Versioning, reviewing and commenting on an Adaptive Form

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Adaptive Form Core Components allow form authors to add versioning, comments, and annotations to forms. These features simplify form development by enabling users to create and manage multiple versions, collaborate through comments, and add notes to specific form sections, enhancing the form-building experience.

Prerequisite prerequisite-versioning

To use versioning, commenting, and annotation features in an Adaptive Form, ensure that the Adaptive Form Core Components is enabled on your AEM 6.5 Forms environment.

Adaptive Form versioning adaptive-form-versioning

Adaptive form versioning helps add versions to a form. Form authors can easily create multiple versions of a form and finally use the one that is suitable for the business objectives. In addition, form users can also revert the form to the previous versions. It also facilitates authors to compare any two versions of a form by previewing them, allowing them to analyze forms better from UI perspectives. Let’s go in detail for each adaptive form versioning functionality:

Create a form version create-a-form-version

To create a version of a form, follow the steps given below:

  1. On your AEM Forms environment, navigate to the Form>>Forms & Documents and select your Form.
  2. From the selection dropdown on the left panel, select Versions.
    Select a form
  3. Click the three dots located on the lower panel on the left, click Save as Version.
  4. Provide a label to the form version, you can also add information about the form through a comment.
    Create a form version

Update a form version update-a-form-version

Once you edit and update your form, you add a new version to the form. Follow the steps given in the last section to name a new version of the form as shown in the image:

Update a form version

Revert a form version revert-a-form-version

To revert a form version to the previous, select a form version, click Revert to this Version.

Revert form version

Compare form versions compare-form-versions

Form authors can compare two different versions of a form for previewing purposes. To compare versions, select any form version and click Compare to Current. It shows two different form versions in preview mode.

Compare form versions

Add Comments add-comments

A review is a mechanism that allows one or more reviewers to comment on forms. Any form user can comment on a form or review a form through comments. To comment on a form, select a Form, and add a Comment to the form.

When you use comments in adaptive form core components as discussed above, the form functionality, adding reviewers to forms is disabled.

Add comments on a form

Add Annotations adaptive-form-annotations

In many cases, form group users are required to add annotations to a form for review purposes such as on a specific tab or components of a form. In such cases, authors can use annotations.
To add annotations to a form, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a form in the Edit mode.

  2. Click the add icon located on the upper right rail as given in the image.

  3. Now, click the add icon located on the upper left rail as given in the image to add the annotation.
    Add annotation

  4. Now, you can add comments, draw sketches with multiple colors to form components.

  5. To see all your added annotations to a form, select your form, and you see that the annotations added on the left panel, as shown in the image.

    See added annotations

See also
