Demo package installation
This section contains information on installing the demo package.
From Software Distribution
Open Software Distribution. You require an Adobe ID to log in to the Software Distribution.
Select Adobe Experience Manager available in the header menu.
In the Filters section:
- Select Forms from the Solution drop-down list.
- Select the version and type for the package. You can also use the Search Downloads option to filter the results.
Select the we-gov-forms.pkg.all-<version>.zip package name, select Accept EULA Terms, and select Download.
Open Package Manager and click Upload Package to upload the package.
Select the package and click Install.
Allow the installation process to complete.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/content/we-gov/home.html?wcmmode=disabled to ensure that the installation was successful.
From a local ZIP file
Download and locate the we-gov-forms.pkg.all-<version>.zip file.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/crx/packmgr/index.jsp.
Select the “Upload Package” option.
Use the file browser to navigate to and select the downloaded ZIP file.
Click “Open” to upload.
Once uploaded, select the “Install” option to install the package.
Allow the installation process to complete.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/content/we-gov/home.html?wcmmode=disabled to ensure that the installation was successful.
Installing new package versions
To install new package version, follow the steps defined in 4.1 and 4.2. Installing a newer package version while another older package is already installed, is possible, but it is recommended to uninstall the older package version first. To do so, follow the steps below.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/crx/packmgr/index.jsp
Locate the older we-gov-forms.pkg.all-<version>.zip file.
Select the “More” option.
From the dropdown, select the “Uninstall” option.
On confirmation, select “Uninstall” again, and allow the uninstallation process to complete.
Demo package configuration
This section contains details and instructions on the post-deployment configuration of the demo package before presentation.
Fictional user configuration
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/libs/granite/security/content/groupadmin.html
Login as an administrator to perform the tasks below.
Scroll down to the end of the page to load all user groups.
Search for “workflow”.
Select the “workflow-users” group and click “Properties”.
Navigate to the “Members” tab.
Type in wegov in “Select User or Group” field.
Select from the dropdown “We.Gov Forms Users”.
Click “Save & Close” in the menu bar.
Repeat steps 2-7 by searching for “analytics”, selecting the “Analytics Administrators” group, and adding the “We.Gov Forms Users” group as a member.
Repeat steps 2-7 by searching for “forms users”, selecting the “forms-power-users” group, and adding the “We.Gov Forms Users” group as a member.
Repeat steps 2-7 by searching for “forms-users”, selecting the “forms-users” group, and this time adding the “We.Gov Users” group as a member.
Email server configuration
Review setup documentation Configuring Email Notification
Login as administrator to perform this task.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
Locate and click the Day CQ Mail Service service to configure.
Configure the service to connect to the SMTP server of your choice:
- SMTP Server hostname: for example (
- Server Port: for example (465) for gmail using SSL
- SMTP User: demo@ <companyname> .com
- “From” Address:
Click “Save” to save the configuration.
(Optional) AEM SSL Configuration
This section contains details on configuring SSL on the AEM instance to be able to configure the Adobe Sign Cloud configuration.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/aem/inbox where you can complete the process explained in the reference documentation link above.
package includes a sample SSL key and certificate that can be accessed by extracting thewe-gov-forms.pkg.all-[version].zip/ssl
folder that is part of the package. -
SSL certificate and key details:
- issued to “CN=localhost”
- 10-yr validity
- password value of “password”
Private key is the localhostprivate.der.
Certificate is the localhost.crt.
Click Next.
HTTPS Hostname should be set to localhost.
Port should be set to a port that the system has exposed.
(Optional) Adobe Sign cloud configuration
This section contains details and instructions on the Adobe Sign Cloud Configuration.
Cloud configuration
Review the prerequisites. See AEM SSL Configuration for required SSL configuration.
Navigate to:
The URL used to access the AEM server should match the URL configured in the Adobe Sign OAuth Redirect URI to avoid configuration issues (for example, https://<aemserver>:<port>/mnt/overlay/adobesign/cloudservices/adobesign/properties.html) -
Select the “ Adobe Sign” configuration.
Click “Properties”.
Navigate to the “Settings” tab.
