
Before you begin to set up and configure Microsoft Dynamics, ensure that you have:

Set Reply URL for registered Microsoft Dynamics application

Do the following to set the Reply URL for registered Microsoft Dynamics application:

Use this procedure only while integrating AEM Forms with online Microsoft Dynamics server.
  1. Go to Microsoft Azure Active Directory account and add the following cloud service configuration URL in Reply URLs settings for your registered application:


    Azure directory

  2. Save the configuration.

Configure Microsoft Dynamics for IFD

Microsoft Dynamics uses claims-based authentication to provide access to data on Microsoft Dynamics CRM server to external users. To enable this, do the following to configure Microsoft Dynamics for Internet-facing deployment (IFD) and configure claim settings.

Use this procedure only while integrating AEM Forms with on-premises Microsoft Dynamics server.
  1. Configure Microsoft Dynamics on-premises instance for IFD as described in Configure IFD for Microsoft Dynamics.

  2. Run the following commands using Windows PowerShell to configure claim settings on IFD-enabled Microsoft Dynamics:

    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell
     $ClaimsSettings = Get-CrmSetting -SettingType OAuthClaimsSettings
     $ClaimsSettings.Enabled = $true
     Set-CrmSetting -Setting $ClaimsSettings

    See App registration for CRM on-premises (IFD) for details.

Configure OAuth client on AD FS machine

Do the following to register an OAuth client on Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) machine and grant access on AD FS machine:

Use this procedure only while integrating AEM Forms with on-premises Microsoft Dynamics server.
  1. Run the following command:

    Add-AdfsClient -ClientId "<Client-ID>" -Name "<name>" -RedirectUri "<redirect-uri>" -GenerateClientSecret


    • Client-ID is a client ID you can generate using any GUID generator.
    • redirect-uri is the URL to the Microsoft Dynamics OData cloud service on AEM Forms. The default cloud service installed with the AEM Forms package is deployed at the following URL:
  2. Run the following command to grant access on AD FS machine:

    Grant-AdfsApplicationPermission -ClientRoleIdentifier "<Client-ID>" -ServerRoleIdentifier <resource> -ScopeNames openid


    • resource is the Microsoft Dynamics organization URL.
  3. Microsoft Dynamics uses HTTPS protocol. To invoke AD FS endpoints from Forms server, install Microsoft Dynamics site certificate to Java certificate store using the keytool command on the computer running AEM Forms.

Configure cloud service for your Microsoft Dynamics service

The MS Dynamics OData Cloud Service (OData Service) configuration comes with default OData configuration. To configure it to connect with your Microsoft Dynamics service, do the following.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Cloud Services > Data Sources, and select the global configuration folder.

  2. Select MS Dynamics OData Cloud Service (OData Service) configuration and select Properties. The cloud service configuration property dialog opens.

    In the Authentication Settings tab:

    1. Enter the value for the Service Root field. Go to the Dynamics instance and navigate to Developer Resources to view the value for the Service Root field. For example, https://<tenant-name>/api/data/v9.1/

    2. Replace the default values in the Client Id(also referred to as Application ID), Client Secret, OAuth URL, Refresh Token URL, Access Token URL, and Resource fields with values from your Microsoft Dynamics service configuration. It is mandatory to specify the dynamics instance URL in the Resource field to configure Microsoft Dynamics with a form data model. Use the Service Root URL to derive the dynamics instance URL. For example,

    3. Specify openid in the Authorization Scope field for authorization process on Microsoft Dynamics.

    Authentication Settings

  3. Click Connect to OAuth. You are redirected to Microsoft Dynamics login page.

  4. Log in with your Microsoft Dynamics credentials and accept to allow the cloud service configuration to connect to Microsoft Dynamics service. It is a one-time task to establish connection between the cloud service and the service.

    You are then redirected to the cloud service configuration page, which displays a message that OData configuration is successfully saved.

The MS Dynamics OData Cloud Service (OData Service) cloud service is configured and connected with your Dynamics service.

Create form data model

When you install the AEM Forms package, a form data model,Microsoft Dynamics FDM, is deployed on your AEM instance. By default, the form data model uses Microsoft Dynamics service configured in the MS Dynamics OData Cloud Service (OData Service) as its data source.

On opening the form data model for the first time, it connects to the configured Microsoft Dynamics service and fetches entities from your Microsoft Dynamics instance. The “contact” and “lead” entities from Microsoft Dynamics are already added in the form data model.

To review the form data model, go to Forms > Data Integrations. Select Microsoft Dynamics FDM and click Edit to open the form data model in edit mode. Alternatively, you can open the form data model directly from the following URL:



Next, you can create an adaptive form based on the form data model and use it in various adaptive form use cases, such as:

  • Prefill adaptive form by querying information from Microsoft Dynamics entities and services
  • Invoke Microsoft Dynamics server operations defined in a form data model using adaptive form rules
  • Write submitted form data to Microsoft Dynamics entities

It is recommended to create a copy of the form data model provided with the AEM Forms package and configure data models and services to suit your requirements. It will ensure that any future updates to the package do not override your form data model.

For more information about creating and using form data model in business workflows, see Data Integration.

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