Step Properties - User/Group tab
The following properties are available for many workflow step components, on the User/Group tab of the properties dialog:
Notify user via email
- Notify participants by sending them an email when the workflow reaches the step.
- If enabled, an email is sent to the user defined by the property User/Group, or to each member of the group if a group is defined.
- A drop-down selection box lets you navigate to and select a user or group.
- If you assign the step to a specific user, then only this user can act on the step.
- If you assign the step to an entire group, then when the workflow reaches this step, all users in this group has the action in their Workflow Inbox.
- See Participating in Workflows for more information.
AND Split
The AND Split creates a split in the workflow, after which both branches are active. You add workflow steps to each branch as required. This step lets you introduce multiple processing paths into the workflow. For example, you can allow certain review steps to occur in parallel, saving time.
AND Split - Configuration
To configure the split:
Edit the AND Split Properties:
- Split Name: assign a name for explanatory purposes
- Select the number of branches required; 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Add workflow steps to the branches as required.
Container Step
A container step starts another workflow model that executes as a child workflow.
This container can let you reuse workflow models to implement common sequences of steps. For example, a translation workflow model can be used in multiple editing workflows.
Container Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
- Sub Workflow: Select the workflow to start.
Goto Step
The Goto Step lets you specify the next step to execute in the workflow model. You can specify a rule definition, external script, or an ECMA script as the routing expression to evaluate the next step for the workflow model.
- If the condition that you specify holds true, the Goto Step completes and the workflow engine executes the specified step.
- If the condition that you specify does not hold true, the Goto Step completes and the normal routing logic determines the next step to execute.
The Goto Step enables you to implement advanced routing structures in your workflow models. For example, to implement a loop, the Goto Step can be defined to execute a prior step in the workflow, with the routing expression evaluating a loop condition.
Goto Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
Target step: Select the step to execute after evaluating the condition for the routing expression.
Routing Expression: Select Rule Definition, External Script, or an ECMA script that determines whether to execute the Target Step.
- Rule Definition: Use the expression editor to define the rule.
- External Script: The path of the external script.
- ECMA Script: The script that determines whether to execute the Goto Step.
Simulating a for Loop
Simulating a “for loop” requires that you maintain a count of the number of loop iterations that have occurred:
- The count typically represents an index of items that are acted on in the workflow.
- The count is evaluated as the exit criteria of the loop.
For example, to implement a workflow that performs an action on several JCR nodes you can use a loop counter as an index for the nodes. To persist the count, store an integer
value in the data map of the workflow instance. To increment the count and to compare the count to the exit criteria, use the script of the Goto Step.
function check(){
var count=0;
var keyname="loopcount"
if (workflowData.getMetaDataMap().containsKey(keyname)){"goto script: found loopcount key");
count= parseInt(workflowData.getMetaDataMap().get(keyname))+1;
}catch(err) {;
return false;
if (parseInt(count) <7){
return true;
} else {
return false;
Simulating a for loop using Rule Definition
You can also simulate a for loop using Rule Definition as the routing expression. Create a count variable of Long data type. Use Expression as the mapping mode in the Set Variable step to set the value of the count variable to count + 1 on each execution of the Set Variable step.
In the Goto Step, use Set Variable as the Target Step and count < 5 as the routing expression.
The Set Variable step runs repeatedly, incrementing the value of count variable by 1 on each run until the value reaches 5.
OR Split
The OR Split creates a split in the workflow, after which only one branch is active. This step enables you to introduce conditional processing paths into your workflow. You add workflow steps to each branch as required.
OR Split - Configuration
To configure the split:
Edit the OR Split Properties:
- Specify the split name.
Branches (x)
- Add Branch: Add more branches to the step.
- Select Routing Expression: To evaluate the active branch, select the routing expression. Possible values include: Rule Definition, External Script, and ECMA script.
- Click to Add Expression: Add expression to evaluate the active branch if you select Rule Definition as the routing expression.
- Script Path: The path to a file that contains the script to evaluate the active branch if you select External Script as the routing expression.
- Script: Add the script in the box to evaluate the active branch if you select ECMA Script as the routing expression.
- Default Route: The default branch is followed if there are multiple branches. You can specify only one branch as the default.
One branch is evaluated at a time based on the routing expression.
- The branches are evaluated top to bottom.
- The first script that evaluates to true is executed.
- If no branch evaluates to true, then the workflow does not advance.
Add workflow steps to the branches as required.
Participant Steps and Choosers
Participant Step
A Participant Step enables you to assign ownership for a particular action. The workflow proceeds only when the user has manually acknowledged the step. This workflow is used when you want someone to act on the workflow. For example, a review step.
Although not directly related, user authorization must be considered when assigning an action; the user must have access to the page that is the workflow payload.
Participant Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
- The workflow is completed (finished).
- The workflow is aborted (terminated).