Enter the oAuth URL for example:
Provide the configured Client Id and Client Secret from the configured Adobe Sign instance.
Click “Connect to Adobe Sign”.
After successful connection, click “Save & Close” to complete the integration.
(Optional) MS® Dynamics cloud configuration
This section contains details and instructions on the MS® Dynamics Cloud Configuration.
MS® Dynamics OData cloud service
Navigate to:
- Ensure that you are accessing the server using the same redirect URL as configured in the MS® Dynamics application registration.
Select the “Microsoft® Dynamics OData Cloud Service” configuration.
Click “Properties”.
Navigate to the “Authentication Settings” tab.
Enter the following details:
Service Root: for example,
Authentication Type: OAuth 2.0
Authentication Settings (see MS® Dynamics cloud configuration settings to collect this information):
- Client Id - also referred to as Application ID
- Client Secret
- OAuth URL - for example,
- Refresh Token URL - for example,
- Access Token URL - for example,
- Authorization Scope - openid
- Authentication Header - Authorization Bearer
- Resource - for example,
Click “Connect to OAuth”.
After successful authentication, click “Save & Close” to complete the integration.
MS® Dynamics cloud configuration settings
The steps detailed in this section are included to help you locate the Client Id, Client Secret, and details from your MS® Dynamics Cloud instance.
Navigate to and login.
From the left-hand menu, select “All Services”.
Search for or navigate to “App Registration”.
Create, or select an existing application registration.
Copy the Application ID to be used as the OAuth Client Id in the AEM cloud configuration
Click “Settings” or “Manifest” to configure the Reply URLs.
- This URL must match the URL used to access your AEM server when configuring the OData service.
From the Setting view, click “Keys” to view new key (this is used as the Client Secret in AEM ).
- Make sure to keep a copy of the key as you will not be able to view it later in Azure or AEM.
To locate the Resource URL/Service Root URL, navigate to the MS® Dynamics instance dashboard.
In the top navigation bar, click “Sales” or your own instance type and “Select Settings”.
Click “Customizations” and “Developer Resources” near the bottom right.
There you find the Service Root URL: for example,
Details on the Refresh and Access Token URL are available here:
Testing the Forms Data Model (Dynamics)
Once the cloud configuration is complete, you may want to test the form data model.
Navigate to
Select the “ Microsoft® Dynamics CRM FDM” and select “Properties”.
Navigate to the “Update Source” tab.
Ensure that the “Context-Aware Configuration” is set to “/conf/we-gov” and that the configured data source is “ms-dynamics-odata-cloud-service”.
Edit the Form Data Model.
Test the services to ensure they successfully connect to the configured Data Source.
After testing the services, click Cancel to ensure that involuntary changes are not propagated to the Form Data Model.NOTE
It has been reported that an AEM Server restart was required for the Data Source to successfully bind to the FDM.NOTE
It is recommended to use the ‘Ctrl + C’ command to restart the SDK. Restarting the AEM SDK using alternative methods, for example, stopping Java processes, may lead to inconsistencies in the AEM development environment.
Testing the Forms Data Model (Derby)
Once the cloud configuration is complete, you may want to test the forms data model.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/aem/forms.html/content/dam/formsanddocuments-fdm/we-gov
Select the Enrollment FDM and select Properties.
Navigate to the Update Source tab.
Ensure that the Context-Aware Configuration is set to
and that the configured data source is We.Gov Derby DS. -
Click Save and Close.
Test the services to ensure they successfully connect to the configured Data Source
- To test the connection, select the HOMEMORTGAGEACCOUNT and give it a get service. Test the service and system administrators can see data being retrieved.
Adobe Analytics configuration (Optional)
This section contains details and instructions on the Adobe Analytics Cloud Configuration.
Adobe Analytics Cloud service configuration
This package comes pre-configured to connect to Adobe Analytics. The steps below are provided to allow this configuration to be updated.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/libs/cq/core/content/tools/cloudservices.html
Locate the Adobe Analytics section, and select “Show Configurations” link.
Select the “We.Gov Adobe Analytics (Analytics Configuration)” configuration.
