Creating report suite

Analytics data is stored in customer-specific repositories called report suites. To create report suite and use Adobe Analytics, you must have a valid Adobe Marketing Cloud account. Before performing the following steps, ensure that you have a valid Adobe Marketing Cloud account.

Perform the following steps to create a report suite.

  1. Log in at

  2. In the Marketing Cloud, select Admin > Admin Console > Report Suites.

  3. Select Create New > Report Suite in the Report Suite Manager.

    Create new Report Suite

    Create new Report Suite

  4. Make sure the first dropdown list is set to Create from a Template and then select Commerce.

  5. Locate the Report Suite ID field and add new Report Suite ID. For example, JJEsquire. A report suite ID appears below the Report Suite ID field. It includes an automatic prefix, which is often the company name.

  6. Add new Site Title. For example, JJEsquire Getting Started Suite. This title is used within the Analytics UI. Use the report suite ID in your code.

  7. Select a Time Zone from the dropdown. All of the data that comes into this report suite is recorded based on defined time zone.

  8. Leave the Base URL and Default Page fields empty. These two values are only used from the Adobe Marketing Cloud interface to link to your website.

  9. Leave the Go Live Date set to today. The Go Live Date determines the day when the report suite is activated.

  10. In the Estimated Page Views Per Day field, type 100. Use this field to estimate the number of page views you anticipate for your website per day. This estimate allows Adobe to put in place the appropriate amount of hardware to process the data you will be collecting.

  11. Select a Base Currency from the dropdown. All currency data that comes into this report suite is converted and stored in this currency format.

  12. Click Create Report Suite. You should see the page refresh with a message that your report suite has been successfully created.

  13. Select the newly created Report Suite. Navigate to Edit Settings > General > General Account Settings.

    General Account Settings

    General Account Settings

  14. In General Account Settings screen, enable Geography Reporting, and click Save.

  15. Navigate to Edit Settings > Traffic > Traffic Variables.

  16. In the report suite, configure and enable following traffic variables.

    • formName: Identifier for an adaptive form.
    • formInstance: Identifier of an adaptive form instance. Enable Path reports for this variable.
    • fieldName: Identifier of an adaptive form field. Enable Path reports for this variable.
    • panelName: Identifier of an adaptive form panel. Enable Path reports for this variable.
    • formTitle: Title of the form.
    • fieldTitle: Title of the form field.
    • panelTitle: Title of the form panel.
    • analyticsVersion: Version of form analytics.
  17. Navigate to Edit Settings > Conversion > Success Events. Define and enable the following success events:

    Success EventType
    An event number and prop number used to configure AEM Forms analytics must be different from event number and prop number used in AEM analytics configuration.
  18. Log out of the Adobe Marketing Cloud account.

Creating Cloud Service Configuration

Cloud Service configuration is information about your Adobe Analytics account. The configuration enables Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to connect to Adobe Analytics. Create a separate configuration for each Analytics account that you use.

  1. Log in to your AEM author instance as an administrator.

  2. In the top-left corner, click Adobe Experience Manager > Tools hammer icon > Cloud Services > Legacy Cloud Services.

  3. Locate Adobe Analytics icon. Click Show Configurations and then proceed to click [+] to add new configuration.

    If you are a first-time user, click Configure now.

  4. Add a Title to your new configuration (filling out the Name field is optional). For example, My analytics configuration. Click Create.

  5. When the Edit panel opens on the configuration page, fill in the fields:

    • Company: Your company’s name as featured on Adobe Analytics.
    • Username: The name used to log in to Adobe Analytics.
    • Password: The Adobe Analytics password for the above account.
    • Data Center: The Data Center of your Adobe Analytics account.
  6. Click Connect to Analytics. A dialog appears with message that the connection was successful. Click OK.

Creating Cloud Service Framework

An Adobe Analytics framework is a set of mappings between Adobe Analytics variables and AEM variables. Use a framework to configure how your forms populate data to Adobe Analytics reports. Frameworks are associated with an Adobe Analytics configuration. You can create multiple frameworks for each configuration.

  1. On the AEM cloud services console, click Show configurations, under Adobe Analytics.

  2. Click the [+] link next to next to your Analytics configuration.

    Adobe Analytics configuration

    Adobe Analytics configuration

  3. Type a Title and Name for the framework, select Adobe Analytics Framework, and click Create. The framework opens for editing.

  4. In the Report Suites section of the side pod, click Add Item, then use the drop-down to select the Report Suite ID (for example, JJEsquire) with which the framework will interact.

  5. Next to the Report Suite ID, select the server instances that you want to send information to the Report Suite.


  6. Drag a Form Analytics component from the other category from SideKick onto the framework.

  7. To map Analytics variables with variables that are defined in the component, drag a variable from AEM Content Finder onto a field on the tracking component.

    Mapping AEM variables with Adobe Analytics variables

  8. Activate the framework using the page tab in sidekick, click Activate Framework.

Configuring AEM Forms Analytics Configuration service

  1. On author instance, open AEM Web Console Configuration manager at https://<server>:<port>;/system/console/configMgr.

  2. Locate and open AEM Forms Analytics Configuration

    AEM Forms Analytics Configuration service

    AEM Forms Analytics Configuration service

  3. Specify appropriate values for the following fields and click Save.

    • SiteCatalyst Framework: Select the framework/configuration that you defined in the Set up a framework for tracking section.

    • Field time tracking baseline: Specify the duration, in seconds, after which the field visit must be tracked. The default value is 0. When the value is greater than 0 (zero), two separate tracking events are sent to Adobe Analytics server. The first event instructs the analytics server to stop tracking the exited field. The second event is sent after the specified duration elapses. The second event instructs the analytics server to start tracking the visited field. Using two separate events helps accurately measure time spent on a field. When the value is 0 (zero), single tracking event is sent to Adobe Analytics server.

    • Analytics report sync cron: Specify cron expression for fetching reports from Adobe Analytics. The default value is 0 0 2 ? * *.

    • Fetch report timeout: Specify the duration, in seconds, to wait for server to respond to the analytics report. The default time is 120 seconds.

    It can take up to 10 seconds more to timeout report fetch operation then the specified number of seconds.
  4. Repeat step 1-3 on publish instance to configure analytics.

Now, you can enable analytics for forms and generate an analytics report.

Enabling analytics for a form or document

  1. Log in to AEM portal at https://[hostname]:'port'.

  2. Click Forms > Forms & Documents, select a form or document, and click Enable Analytics. The analytics is enabled.

    Enabling analytics for a form or document

    Enabling analytics for a form

    A. Enable Analytics button B. Selected form

    For detailed information on viewing forms analytics reports, see Viewing and understanding AEM Forms analytics reports.

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Espressos & Experience Manager: AEM Forms

Espressos & Experience Manager

Thursday, Mar 6, 7:00 PM UTC

Join Adobe's AEM product team as they highlight AEM Forms' latest innovations, including: the new Gen AI Assistant, Unified Composition with AEM Sites, and new ways to deploy forms through conversations.


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