipart sending.A new widget was built into the page properties to easily extract a plaintext version from the page content. You can use it as a starting point for the final plaintext version.

Campaign newsletter templates and examples

AEM comes with several templates and components out of the box for you to create campaign newsletters. You can use these templates and components to create your custom newsletters.


To offer a solid base and to broaden the variety of content flow possibilities, there are three slightly different template types available out-of-the-box. You can easily use these three types to build a custom newsletter.

All have a header, a footer, and a body section. Below the body section, each template differs in column design (one, two, or three columns).

Variants of possible newsletters


There are currently seven components available for use inside campaign templates. These components are all based on the Adobe markup language HTL.

Component nameComponent path
Dynamic Media Classic (formerly Scene7) Image Template/libs/mcm/campaign/s7image
Targeted Reference/libs/mcm/campaign/components/reference
These components are optimized for mail content; that is, they adhere to the best practices outlined in this document. Using other out-of-the-box components usually violates these rules.

These components are described in detail in Adobe Campaign components.

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