Click the “Edit” button to update the Adobe Analytics configuration (you must provide the Shared Secret). Click “Connect to Analytics” to connect, and “OK” to complete.
From the same page, click “We.Gov Adobe Analytics Framework (Analytics Framework)” if you wish to update the framework configurations (see Enable AEM authoring to enable Authoring).
Adobe Analytics Locating User Credentials
To locate the user credentials for an Adobe Analytics account that the account administrator must perform the following tasks.
- Navigate to the Adobe Experience Cloud portal.
- Login with your administrator credentials
- Select the Adobe Analytics icon in the main dashboard.
- Navigate to the Admin tab and select the User Management (Legacy) item
- Select the Users tab.
- Select the desired user from the list of users.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and the users authentication information will appear at the bottom of the page.
- The username and shared secret information appear on the right side of the permissions box.
- The username has a colon within the name, all the information on the left of the colon is the username, and all the information on the right of the colon will be the company name.
- Here is an example of that: username : company name
Set up user authentication in Adobe Analytics
Administrators can provide users with AEM analytics permissions by performing the following actions.
Navigate to the Adobe Admin Console.
Click the Analytics instance that is exposed to the Admin Console.
- This is located on the main page of the admin page.
Select Analytics full admin access.
Add a user to the Profile.
Click the permissions tab once the user id has been mapped into the profile.
Make sure all the permissions are mapped over to the profile.
Once the permissions have been mapped over the ability for a user to log in may take a few hours.
Adobe Analytics reporting
View Adobe Analytics sites reporting<version>.zip
package is installed, but AEM Sites data requires an active cloud configuration.-
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port>/sites.html/content
Select the “AEM Forms We.Gov Site” to view the site pages.
Select one of the site pages (for example, Home), and choose “Analytics & Recommendations”.
On this page, you will see fetched information from Adobe Analytics which pertains to the AEM Sites page (note: by design this information is periodically refreshed from Adobe Analytics and is not displayed in real time).
Back on the page view page (accessed in step 3.), you can also view the page view information by changing the display setting to view items in the “List View”.
Locate the “View” dropdown menu and select “List View”.
From the same menu, select “View Setting” and select the columns you wish to display from the “Analytics” section.
Click “Update” to make the new columns available.
View Adobe Analytics forms reporting<version>.zip
package is installed, but AEM Sites data requires an active cloud configuration.-
Navigate to
Select the “Enrollment Application For Health Benefits” adaptive form and select the “Analytics Report” option.
Wait for the page to load, and view the Analytics Report data.
Adobe Automated Forms Configuration Enablement
To install and configure AEM Forms with the Adobe Forms, Conversion tool users must have the following.
Access to Adobe Developer.
Permission to create an integration with Adobe Forms Conversion service.
Adobe AEM 6.5 latest service pack running as an Author.
Review the following before reading further instructions:
Creating an IMS Configuration Part 1
To configure the service to correctly communicate with the forms conversion tool users must configure the Identity Management System (IMS) service to be able to register with Adobe I/O.
Navigate to https://<aemserver>:<port> > Click Adobe Experience
Manager on the top left > Tools > Security >Adobe IMS Configuration. -
Click Create.
Perform the actions in the image below.
Make sure to download the certificate.
Do not proceed with the remainder of the configuration - review section Creating Integration in Adobe I/O
Creating Integration in Adobe I/O
Make sure you have the ability to create an integration within your Adobe domain if you do not contact your system administrator to do so.
Navigate to the Adobe Developer Console.
Click Create Integration.
Select Access an API.
Make sure you are in the correct group (top-right dropdown list).
In the Experience Cloud section select the Forms Conversion Tool.
Click Continue.
Enter the name and description of your integration.
Using the Public Key from Section 2.1 place it within the integration of the key.
Select a profile for your automated forms conversion.
Creating IMS Configuration Part 2
Now that you have created an integration let us complete the installation of the IMS configuration.
Click your integration within Adobe I/O to expose the connection details.
Navigate to your IMS configuration within AEM (Tools > Security > IMS)
Click Next on the IMS Configuration screen.
Enter the Authorization server (value displayed in the screenshot).
Enter the API key.
