Set a variable

You can use the Set Variable step to set value of a variable and define the order in which the values are set. The variable is set in the order that the variable mappings are listed in the set variable step.

Changes to variable values affect only the instance of the process in which the change occurs. For example, when a workflow is initiated and variable data changes, the changes affect only that instance of the workflow. The changes do not affect other instances of the workflow that were initiated previously or are initiated later.

Depending on the data type of the variable, you can use the following options to set value of a variable:

  • Literal: Use the option when you know the exact value to specify.
  • Expression: Use the option when the value to use is calculated based on an expression. The expression is created in provided expression editor.
  • JSON Dot Notation: Use the option to retrieve a value from a JSON or FDM type variable.
  • XPATH: Use the option to retrieve a value from an XML type variable.
  • Relative to payload: Use the option when the value to be saved to variable is available at a path relative to payload.
  • Absolute path: Use the option when the value to be saved to variable is available at an absolute path.

You can also update specific elements of a JSON or XML type variable using JSON DOT Notation or XPATH notation.

Add mapping between variables

To add mapping between variable, do the following:

  1. On the workflow edit page, select the Steps icon available in the sidekick of the workflow model.
  2. Drag-and-drop the Set Variable step to the workflow editor, select the step, and select Configure icon indicated by a wrench. (Configure).
  3. On the Set Variable dialog, select Mapping > Add Mapping.
  4. In the Map Variable section, select the variable to store data, select the mapping mode, and specify a value to store in the variable. The mapping modes vary based on the type of variable.
  5. Map more variables so you can make a meaningful expression. Select Save icon indicated by a check mark inside a box. to save the changes.

Example 1: Query an XML variable to set value for a string variable

Select a variable of XML type that you want to store an XML file. Query the XML variable to set the value for a string variable for the property available in the XML file. Use Specify XPATH for the XML variable field to define the property to store in the string variable.

In this example, select a formdata XML variable to store the cc-app.xml file. Query the formdata variable so you can set the value for the emailaddress string variable to store the value for the emailAddress property available in the cc-app.xml file.

Example 2: Use an expression to store value based on other variables

Use an expression to calculate the sum of the variables and store the result in a variable.

In this example, use the expression editor to define an expression to calculate the sum of assetscost and balanceamount variables and store the result in totalvalue variable.

Use expression editor

You also use expressions to calculate value of a variable on the runtime. Variables provide an expression editor to define expressions.

Use the expression editor to:

  • Set the value of variables using other workflow variables, numbers, or mathematical expressions.
  • Use workflow variables, string, number, or an expression within a mathematical expression
  • Add conditions so you can set values of variables.
  • Add operators between conditions.

Expression Editor

It is based on adaptive forms rule editor with following changes. Rule editor in variables:

  • Does not support functions.
  • Does not provide a UI to view summary of rules
  • Does not have code editor.
  • Does not support enabling and disabling value of an object.
  • Does not support setting property of an object.
  • Does not support calling a web service.

For more information, see adaptive forms rule editor.

Use a variable

You can use variables to retrieve inputs and output or save the result of a step. The workflow editor provides two types of workflow steps:

  • Workflow steps with support for variables
  • Workflow steps without support for variables

Workflow steps with support for variables

The Go To step, OR Split step, and all AEM Forms Workflow steps support variables.

OR Split step

The OR Split creates a split in the workflow, after which only one branch is active. This step enables you to introduce conditional processing paths into your workflow. You add workflow steps to each branch as required.

You can define routing expression for a branch using a rule definition, ECMA script, or an external script.

You can use variables to define the routing expression using the expression editor. For more information on using routing expressions for the OR Split step, see OR Split step.

In this example, before defining the routing expression, use example 2 to set the value for the totalvalue variable. Branch 1 is active if the value of the totalvalue variable is greater than 50000. Similarly, you can define a rule to make the Branch 2 active if the value of the totalvalue variable is less than 50000.

Similarly, select an external script path or specify the ECMA script for routing expressions to evaluate the active branch. Select Rename Branch to specify an alternate name for the branch.

For more examples, see Create a workflow model.

Go To step

The Goto Step lets you specify the next step to run in the workflow model, dependent on the result of a routing expression.

Similar to the OR Split step, you can define routing expression for Goto step using a rule definition, ECMA script, or an external script.

You can use variables to define the routing expression using the expression editor. For more information on using routing expressions for the Goto step, see Goto Step.

Goto Rule

In this example, the Goto step specifies the Review Credit Card Application as the next step if the value for the actiontaken variable is equal to Need more info.

For more examples on using rule definition in the Goto step, see Simulating a For loop.

Forms-workflow centric workflow steps

All AEM Forms Workflow steps support variables. For more information, see Forms-centric workflow on OSGi.

Workflow steps without support for variables

You can use MetaDataMap interface to access variables in workflow steps that do not support variables.

Retrieve the variable value

To retrieve values for existing variables based on the data type, use the following APIs in the ECMA Script.

Variable data typeAPI
Primitive (Long, Double, Boolean, Date, and String)workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().get(variableName, type) xmlObject = workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().get(variableName,; jsonObject = workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().get(variableName,;

For information on APIs for additional complex variable data types available in AEM Forms workflows, see Variables in AEM Forms workflows.


Retrieve the value of string data type using the following API:


Update the variable value

To update the value of a variable, use the following API in the ECMA Script.

workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put(variableName, value)


workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put(salary, 50000)

Updates the value for the salary variable to 50000.

Set variables to invoke workflows

You can use an API to set variables and pass them to invoke workflow instances.

workflowSession.startWorkflow uses model, wfData, and metaData as arguments. Use MetaDataMap to set value for the variable.

In this API, the variableName variable is set to value using metaData.put(variableName, value);

import com.adobe.granite.workflow.model.WorkflowModel;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.metadata.MetaDataMap;
import com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document;

/*Assume that you already have a workflowSession and modelId along with the payloadType and payload*/
WorkflowData wfData = workflowSession.newWorkflowData(payloadType, payload);
MetaDataMap metaData = wfData.getMetaDataMap();
metaData.put(variableName, value); //Create a variable "variableName" in your workflow model
WorkflowModel model = workflowSession.getModel(modelId);
workflowSession.startWorkflow(model, wfData, metaData);

Edit a variable

  1. On the edit workflow page, select the Variables icon available in the sidekick of the workflow model. The Variables section in the left pane displays all existing variables.
  2. Select the Edit icon indicated by a pencil symbol. (Edit) icon next to the variable name that you want to edit.
  3. Edit the variable information and select Save icon indicated by a check mark. to save the changes. You cannot edit the Name and Type fields for a variable.

Delete a variable

Before deleting the variable, remove all the references of the variable from the workflow. Ensure that the variable is not used in the workflow.

To delete a variable,

  1. On the edit workflow page, select the Variables icon available in the sidekick of the workflow model. The Variables section in the left pane displays all existing variables.
  2. Select the Delete icon next to the variable name that you want to delete.
  3. Select Done icon indicated by a check mark symbol. to confirm and delete the variable.

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