To create a custom toolbar layout

  1. Create a folder to maintain your custom toolbar layouts. For example:


    To create a custom layout, you can use (and customize) one of the out-of-the-box toolbar layouts available in the following folder:


    For example, copy the mobileFixedToolbarLayout node from the /libs/fd/af/layouts/toolbar folder to the /apps/customlayout/toolbar folder.

    Also, copy the toolbarCommon.jsp to the /apps/customlayout/toolbar folder.

    The folder that you create to maintain the custom layouts much be created with the apps folder.
  2. Rename the copied node, mobileFixedToolbarLayout, to customToolbarLayout.

    Also, provide a relevant description for the node. For example, change the jcr:description of the node to Custom layout for toolbar.

    The guideComponentType property of the node determines the layout type. In this case, the layout type is toolbar, hence it appears in toolbar layout selection drop-down.

    A node with relevant description

    A node with relevant description

    Your new custom toolbar layout is displayed in the Adaptive Form Toolbar dialog configuration.

    List of available toolbar layouts

    List of available toolbar layouts

    The description updated in the previous step is displayed in the Layout drop-down list.
  3. Select this custom toolbar layout and click OK.

    Add clientlib (javascript and css) in the /etc/customlayout node and include the reference of the clientlib in the customToolbarLayout.jsp.

    Path of the customToolbarLayout.css file

    Path of the customToolbarLayout.css file

    Sample customToolbarLayout.jsp:

    <%@include file="/libs/fd/af/components/guidesglobal.jsp" %>
    <cq:includeClientLib categories="customtoolbarlayout" />
    <c:if test="${isEditMode}">
            <cq:includeClientLib categories="customtoolbarlayoutauthor" />
    <div class="guidetoolbar mobileToolbar mobilecustomToolbar" data-guide-position-class="guide-element-hide">
        <div data-guide-scroll-indicator="true"></div>
        <%@include file="../toolbarCommon.jsp" %>
    Add the guidetoolbar class for the layout. The out-of-the-box styling for the toolbar is defined with respect to the guidetoolbar class.

    Sample toolBarCommon.jsp:

    <%@taglib prefix="fn" uri=""%>
    This code iterates over all the tool bar items using the guideToolbar bean.
    If the number of toolbar items are more than 3, then we create a dropdown menu using bootstrap for other actions present in the toolbar.
    In both desktop and mobile devices, the layout is different.
    <c:forEach items="${guideToolbar.items}" var="toolbarItem" varStatus="loop">
          <c:when test="${loop.index gt 2}">
        <c:when test="${loop.index eq 3}">
                      <div class="btn-group dropdown">
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle label" data-toggle="dropdown">Actions <span class="caret"></code></button>
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle icon" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></code></button>
              <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
                                <div id="${}_guide-item">
                                  <sling:include path="${toolbarItem.path}" resourceType="${toolbarItem.resourceType}"/>
                            <c:if test="${loop.index eq (fn:length(guideToolbar.items)-1)}">
        <c:when test="${loop.index eq (fn:length(guideToolbar.items)-1)}">
                                      <div id="${}_guide-item">
                                          <sling:include path="${toolbarItem.path}" resourceType="${toolbarItem.resourceType}"/>
           <div id="${}_guide-item">
            <sling:include path="${toolbarItem.path}" resourceType="${toolbarItem.resourceType}"/>
      <div id="${}_guide-item">
            <sling:include path="${toolbarItem.path}" resourceType="${toolbarItem.resourceType}"/>

    The CSS present inside the clientlib node:

    .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown {
        display: inline-block;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown {
        float: right;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown > button {
       padding: 6px 12px;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown .guideFieldWidget, .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown .guideFieldWidget button {
        width: 100%;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown .caret{
        border-bottom: 6px solid;
        border-right: 6px solid transparent;
        border-left: 6px solid transparent;
     border-top: transparent;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown-menu{
     top: auto;
     bottom: 100%;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .btn-group {
     vertical-align: super;
    .mobilecustomToolbar .glyphicon {
     font-size: 24px;
    @media (max-width: 767px){
     .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown .guideButton .iconButton-icon {
       display: none;
        .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown .guideButton .iconButton-label {
       display: inline-block;
        .mobilecustomToolbar .dropdown .guideButton button {
       background-color: #013853;
     .mobilecustomToolbar .btn-group {
      vertical-align: top;
The description updated in the previous step is displayed in the Layout drop-down list.

Desktop view of the custom layout toolbar

Desktop view of the custom layout toolbar

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