Dialog Participant Step
Use a Dialog Participant Step to collect information from the user who is assigned the work item. This step is useful for collecting small amounts of data that is used later in the workflow.
Upon completing the step, the Complete Work Item dialog contains the fields that you define in your dialog. The data that is collected in the fields is stored in nodes of the workflow payload. Subsequent workflow steps can then read the value from the repository.
To configure the step, you specify the group or user to assign the work item to, and the path to the dialog.
Dialog Participant Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
- Dialog Path: The path to the dialog node of the dialog you create.
Dialog Participant Step - Creating a dialog
To create a dialog, you must create the dialog:
- Decide where the resulting data is stored in the payload.
- Define the dialog; includes defining the fields that are used to collect and save the data.
Dialog Participant Step - Storing Data in the Payload
You can store widget data in the workflow payload or in the work item metadata. The format of the name
property of the widget node determines where the data is stored.
Store Data with the Payload
To store widget data as a property of the workflow payload, use the following format for the value of the name property of the widget node:
The data is stored in the
property of the payload node. If the node does not contain that property, the property is created. -
When stored with the payload, subsequent uses of the dialog with the same payload overwrite the value of the property.
Store Data with the Work Item
To store widget data as a property of the work item metadata, use the following format for the value of the name property:
The data is stored in the
property of the work itemmetadata
. The data is preserved if the dialog is later used with the same payload.
Dialog Participant Step - Dialog Definition
Dialog Structure
Dialogs for Dialog Participant Steps are similar to dialogs that you create for authoring components. They are stored under:
Dialogs for the standard, touch-enabled UI have the following node structure:
newComponent (cq:Component) |- cq:dialog (nt:unstructured) |- content |- layout |- items |- column |- items |- component0 |- component1 |- ...
Dialog Path Property
The Dialog Participant Step has the Dialog Path property (together with the properties of a Participant Step). The value of the Dialog Path property is the path to the
node of your dialog.For example, the dialog is contained in a component named
that is stored in the node:/apps/myapp/workflows/dialogs
For the touch-enabled UI, the following value is used for the Dialog Path property:
Example Dialog Definition
The following XML code snippet represents a dialog that stores a
value in thewatchEmail
node of the payload content. The title node represents the TextField component:jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" jcr:title="Watcher Email Address Dialog" sling:resourceType="cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog"> <content jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/container"> <layout jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" margin="false" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/layouts/fixedcolumns" /> <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"> <column jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/container"> <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"> <title jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" fieldLabel="Notification Email Address" name="./jcr:content/watchEmails" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/textfield" /> </items> </column> </items> </content> </cq:dialog>
In the touch-enabled UI, this example results in a dialog such as the following:
Dynamic Participant Step
The Dynamic Participant Step component is similar to Participant Step with the difference that the participant is selected automatically at run time.
To configure the step, you select a Participant Chooser that identifies the participant to assign the work item to, together with a dialog.
Dynamic Participant Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
Participant Chooser
- Participant Chooser: The name of the participant chooser that you create.
- Arguments: Any required arguments.
- Email: Whether an email notification should be sent to the user.
- Dialog Path: The path to the dialog node of the dialog you create (as with the Dialog Participant Step).
Dynamic Participant Step - Developing the participant chooser
You create the participant chooser. Therefore, you can use any selection logic or criteria. For example, your participant chooser can select the user (within a group) that has the fewest work items. You can create any number of participant choosers to use with different instances of the Dynamic Participant Step component in your workflow models.
Create an OSGi service or an ECMAScript that selects a user to assign the work item to.
Scripts must include a function named getParticipant that returns a user ID as a
value. Store your custom scripts in, for example, the/apps/myapp/workflow/scripts
folder, or a subfolder.A sample script is included in a standard AEM instance:
Do not change anything in the/libs
path.The reason is because the content of/libs
is overwritten the next time you upgrade your instance (and may be overwritten when you apply either a hotfix or feature pack).This script selects the workflow initiator as the participant:
function getParticipant() { return workItem.getWorkflow().getInitiator(); }
The Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser component extends the Dynamic Participant Step and uses this script as the step implementation. -
OSGi service
Services must implement the interface. The interface defines the following members:
field: Use this field to specify the name of the participant chooser. The name appears in a list of available participant choosers in the Dynamic Participant Step properties. -
method: Returns the dynamically resolved Principal id as aString
method returns the dynamically resolved Principal id. This id can be either a group id or user id.However, a group id can only be used for a Participant Step, when a list of participants is returned. For a Dynamic Participant Step, an empty list is returned and cannot be used for delegation.To make your implementation available to Dynamic Participant Step components, add your Java™ class to an OSGi bundle that exports the service, and deploy the bundle to the AEM server.
Random Participant Chooser is a sample service that selects a random user (
). The Random Participant Choose r step component sample extends the Dynamic Participant Step and uses this service as the step implementation. -
Dynamic Participant Step - Example Participant Chooser Service
The following Java™ class implements the ParticipantStepChooser
interface. The class returns the name of the participant who initiated the workflow. The code uses the same logic that the sample script (initiator-participant-chooser.ecma
) uses.