Enter the client Secret (must click expose on the Integration in Adobe I/O for it to be revealed).
Click the JWT tab in Adobe I/O to get the JWT payload and paste it in the payload of the IMS configuration.
Once created, click the IMS Configuration and select Health Check, users should see the following result.
Configure Cloud Configuration (We.Gov AFC Production)
Once the IMS configuration is complete, you can proceed to review the cloud configuration in AEM. If the configuration does not exist, use the following steps to create the cloud configuration in AEM:
Open your browser and navigate to the system URL https://<domain_name>:<system_port>
Click Adobe Experience Manager on the top-left corner of the screen > Tools > Cloud Services > Automated Forms Conversation Configuration.
Select the configuration folder that you would like to place the configuration in.
Click Create.
Enter the information in the screenshot below.
Provide the configuration with a Title and a Name.
The service URL for the system is set to
Template URL /conf/we-gov/settings/wcm/templates/we-gov-flamingo-template.
Theme URL: /content/dam/formsanddocuments-themes/adobe-gov-forms-themes/we-gov-theme
Click Next.
For this configuration, we left the two checkbox values empty.
- To understand more about these options, see Configure the cloud service.
Configure Cloud Configuration (We.Finance AFC Production)
Once the IMS configuration is complete then we can proceed to create the cloud configuration in AEM.
Open your browser and navigate to the system URL https://<domain_name>:<system_port>
Click Adobe Experience Manager on the top-left corner of the screen > Tools > Cloud Services > Automated Forms Conversation Configuration.
Select the configuration folder that you would like to place the configuration in.
Click Create.
Enter the information in the screenshot below.
Provide the configuration with a Title and a Name.
The service URL for the system is set to
Template URL: /conf/we-finance/settings/wcm/templates/we-finance-adaptive-form
Theme URL: /content/dam/formsanddocuments-themes/adobe-finance-forms-themes/we-finance-theme
Click Next.
For this configuration, we left the two checkbox values empty.
- To understand more about these options, see Configure the cloud service.
Testing the forms Conversion (We.Gov Enrollment Application)
Once the configuration is set up users can test it by uploading a PDF document.
Navigate to the AEM system https://<domain_name>:<system_port>
Click Forms > Forms & Documents > AEM Forms Forms > AFC.
Select the We.Gov Enrollment Application PDF.
Click Start Automated Conversion in the top-right corner.
Users should be able to see the option as shown below.
Once the button has been selected then users will be presented with the following options
- Make sure that users select the We.Gov AFC Production configuration
Select start conversion after you have configured all options that you want to use.
As the conversion process begins then users should see the following screen:
When the conversion is complete then users will see the following screen:
Click the Output folder to view the generated adaptive form.
Known Issues & Notes
The Automated Forms Conversion service includes certain best practices, known complex patterns, and known issues. Review these before you begin using AEM Forms Automated Forms Conversion service.
Generate the Form with Generate adaptive forms without data bindings enabled if you would like to bind the form to an FDM after conversion.
Make sure that the template folder has jcr:read for everyone permission enabled or else the service user will not be able to read the template from the repository and the conversion will fail.
Demo package customizations
This section includes instructions on customization of the demo.
Templates customization
Editable Templates can be found at the following location:
These templates include the AEM Site, Adaptive Form, and Interactive Communications templates, created and assembled with components that can be found at:
Style system
This site also features client-libraries, one of which imports Bootstrap 4 ( ). This client library is available at
The editable templates included in this package also come preconfigured with template/page policies that use the Bootstrap 4 CSS classes for pagination, styling, and so on. Not all classes have been added to the template policies, but any class that is supported by Bootstrap 4 can be added to the policies. See the getting started page for a list of available classes:
Templates included in this package also supports the Style System:
Template logos
Project DAM Assets also include We.Gov logos and images. These assets are available at:
When editing the Page and Form Templates, one may choose to update brand logos by editing the Navigation and Footer components. These components offer a configurable brand and logo dialog that can be used to update logos:
See Editing Page Content for more information:
Sites pages customization
All site pages are available from: https://<aemserver>:<port>/sites.html/content/we-gov
These site pages also use the AEM Grid package to control the layout of a few components.