The @Property
annotation sets the value of the SERVICE_PROPERTY_LABEL
field to Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser
package com.adobe.example;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Properties;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowException;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowSession;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.ParticipantStepChooser;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkItem;
import com.adobe.granite.workflow.metadata.MetaDataMap;
@Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, value = "An example implementation of a dynamic participant chooser."),
@Property(name = ParticipantStepChooser.SERVICE_PROPERTY_LABEL, value = "Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser (service)") })
public class InitiatorParticipantChooser implements ParticipantStepChooser {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
public String getParticipant(WorkItem arg0, WorkflowSession arg1,
MetaDataMap arg2) throws WorkflowException {
String initiator = arg0.getWorkflow().getInitiator();"Assigning Dynamic Participant Step work item to {}",initiator);
return initiator;
In the Dynamic Participant Step properties dialog, the Participant Chooser list includes the item Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser (script)
, which represents this service.
When the workflow model is started, the log indicates the ID of the user who initiated the workflow and who is assigned the work item. In this example, the admin
user started the workflow.
13.09.2015 15:48:53.037 *INFO* [ [1347565733037] POST /etc/workflow/instances HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.example.InitiatorParticipantChooser Assigning Dynamic Participant Step work item to admin
Form Participant Step
The Form Participant Step presents a form when the work item is opened. When the user fills and submits the form, the field data is stored in the nodes of the workflow payload.
To configure the step, you specify the group or user to assign the work item to, and the path to the form.
Form Participant Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
- Form Path: The path to the form you create.
Form Participant Step - Creating the form
Create a form for use with a Form Participant Step as normal. However, forms for a Form Participant Step must have the following configurations:
The Start of Form component must have the Action Type property set to
Edit Workflow Controlled Resource(s)
. -
The Start of Form component must have a value for the
Form Identifier
property. -
The form components must have the Element Name property set to the path of the node where the field data is stored. The path must locate a node in the workflow payload content. The value uses the following format:
The form must include a Workflow Submit Button component. You do not configure any properties of the component.
The requirements of your workflow determine where you should store field data. For example, field data can be used to configure the properties of page content. The following value of an Element Name property stores field data as the value of the redirectTarget
property of the jcr:content
In the following example, the field data is used as the content of a Text component on the payload page:
The first example can be used for any page that the cq:Page
component renders. The second example can only be used when the payload page includes a Text component that has an ID of text_3
The form can be located anywhere in the repository, however workflow users must be authorized to read the form.
Random Participant Chooser
The Random Participant Chooser step is a participant chooser that assigns the generated work item to a user that is randomly selected from a list.
Random Participant Chooser - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
- Participants: Specifies the list of users available for selection. To add a user to the list, click Add Item and type the home path of the user node or the user ID. The order of the users does not affect the likelihood of being assigned a work item.
Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser
The Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser step is a participant chooser that assigns the generated work item to the user who started the workflow. There are no properties to configure other than the Common properties.
Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser - Configuration
To configure the step, edit using the following tabs:
Process Step
A Process Step executes an ECMAScript or calls an OSGi service to perform automatic processing.
Process Step - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
Process: The process implementation to execute. Use the drop-down menu to select the ECMAScript or OSGi service. For information about:
- The standard ECMAScripts and OSGi services, see Built-In Processes for Process Steps.
- Creating ECMAScripts for a Process step, see Implementing a Process Step with an ECMAScript.
- Creating OSGi services for a Process step, see Implementing a Process Step with a Java™ Class.
Handler Advance: Select this option to automatically advance the workflow to the next step after execution. If not selected, the implementation script must handle workflow advancement.
Arguments: Arguments to be passed to the process.
Set Variable
The Set Variable step lets you set value of a variable and define the order in which the values are set. The variable is set in the order that the variable mappings are listed in the Set Variable step.
Set Variable - Configuration
To configure the step, edit and use the following tabs:
Select Variable: Use this option to select a variable to set its value.
Select Mapping Mode: To set the value for the variable, select a mapping mode. Depending on the data type of the variable, you can use the following options to set value of a variable:
- Literal: Use the option when you know the exact value to specify.
- Expression: Use the option when the value to use is calculated based on an expression. The expression is created in provided expression editor.
- JSON Dot Notation: Use the option to retrieve a value from a JSON or FDM type variable.
- XPATH: Use the option to retrieve a value from an XML type variable.
- Relative to payload: Use the option when the value to be saved to variable is available at a path relative to payload.
- Absolute path: Use the option when the value to be saved to variable is available at an absolute path.
Specify Value: To map to the variable, specify a value. The value that you specify in this field depends on the mapping mode.
Add Mapping: Use this option to add more mappings to set a value for the variable.
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