Style system
Pages included in this package also supports the Style System:
You can also see Templates customization style system for documentation on supported styles.
Adaptive forms customization
All adaptive forms are available from:
These forms can be customized to fit certain use cases. Certain fields, and submission logic should not be modified to ensure that the form continues to function correctly. This includes:
Enrollment Application For Health Benefits:
- contact_id - Hidden field used to receive the MS® Dynamics contact ID during submission
- Submit - Submit button logic required customization to support callbacks. Customization is documented, but a large script was required to submit the form while performing both a POST and GET operation to MS® Dynamics by way of the Forms Data Model.
- Root Panel - Initialize event is used to add an MS® Dynamics button to the AEM Inbox in the least intrusive way possible since all AEM Inbox Granite UI components are non-modifiable.
Adaptive form styling
Adaptive forms can also be styled using the Style Editor or Theme editor:
Workflow customization
The Enrollment Adaptive Form submit to an OSGI workflow for processing. This workflow can be found at https://<aemserver>:<port>/conf/we-gov/settings/models/we-gov-process.html.
Due to certain limitations, this workflow contains several scripts and custom OSGI workflow process steps. These workflow steps were created as generic steps and have not been created with configuration dialogues. Currently, configuration of the workflow steps relies on process arguments.
All workflow step Java™ code is contained in the we-gov-forms.core-<version>.jar bundle.
Demo considerations and known issues
This section contains information on demo features and design decisions that may require special considerations during the demonstration process.
Demo considerations
- As per AGRS-159, ensure that the name (first, middle, and last) of the contact used in the Enrollment Adaptive Form is unique.
- The enrollment adaptive form will send the Adobe Sign email to the email specified in the form’s email field. That email address cannot be the same email address as the email used to configure the Adobe Sign cloud configuration.
Known issues
- (AGRS-120) The Site Navigation component currently does not support nested child pages that are more than two levels deep.
- (AGRS-159) The current MS® Dynamics FDM needs to perform two operations to first, POST the Enrollment Adaptive Form data to Dynamics, and then fetch the user record to retrieve the Contact ID. In its current state, fetching the Contact ID fails if more than two users with the same name are present in Dynamics, which will not allow the Enrollment Adaptive Form to submit.
Configuring Accessibility Testing
Enabling Accessibility Testing Chrome Add On
To perform accessibility testing, install the Chrome plugin found here at
After it is installed, load the page that you want to test within the Chrome Browser (Note: Having multiple tabs open may affect your score, it is preferable to only have one tab open). Once the page is loaded, right-click on the page and select Audits tab. There developers can select the type of audit to be performed by the Accessibility plugin. After all the desired options are selected, the user can click the Generate Report button. This generates a PDF document that shows the overall accessibility rating and what can be used to increase accessibility rating overall.
After the report is run, users can expect to see the following:
The number displayed in front of users is the overall accessibility rating that they have acquired. There is also a description of how this was calculated following the score.
If users want to export this, they can click the three buttons on the right of the screen, and select from the further options that the plugin offers.
Ultramarine Theme
The publicly available Ultramarine theme maintained by Adobe is built into thewe-gov-forms.pkg.all-<version>.zip
installable ZIP file. Once this package is installed using CRX.
Package Manager, users can access the Ultramarine theme in AEM Forms by navigating to Forms > Themes > Reference Themes > Ultramarine-Accessible.
Configuration options
Users have the ability to configure various workflow service options which include the following:
- Microsoft® Dynamics Entry
- Adobe Sign
- AEM Custom Communication Management
- Adobe Analytics
To configure them to be enabled within the Workflow, users must perform the following tasks.
Navigate to https://‘[server]:[port]’/system/console/configMgr.
Locate the WeGov Configurations.
Open the service definition and enable the selected services to be invoked within the workflow.
Just because a user enables the service within the Configuration Manager page, users are still required to set up a service configuration to communicate with the external services requested. -
Once completed, click Save to save the settings.
Next Steps
Now you are all set to explore the We.Gov reference site. For more information about We.Gov reference site workflow and steps, see We.Gov reference site walkthrough.